
Iso Curls Exercise Guide — How to, Benefits, & Alternatives

Iso curls put biceps contraction under more time under tension to aid arm growth.  Bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts often perform arm curls to increase their...

Dumbbell Drag Curl Exercise Guide — How to, Muscles Worked, &...

Dumbbell drag curls prevent "cheat reps" for peak biceps contraction.  Curls are excellent exercises for toning your arms. Recent research underscores that arm curls are...

Wide Grip Barbell Curl Exercise Guide – Muscles Worked, How to,...

The wide grip curl variation focuses on the short head biceps muscle.  The barbell curl is an isolation exercise for your arms (1). It effectively...

Hammer Curl – Exercise Guide

Hammer curls allow you to use heavier weights than standard dumbbell curls.  Are you looking to develop arms that are so massive they could burst...

Incline Dumbbell Curl: A Complete Guide

Everything you need to know about the incline dumbbell curl to target your biceps to a greater degree Besides ripped abs, the next most flexed...

Supinated Bicep Curls — Exercise Guide, Benefits, & Alternatives

Supinated biceps curls are the foundation for building bigger biceps.  Supinated bicep curls are often considered one of the most straightforward exercises to learn, and...

Enhance Biceps Activation with the Close Grip Chin Up

Close grip chin ups are one of the best ways to activate your biceps muscles.  The pull-up is a powerhouse exercise that develops relative strength...

Jeff Nippard’s PERFECT Back and Bicep Workout

Jeff Jeff Nippard’s science-supported pull day workout Jeff Nippard, the Canadian natural bodybuilder, powerlifter, and YouTuber, who is famous for utilizing science-backed training, diet, and...

Supinated EZ Bar Curl: How to, Benefits, and Exercise Guide

The supinated EZ barl curl can help you grow your biceps more than other curl variations with less wrist discomfort.  Developing arm strength and size...

Chris Bumstead Shares His Exclusive Arm Workout for Bulging Biceps and...

Chris Bumstead details an exclusive biceps and triceps workout for the Generation Iron crew in his private home gym.  Since Chris Bumstead got his pro...