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The Best 13 Leg Exercises for Monster Legs

best leg exercises

These are the 13 best leg exercises for leg hypertrophy (muscle growth). 

You’ll never skip leg day again after incorporating these exercises into your training routine. Building up your legs will do more than make your legs strong, but powerful legs will significantly improve your overall strength, believe it or not. If you did not know, your legs play a crucial role in the “big three” compound movements, deadlifts and squats certainly, but also the bench press requires leg drive. Three exercises that are a great indicator of your overall strength. Keep reading to learn what the 13 best leg exercises are. 

Best Leg Exercises 

The best leg exercises will be ones that hit all parts of the legs. You do not want overdeveloped quads compared to hamstrings, or vice versa.

These are our picks for the best leg exercises:

  1. Back Squat
  2. Front Squat
  3. Leg Press
  4. Hack Squat
  5. Dumbbell Lunge
  6. Barbell Lunge
  7. Dumbbell Squat
  8. Lying Leg Curl 
  9. Leg Extensions
  10. Dumbbell Step Ups
  11. Cable Pull Through
  12. Seated Calf Raise
  13. Calf Raise

Back Squat

The back squat is often referred to as the king of all exercises. Tom Platz, who had some of the best legs on the planet and was known for his brutal leg day, is a huge advocate of the squat. Compared to other leg movements, this compound barbell lift lets you use a heavier weight. It targets all the muscles in your lower body (glutes, hamstrings, quads) and will increase your overall strength. 

Benefits of Back Squat

  • This exercise targets all the muscles in your legs. 
  • The barbell on your back enables you to lift heavy. 
  • It gets you overall stronger. 

How to Do Back Squat

Set a barbell in a power rack and get into a quarter stance with the barbell lying on your traps with a shoulder-width grip. Lift the barbell off the rack and stand up straight, then take a step back with each leg one at a time. This is your starting position. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor (or slightly past) with your chest and knees behind your toes, then explode up to the starting position. 

Front Squat

The front squat is performed with a barbell, too, except on the front of your midline rather than behind. Compared to the back squat, this exercise engages more of your quads and places less stress on your back and knees (1). 

Benefits of Front Squat

  • This exercise targets your quads. 
  • It places less stress on your back compared to back squats. 

How to Do Front Squat

Set a barbell up the same height in a power rack as you would for back squat, but place the barbell on your upper chest. And wrap your fingers around the barbell in a shoulder-width grip. As you would on a barbell back squat, take a step back with each leg, squat down, and drive the barbell up. Your arms should be parallel to the ground. 

*Note: This movement requires wrist mobility and takes time to adjust. At first, it may feel uncomfortable. For beginners, it’s recommended that you cross your arms so they’re touching your opposite shoulders to hold the barbell. 

Leg Press

The leg press is done on a machine with your back resting on padding. It doesn’t load your torso with a barbell, so it’s a safer multi-joint leg exercise that allows you to use heavy weight. 

Benefits of Leg Press 

  • It extensively targets your thighs
  • This leg exercise is safer and doesn’t place as much compression on your back. 

How to Do Leg Press

Sit in the leg press machine with your feet shoulder-width apart. Ensure the machine is set to where your legs form a 90-degree angle or slightly past that. Press the weight of the machine up, then release the safety bars and drop the weight down to its lowest point, and fully extend your legs to press the plates back up until your legs fully extend (without locking out your knees to protect them). 

Hack Squat

The hack squat is the machine version of a barbell back squat, and it is another staple of Tom Platz’s leg day, along with many other bodybuilders as it is extremely beneficial for your overall development of the lower half. It engages all the leg muscles in your lower body weight heavy weight, but it takes out the stability the back squat requires, so you can really focus on the legs. 

Benefits of Hack Squat 

  • It’s safer than back squats since it gives you more stability. 
  • It gets you used to the motion of back squats and safely strengthens your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. 

How to Do Hack Squat

This movement will mimic the barbell back squat, except you’ll do it while standing on a foot platform and brace the weight on your shoulders with machine padding. Make sure your back is flat on the back pad, and keep your head in a neutral position. 

Dumbbell Lunge

The dumbbell lunge is a unilateral (single-limb) leg exercise that targets your glutes, hips, hamstrings, and quads; it challenges your stability and balance. In addition, since it’s a unilateral movement, it will engage your core more. 

Benefits of Dumbbell Lunge 

  • Dumbbell lunge will target your core more. 
  • This exercise will improve your balance. 
  • It will help correct any muscle imbalances

How to Do Dumbbell Lunge 

Grab dumbbells and stand upright in a neutral position. Then lunge one leg forward while keeping your torso straight, and lunge down with the back leg. Your back leg should go down as far as possible without letting your knee touch the ground. Your front leg’s toe shouldn’t go over your toes. Return to the neutral position, then lunge in the same motion with the opposite leg. 

