
WATCH: Ric Drasin Talks Heavy Weights For Strength, Higher Reps For...

Ric Drasin touches on training for strength vs training for bodybuilding. There's so many different methods of weight training methods advertised on the internet that...

WATCH: Bodybuilding Motivation – Cody Montgomery Is The Future Of The...

The young Cody Montgomery provides unlimited potential for the future of bodybuilding. Cody Montgomery was a very young bodybuilder when he turned pro - and...

WATCH: Charles Griffen’s Reaction To Winning Muscle Mayhem 2018

Charles Griffen sends out a message to his fans after landing first place at Muscle Mayhem. Watch the video above by Fazi Fitness recapping the...

WATCH: Regan Grimes Vs Chris Bumstead Posedown at Chicago Fit Expo

Regan Grimes and Chris Bumstead have an impromptu posedown! Regan Grimes and Chris Bumstead are some of the most hyped and talked about bodybuilders in...

WATCH: Muscle Mayhem 2018 Prejudging And Final Callout

Watch Charles Griffen, Akim Williams, and Rafael Brandao face off at Muscle Mayhem 2018. Yesterday was the epic Muscle Mayhem 2018 bodybuilding competition - and...

WATCH: Kai Greene Calls Out Hater While Spreading Message Of Positivity

Kai Greene has had enough with a certain person. Kai Greene is usually someone who doesn't acknowledge the hate that springs forth from the internet....

WATCH: Luke Sandoe Claims Derek Lunsford Will Dethrone Flex Lewis, Not...

Derek Lunsford has better chances to defeat Flex Lewis than Hadi Choopan. In yet another video of Luke Sandoe dishing out his opinions - it...

WATCH: Jen Selter Results are Plastic Surgery?! Brad Castleberry is Using...

Is Jen Selter using plastic surgery for her physique? Is Brad Castleberry using fake weights? Well KENNY KO is back and jumping head first into...

WATCH: Juan Morel Promises To Bring His Biggest Physique Ever To...

Big promises for a big physique by Juan Morel. Juan Morel just came out on top at the Toronto Pro 2018. As such he has...

WATCH: This Motivational Video Further Proves That Ronnie Coleman Is The...

A remix of the Ronnie Coleman: The King trailer that will further amp you up. Ronnie Coleman was an unstoppable force. Correction, Ronnie Coleman STILL...