Todos os olhares do mundo estão nos palcos do New York – em Tampa – esse final de semana acontece o IFBB New York Pro 2021. Pelo segundo ano consecutivo, o evento se mudou para a Florida devido às restrições em New York causada pela pandemia do COVID-19. Diferente do ano passado, houve muito mais tempo para os atletas se prepararem desde o começo do ano. Continue lendo que você terá o resultado completo das categorias presentes no New York Pro 2021.
Esse ano o New York Pro teve nove categorias – sendo um dos maiores shows bodybuilding da temporada. Não apenas isso, mas a competição atrai grandes nomes do bodybuilding. Para aqueles que seguem o bodybuilding mais de perto, o New York Pro pode ser um forma de prever o que os árbitros querem no Mr. OLympia no final do ano.
And while there were many divisions competing at the New York Pro 2021, majority of the hype was focused on the Men’s Open division. Specifically, with extra attention brought to Blessing Awodibu and Nick Walker as their rivalry has fueled much excitement leading into the show.
Though last weekend’s Indy Pro 2021 might have changed expectations a bit. Surprisingly, a large chunk of Men’s Open competitors from the Indy Pro reappeared for the New York Pro. Justin Rodriguez, who won the Indy Pro just last weekend, returned to the stage alongside other competitors such as Mohammad El Emam and Morgan Aste.
This large chunk of competitors from the Indy Pro gave fans extra insight as to what we might see on the stage this weekend. The true wild cards came in the form of Nick Walker and Hassan Mostafa. Both competitors received a large amount of hype but have yet to compete in 2021 before the New York Pro.
All things considered, this created a mega clash of titans where big personalities and even bigger physiques battled on stage. It was the most exciting bodybuilding competition of the year to date. But there can only be one champion above the rest. Did Blessing Awodibu step up his game from his 3rd place finish at the Indy Pro? Or did Nick Walker or Hassan Mostafa bring in a fresh perspective for a big win?
Champions of the New York Pro 2021 receive qualification to the Mr. Olympia later this year. So with that, let’s break down the New York Pro 2021 results below. Presented by Enhanced Labs and Nutrabio.
New York Pro 2021 Breakdown
Classic Physique Resultados
1. Dani Younan
2. Zeek Andrew’s
3. Sabir Favors
4. Marco Ruz
5. Brandon Kidd
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Men’s 212 Resultados
1. Nathan Epler
2. John Jewett
3. Noel Adame
4. Deril Oslin
5. Justin Randle
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Men’s Physique Resultados
1. Erin Banks
2. Rodrigue Chesnier
3. Aryan Safaie
4. Emanuel Hunter
5. Clarence McSpadden
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Women’s Physique Resultados
1. Alyssa Kiessling
2. Sheronica Henton
3. Yuna Kim
4. Julia Whitesel
5. Claudia Arroyo
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Wellness Resultados
1. Yarishna Ayala
2. Angela Borges
3. Devanah Martin
4. Renee Harshley
5. Sunny Andrew’s
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Men’s Open Bodybuilding Resultados
1. Nick Walker
2. Justin Rodriguez
3. Hassan Mostafa
4. Dorian Haywood
5. Mohammed El Emam
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Figure Resultados
1. Maria Diaz
2. Shelace Shoemaker
3. Latoya Farley
4. Jessica Huete
5. Desiree Alferes
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Women’s Bodybuilding Resultados
1. Leah Dennie
2. LaDawn Mcday
3. Tamara Makar
4. Anne Sheehan
5. Wendy Sanchez
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Bikini Resultados
1. Romine Basualdo
2. Ashley Katswasser
3. Gabrielle Messias
4. Jessica Wilson
5. Emily Plajer
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Confira todos os resultados na página da IFBB Pro desse ano e dos anos anteriores não perca!