Barbell Lunge 

The barbell lunge will strengthen your core, glutes, and thigh muscles. In addition, the barbell lunge will allow you to use more weight than dumbbell lunges. Therefore, it will get you more robust but also place more load on your spine and increase the chance of injury

Benefits of Barbell Lunge 

  • This movement will improve your core strength. 
  • This exercise is a unilateral movement that lets you use more weight to get your legs stronger compared to other unilateral exercises with dumbbells. 

How to Do Barbell Lunge 

Set a barbell up on an open power rack (so you have plenty of room to lunge without hitting an enclosed squat rack) in a position that allows you to get underneath the bar while resting on your traps in a quarter-squat stance. Next, grasp the barbell with a shoulder-width grip and take a few steps back from the power back to give you plenty of room to lunge forward without the power rack interfering. Finally, lunge down the same way you would for a dumbbell lunge. 

Dumbbell Squat 

The dumbbell squat is a great compound lower body workout for targeting all the muscles in your leg while placing less strain on your back than the barbell squat. Dumbbell squat is also an excellent exercise for beginners before transitioning into barbell squat. 

Benefits of Dumbbell Squat

  • This exercise is beginner-friendly. 
  • It’s a compound movement that engages your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. 
  • It places less compression on your back than a barbell squat. 

How to Do Dumbbell Squat 

This movement is similar to a barbell squat, except you’ll hold a dumbbell of the same weight in each hand. Stand shoulder-width apart and squat down while holding dumbbells until your knees create a 90-degree angle with your thighs (or slightly lower), then press through your heels to stand upright. 

Lying Leg Curl 

The lying leg curl isolates your hamstrings. Since your hamstrings are isolated during this exercise, it is a movement that will help to increase your overall leg strength and help you push more weight on more significant movements like squats. Also, since your quads are composed of four muscles, training your hamstrings will help prevent leg injuries since the hamstrings are made up of only three muscles and are antagonists–opposing muscles that lengthen during contractions–of the quads. 

Benefits of Lying Leg Curl

  • This exercise isolates your hamstrings. 
  • This movement prevents leg injuries. 
  • It strengthens your lift on compound movements like squats. 

How to Do Lying Leg Curl 

Lie down with your chest and thighs flat on a lying leg curl machine. First, ensure the axis of rotation is the proper height to allow you to comfortably lay with the rotation padding on top of your lower calf just above your shoe. Then, while grasping the handles (below head padding), curl the leg padding until the padding is close to touching your hamstrings. 

Leg Extension 

The leg extension works the antagonistic muscles of the hamstrings, your quads. It’s another isolation movement that doesn’t place any load on your spine and strengthens the anterior portion of your legs to correct muscular imbalances and grow thicker thighs. 

Benefits of Leg Extension 

  • Leg extensions isolate your quadriceps. 
  • This exercise doesn’t place any load on your spine. 
  • It will make your thighs thick and strong. 

How to Do Leg Extension 

Sit in a seated leg extension machine and adjust the axis rotation to lie above your shoe at the bottom of your shin and aligned with your ankle. Then, sit back and rest on the back, padding with your chest up. Lastly, grasp the handles at the bottom for support, then extend your legs until they’re straight. Next, lower the weight back down. It’s essential to control the weight throughout the entire range of motion without kicking your legs to raise and lower the load. 

Dumbbell Step-Up

As the name suggests, the dumbbell step-up requires you to step onto a bench or box one leg at a time. This motion challenges your balance to target the muscles in your legs. It’s better to use a lighter weight on this movement because of the biomechanics of the exercise. And it’s great for overall conditioning. However, your forearms will also start to burn since it can take longer to complete a set. 

Benefits of Dumbbell Step-up  

  • This exercise improves your balance. 
  • It will increase your endurance
  • It’s a good forearm workout. 

How to Do Dumbbell Step-up

Grab dumbbells in your hands and stand in front of a sturdy bench/box slightly below your knee height. While keeping your body straight, step onto the bench one leg at a time until both feet are flat on the surface and you stand straight. Then, return each leg to the ground, stepping down one leg at a time. Alternate each leg for each rep to make sure each leg is doing the same workload. 

Cable Pull-Through 

The cable pull-through isolates your glutes to make them stronger and bigger. The glutes are the largest muscle in your body, so performing this movement will carry over to big compound movements like squats or deadlifts, particularly at the lockout part of the lift. Also, this exercise requires a hip hinge, making it excellent for preparing you for other hip-hinge workouts, such as the deadlift and Romanian deadlift (RDL).

Benefits of Cable Pull-Through

  • It strengthens and grows your glutes. 
  • This movement focuses on the largest muscle in your body. 
  • This exercise strengthens the hip-hinging compound movement deadlift. 

