It’s time to ice down those swollen muscles.
You all know it; almost everyone and their mother has done it; and it’s basically taken the entire world by storm – it’ s the ALS ice bucket challenge. This initiative has brought a ton of wonderful awareness and donations towards the ALS foundation and has been a fantastic movement towards a better future for those suffering with ALS. It’s also been an entertaining thing to watch – between our favorite celebrities and closest friends, the ice bucket challenge has brought many laughs while still making a difference.
This holds true for the fitness world as well. Many bodybuilders and muscle-bound heroes have already participated in the ice bucket challenge (including a few of our Generation Iron alums). The movement has been catching like wildfire – so of course it may have been easy to miss a few ice bucket videos here and there. To help you catch up, we decided to put together the best muscle-bound ice bucket challenges that we could find.
Kai Greene – “Oh, S**t!”
Kai Green has always been a man of many words and fantastic theatrics, so it’s no surprise that he decided to accept the ice bucket challenge once called out. But what is a surprise – is how short and quick his ice bucket video actually is. Contained into just 15 seconds, Kai puts on his game face and quickly calls out his next victims before dumping the bucket right over his head. No wordy philosophical rants, no insightful meanderings, just two simple words as the ice cascades down his back – “OH S**T!”
Phil Heath – Fire(works) and Ice
Might as well keep the rivals back to back for this list. Phil Heath also took the ice bucket challenge on a nice summer night while fireworks shot off in the background. Unlike Kai Greene’s short but sweet video, Phil Heath actually took some time in the beginning to thoughtfully talk about ALS and how enthused he is that this challenge has spread so much awareness. The best part? Right after the ice gets poured on him, his voice suddenly stutters before he gets back on track with listing off his challenges. Looks like the ice water was a little colder than he thought.
CT Fletcher – Poor, Poor Doggie
First off, a quick warning – this video is NSFW. Fletcher takes his time to challenge fellow bodybuilders and fits a good amount of swears in between every other word. This is entertaining enough in itself – but things take a tragic turn when his faithful bull mastiff sits by his side and looks up at Fletcher with eyes full of love and affection. Little does he know the fate that is about to overcome him. The ice falls and the poor dog finds herself betrayed by her owner. Cold, wet, and surprised.
Dennis James – Ice On Top & Bottom
Dennis James thought to himself, “why just let gravity pull ice down over my head and my sides? Why not ice up my entire body!” To remedy this situation, James decided to stand in a big ol’ cooler of ice while he poured another cooler over his head. This way he can freeze his ass off from all sides!
Also a fun side note: Dennis James thinks this is called the, “ALS ice bucket, ice water bucket, ice bucket water whatever-you-wanna-call-it challenge.”
Flex Lewis – The “Mr. O No” and “Mr. O-Sheeet” buckets.
Here’s another person who thought it was important to improve upon the simple beginnings of the ice bucket challenge. Not only does he have his own regular bucket, dubbed “Mr. O bucket” – but he has a second bigger bucket called the “Mr. O No bucket” and then a gigantic trashcan called the “Mr. O Sheeet bucket.” Not only that, but he also uses his self proclaimed “high quality Florida ice.” Only the best for Flex Lewis.
Honorable Mention: The Patented JCVD Split Ice Bucket Challenge
Bianca Bree Van Damme (JCVD’s daughter) decided to pass down the Van Damme kickboxing split legacy when she did the ice bucket challenge. Not only that, but she was able to flash her flex as she got belted with that all that frozen goodness.
So there’s just a taste of some of the great muscle and fitness ice bucket challenges that we could find. Have you done the ice bucket challenge? Feel free to post your videos and challenge your friends in the comments section below or on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Stay pumped.