5/2 Dieting: The Method For Fat Loss And Muscle Gains That Actually Works

diet for muscle building

Do the seemingly impossible – burn fat & build muscle at the same time.

Let’s face it, as a lifter or bodybuilder you’re always looking for new ways to either bulk up or burn body fat. Like any dedicated bodybuilder knows, your nutrition is going to play a big role in how well you’re able to either gain muscle mass or lose all that pesky body fat. In order to put your muscles on full display, and show off all that hard work you’ve been putting in at the gym, it’s absolutely necessary to have a lower body fat percentage. But how exactly can you go about building muscle and burning body fat?

There are many different methods for losing body fat and keeping lean, but often times it can be at the cost of valuable muscle. While losing body fat, many of the times your muscle mass will be sacrificed, particularly if you’re on a prolonged caloric deficit. But if you were thinking that it wasn’t possible to lose body fat and maintain muscle mass, perhaps even put on muscle, then you obviously haven’t heard of the fast dieting method, or 5/2 method for short. Fasting can work to promote blood sugar control, counter inflammation, enhance heart, and boost cognitive ability (1). Despite what you may have heard, this method is definitely worth checking out.


So What Is The 5/2 Method?

It’s definitely a great way to ensure your body experiences fat loss. Fasting may not be ideal, particularly to bodybuilders who cherish their muscle mass more than anything else. The idea isn’t to have too steep of a calorie deficit, but rather utilize two days out of the week in order to allow your body to drop a pound of fat while the rest of the week plays out like normal. It sounds crazy, but it definitely is worth taking a look at.

Typically this is done by eating around 25% of their recommended calorie needs on these days. That’s where the “5/2” comes in… you basically stick to your normal dietary schedule 5 days of the week and then put yourself into a calorie deficit the other 2 days. For example, track your macros through the week as normal, with a 40/30/30 scheme, then on the days you’re not training, preferably the weekends, eat only 800 calories each day. Some people take this very far by consuming zero calories on the fast days, but that isn’t necessary to see results. There are many variations, but it’s all what works for you.

The idea behind this method is to ensure your body is using your body fat for energy while avoiding going into starvation. The idea is two have two meals on each rest day spaced ten to twelve hours apart, both of which are about 400 calories each, give or take. Since this will be one of your off days you won’t have to worry as much about burning your muscle to get through the day. Rather, your body will target that stubborn fat in your body as an energy source.

5/2 diet

What You Can Eat on the 5/2 Diet

Believe it or not, there are no real rules on what you can and cannot eat while on this 5/2 diet. As long as you are in the caloric limit, you will see results. That said, it would be wise to look into foods that are lower in calories so you can eat throughout the day and still stay within your desired caloric limit. Anything from black coffee or tea, to vegetables, fish, or soup are great options. The key is to make your dieting experience as painless and easy as possible so by eating lower calorie foods, you would be doing yourself a huge favor.

If it helps, people tend to follow two meal patterns on the 5/2 diet to make this easy. You can eat three small meals throughout the day consisting of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, or two slightly bigger meals during the day being lunch and dinner. For those that love breakfast, the first option of three small meals may be the best route, but if you can go without your morning meal, consider the two meals throughout the day to help you out.

5/2 diet

The Ultimate Benefits

Not only will this method of intermittent fasting be very effective for losing body fat, but it will also improve insulin sensitivity. As a lifter or bodybuilder, you’re constantly consuming foods throughout the day in order to fuel your workouts, so much so that it can keep your insulin levels raised way too high which can allow your body to store too much fat.

By utilizing the calorie deficit, your body’s insulin production levels are allowed to drop and thus give your pancreas, the organ that produces insulin, a chance to recover. The insulin sensitivity obtained from fasting on your two days off will make your muscle gain all the more prevalent when you get back to your regular schedule of doing things, ensuring that you can pack on lean mass when you decide to do your next bulk (2).

Calorie restriction also has great benefits for your cognitive health and can aid in anti-aging effects. Many fasting regimens also take advantage of the circadian rhythm, which is your daily schedule for being asleep and awake (3), and can boost metabolic health as well.

The Best Supplement for Fasting

You may think that there is no supplement to help you through intermittent fasting, but there actually is! That supplement is Inno Fast, from InnoSupps.

Get the effects of intermittent fasting, without the lack of food!

Inno Fast introduces a doctor-recommended groundbreaking formula that mimics the effects of fasting, meaning it can be used as an intermittent fasting alternative. This supplement allows you to enjoy the benefits of fasting while you are still eating, and without adhering to strict eating windows like you do with the 5/2 diet and other versions of intermittent fasting. 

It does not have to just be an alternative either, you also can use Inno Fast to kickstart your fasting journey. The cutting-edge formula helps to reduce your cravings, stabilize blood sugar levels and suppress carbohydrate absorption, providing relief from intense hunger cues during your fasting window.

Finally, you also can be an experienced faster who wants to elevate their results to extraordinary levels. Amplify autophagy for youthful rejuvenation, accelerated weight loss, enhanced mental clarity, balanced dopamine and peak performance, in record time. 

Check out the full Inno Fast review here!

5/2 Diet Wrap Up

If you are looking for a great way to lose weight while also maintaining your muscle, the 5/2 diet may be the way to go. You will still get the proper nutrients to function in your daily life while also working to lose that stubborn fat. Combined with exercise, this will prove to be a successful tool for your weight loss goals. If done correctly, you will love the results of the 5/2 fasting diet.

Are you a believer in intermittent fasting? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

*Images courtesy of Envato


  1. de Cabo, Rafael; Mattson, Mark P. (2020). “Research on intermittent fasting shows health benefits”. (source)
  2. Kirk, Erik; Reeds, Dominic N.; Finck, Brian N.; Mayurranjan, Mitra S.; Klein, Samuel (2009). “Dietary fat and carbohydrates differentially alter insulin sensitivity during caloric restriction”. (source)
  3. Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms. “Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms”. (source)
Vidur Saini
Vidur is a fitness junky who likes staying up to date with the fitness industry and loves publishing his opinions for everyone to see. Subscribe to his YouTube Channel.