How to Do Cable Pull-Through

You’ll place the cable axis to its lowest height with a cable-rope attachment. Face the opposite direction, grab the cable rope, and step forward a couple of feet. With a slight bend in your knees and a slightly farther than shoulder-width stance, hinge your hips to make your torso parallel to the ground. Then, explode your hips forward and fully extend them. 

Seated Calf Raise

The seated calf raise targets your calf muscles (soleus). Stronger calves will boost your running and jumping performance and adds more size to your lower body. 

Benefits of Seated Calf Raise

  • This exercise isolates your calves to make your lower body appear bigger. 
  • It improves your sprinting and jumping ability. 

How to Do Seated Calf Raise

Sit comfortably on a calf raise machine and place the padding on your thighs while holding onto the handles. Place the sole of your feet on the platform’s edge at the bottom. This gives your heels enough room to lower past the height of the platform. Remove the safety handle, lower your heels as far as you can, then press through the sole of your feet and raise as high as possible. 

Standing Calf Raise 

The standing calf raise is similar to the seated calf raise, except it’s performed while standing. The benefit of standing is that it will allow you to target your gastrocnemius and soleus calve muscles. 

Benefits of the Standing Calf Raise 

  • It will improve your vertical
  • It targets your gastrocnemius and soleus calf muscles. 

How to Do a Standing Calf Raise 

Place the padding of the seated calf raises machine on your shoulders. And put the balls of your feet at the edge of the platform. Lower your heels past the platform, then press through the balls of your feet to extend them back up. 

About the Legs

Your lower body comprises glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, and hip muscles. And it hosts the biggest muscle in your body, your glutes. Strong legs are imperative to improve your overall strength, and they play a big part in how strong you are on big compound lifts (squats and deadlifts) which are part of the “big three,” along with bench press–an indicator of your overall strength. In addition, your legs are essential for athletic performance and play a significant role in jumping and sprinting (2). 


Your glutes help your hips rotate externally and internally (abduction/adduction). Strong glutes prevent lower back pain and help with walking, jumping, and sprinting (3). 


Your quadriceps comprises four muscles: rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius. They’re responsible for extending your knees. 


The hamstrings are on the posterior side, and three muscles make up your hamstrings. These muscles help extend and flex your knee. 


Two main muscles make up your calves–gastrocnemius and soleus. They’re responsible for flexing your foot and ankle. 


These are your hips muscle. They abduct (move thigh away from your body) and adduct (move thighs towards your body). And your adductors help stabilize your pelvis during exercises. 

Benefits of Training Your Legs

There are many benefits of training your legs. Your legs will add mass to your frame since they have big muscle groups, including the glutes. Therefore, you’ll be stronger. The stronger your legs are, the stronger your “big three” lifts will be since your legs play a crucial role in deadlifts and squats. Furthermore, your legs will make you more explosive and athletic, and powerful legs will improve your sprinting speed and jumping ability. 

How to Train Your Legs

Depending on the movement will determine the reps you do. If you’re performing a compound free weight barbell movement like barbell back squat and barbell front squat, it’s best to use heavier weights and do fewer reps–stick in the 6-8 rep range. However, you can increase the rep count to 8-10 on compound movements like the leg press. And for unilateral movements or exercises where you’ll be using lighter weight, e.g., dumbbell lunges, aim for reps in the 10-12 rep range. 

Rules to Follow 

Warm Up 

Warming up is vital before a leg workout to prevent injury and increase your overall performance. Before compound movements like squats, perform a couple of sets with a lighter weight. 

Watch Your Knees 

You can strain your knees if you aren’t careful with specific leg movements. For example, ensure that your knees never go past your toes on exercises like squats and lunges to prevent injury. 

Perform Compound Bilateral (Multi-joint) Movements First

Before doing unilateral or isolation movements like dumbbell lunges or cable pull-through, start with the more critical exercises like leg press or squat for optimal leg strength and hypertrophy

More Training Tips for Legs

This article covered the best leg exercises. But your legs are composed of your quads, hamstrings, and glutes, so check out some of our other leg workouts to build a more complete lower body:

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more of the best exercises!


  1. Gullett, J. C., Tillman, M. D., Gutierrez, G. M., & Chow, J. W. (2009). A biomechanical comparison of back and front squats in healthy trained individuals. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 23(1), 284–292. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0b013e31818546bb
  2. Wirtz, N., Zinner, C., Doermann, U., Kleinoeder, H., & Mester, J. (2016). Effects of Loaded Squat Exercise with and without Application of Superimposed EMS on Physical Performance. Journal of sports science & medicine, 15(1), 26–33.
  3. Elzanie A, Borger J. Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Gluteus Maximus Muscle. [Updated 2022 Mar 28]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK538193/

The Rock’s Brutal Chest Day Finisher

the rock chest exercises
Image via Instagram @therock

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson shows off his chest finishing exercise

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is known for his grueling workouts that help him build and maintain the massive physique that he sports year round, whether it be for movie roles like Black Adam, or just staying big. Recently, he posted a new video showcasing his chest day finisher that he uses to really burn himself out. “It’s a bitch but very productive,” he wrote on Instagram.

