This ideology could change your thoughts on how you bulk.

When it comes to building muscle the notion of most bodybuilders is that they require a tremendous amount of calories to pack on muscle. For the most part this is true as evidenced by all the bodybuilders who have cultivated a massive form through adhering to those exact principles. But is being on a caloric surplus the only way to build quality muscle? If you listen to certain bros about the endeavor of bulking then they’d tell you that there’s only one way to get to your destination. But there could be another way of doing things that doesn’t require you stuffing your face every five minutes.

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Not every bodybuilder wants to be as massive as an IFBB professional. Some want to grow quality muscle while maintaining a lean physique. But if you’re on a bulk then it’s obvious that you’re going to have to eat a tremendous amount of food to be sure that you putting on size. But according to fitness coach Eric Helms you may not need to consume a ton of calories in order to gain the muscle you require, particularly if you’re simply an average Joe and not a professional.

Partnering up with OmarIsuf, Eric Helms has made it his mission to get the word out to the masses that bulking can be done a bit differently than how it’s always been presented. Helms presents the idea that a calorie surplus isn’t exactly a necessity. So how exactly does this work? Check out the video below to get all the info for yourself from the fitness coach.

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How do you perform your bulking?

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