WATCH: Rare Video Of Tom Platz Interviews Top Pros On Steroids
It looks like steroids is the only way to the top in this sport.
Bodybuilding is an endeavor that requires the men and women...
WATCH: Storytime With Gregg Valentino Season 2 Confirmed
And you thought the first batch of stories were f*#ked up...
Gregg Valentino might not be the most "professional" bodybuilder out there. He doesn't...
Build A Truly Mutant Back Using This Exercise You’re Most Likely...
The exercise you're probably overlooking.
One of the strongest guys I've ever known, was a stocky ex-con. At 5'7'' and 190 lbs, this guy...
This Bodybuilder’s Crazy Gyno Will Have You Second Guess Taking Steroids
Gyno definitely isn't pretty.
Often times most bodybuilders will tell you that they'll do whatever it takes to build muscle, that they'll make the...
Shredded West African Men Prove You Don’t Need Protein Supplements
This kind of muscle is insane.
When it comes to growing muscle there are many different schools of thought on the subject. Many bodybuilders...
Robert “Mr. Classic Physique” Timms May Have The Best Proportions In...
Robert Timms proves that he deserves his nick name.
There are a ton of different schools of thought on what the ultimate physique should...
Rare Photo Of Young Dorian Yates After Only 9 Months Of...
Mass monster in training.
If you were to ask an athlete what their ultimate goals are when it comes to competing you’re likely to...
Get Major Gains Overnight: Why Going To Bed Hungry Is A...
Don't sleep on eating before bed.
Recently we put out an article telling you 5 things not to eat before bed, but we never said...
Top Exercise Screw Ups That Drive Us Crazy
Someone needs to tell the newbies that proper form is the most important element of a workout.
We've all been witnesses to it at...
Leg Press Or Squat: Kai Greene Reveals Which Exercise Reigns Supreme
Why conquering your fear of the squat will take you to new heights.
In a recent post with Muscular Development, Kai Greene weighed in...