Strength Wars Movie

Things keep getting darker for Gregg Valentino.

STORYTIME WITH GREGG VALENTINO: SEASON 2– Gregg is back with a weekly series showcasing the most insane bodybuilding stories ever told. If you thought that the first season was hilarious/disgusting/insane… you’re head might explode for what’s coming up.

We start to dig deeper into the darkest memories of Gregg Valentino but shared with one of the brightest lights in his life. Tales about Julissa have become stuff of legend on Storytime with Gregg Valentino – a constant ghost held dear to his past. So Gregg keeps digging deeper with each passing episode leading up to the season 2 finale. In this episode Gregg comes to a near death experience during a drug deal gone bad – and is only saved because of the courage of Julissa… and a gun. Watch it above!

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