Generation Iron Kai Greene 1994

Teenage Predator.

Many people lack to say “don’t dwell on the past,” or “looked to the future.” Those two statements are ones to live by for a bodybuilder. Many who first start down the road of building more muscle usually don’t like where their physique stands. They wish to begin a lifestyle that will bring about a positive change to their current predicament. So once they start seeing results it’s only natural that they’d want to focus on things to come rather than the point they started at.

But there can be a point on the journey for massive muscle that a bodybuilder can a appreciate where they were in the middle of their excursions. It’s the point in which a bodybuilder has packed on tremendous amount of muscle but hasn’t yet reached their full potential. For some onlookers that midpoint could be the best in a bodybuilder’s career. Others may believe that they may have not been at their best, but they had certain attributes that made them unique.

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Whatever the opinion may be, there’s no denying that both the past and the present can be equally impressive in different ways. For Kai Greene there appears that there was never a time when he was off his game. The bodybuilder has always been on point since day one and the video below from a 1994 bodybuilding competition shows just how aesthetic and impressive Kai Greene has always been. For what Greene lacked in size in the earlier years of his career he made up for with presentation and was able to come out on top. To this day posing has been Kai’s bread and butter and his routines in the past prove that fact greatly.

Do you find yourself dwelling on past mistakes?

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