Let’s take a look at this brutal chest day finisher.

The Chest Day Finisher

The Rock Chest Day finisher

To outline the final exercise of The Rock’s chest day, it is a superset that consists of 10 to 12 reps of cable flys followed by elevated foot push ups. He states that you do not need to go heavy on here, and emphasizes the stretch at the top of each rep and a good squeeze with a hold at the peak contraction. Overall, The Rock is prioritizing getting a very large range of motion on this chest day finisher.

The Rock has always been keen on slowing down his reps, focusing heavily on lifting lighter weights at a controlled tempo. This places a large emphasis on time under tension, and helps to achieve the highest quality of eccentric contraction as possible. In the clip that The Rock posted showing his chest day finisher, each rep takes around 4-5 seconds total, so for 10-12 reps of that, there is about a minute of keeping the pectorals under tension. 

The Push-Ups

Though they are not included in the video, The Rock includes a push-up variation in his chest day finisher. The push-up is a great, functional movement that helps to build both strength and muscle mass in the chest, and The Rock adds a bit of an extra challenge to it by elevating his feet. The elevated foot position makes the movement target the upper chest, and even the shoulders a little bit more than the traditional push-up would. 

The Rock then encouraged his followers to try out his chest day finisher for themselves during their own chest workouts, instructing them to “kick ass and have fun”.

The Rock’s Diet

As you can see, The Rock is one of the hardest workers in the gym, and to maintain the massive frame he has, he also keeps up on his diet, making sure to hit his macros. Aside from his insane cheat meals that consist of 12 pancakes with peanut butter and syrup, 6 cookies, a box of donuts, sushi, pasta, bagels, and a giant pizza, The Rock eats pretty clean. He actually limits his processed food intake.

Chest Day Finisher Wrap Up

The Rock chest day

Overall, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is very well known for his intense workouts, and his chest day finisher falls right in that category. It is a brutal combination of cable flyes and push-ups, making sure to place a large emphasis on time under tension and form, rather than weight.

Will you be giving The Rock’s chest day finisher a try?

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.


This mass gainer could be the key to a good bulk

Bulking up is a period of time where someone consumes more calories, with the intent to add more muscle mass and strength. Sometimes it gets to the point where you are force feeding yourself, which is unpleasant, and a reason that many people will use mass gainers. Mass gainers are supplements almost like protein powders, that are designed to help people hit their macros in a delicious shake, rather than an entire meal. The problem is, many times mass gainers are filled with junk ingredients and blends that will make you fat. However, with MUTANT MASS, this is not the case.

Let’s take a look at mass gainers as a whole, as well as deep dive into MUTANT MASS.

What is a Mass Gainer?

A mass gainer is a supplement that can be thrown right into a shaker cup for you to consume and put on some pounds. Unlike a protein shake, it does not focus only on protein, but instead has a significant amount of carbohydrates and fat as well. The reason people use these supplements is to put on weight, primarily aiming to put on muscle mass by increasing caloric intake and promoting a healthy weight gain.

The one thing worth noting is that a lot of these mass gainers contain a large amount of junk ingredients, like sugar and blends that you cannot even pronounce. So, when shopping around for these, you should look for something that has a clear label, and quality ingredients.


ENHANCED GAINER SUPPLEMENT. Mutant’s most popular weight gainer supplement that is packed with BCAAs/EAAs and waxy maize to help with growth and bulking.

MUTANT is a supplement company that has a great track record when it comes to putting out quality, research-backed products, covering everything from creatine to amino acids. MUTANT is a company that never has any shortcomings when it comes to delivering a solid product that yields good results, and MUTANT MASS is no exception.

MUTANT MASS is designed specifically for bodybuilders, strength athletes, or just regular gym goers that are looking to put on some weight, but not get overly fat. MUTANT MASS is now being seen by athletes around the world, as it is available in over 80 countries, and growing. Drinking one shake right after your workout, or in between meals, or pretty much whenever you are looking to get some macros in, for the best results. 

When you have a quality training and diet protocol in place, combined with MUTANT MASS, you can expect some great results.

Let’s break it down.

Ingredients and Macros


So what exactly will you be consuming with MUTANT MASS? It sits at 1,100 calories for 4 scoops, but can also be broken down into 2 scoops (single serving). As far as what is within each scoop, it is all whole foods. These foods include barley, sweet potato, rolled oats, avocado, coconut oil, flaxseed, pumpkin seed, and sunflower oil.

As far as the sources of protein, there are a superior blend of proteins in MUTANT MASS. The blend includes whey protein concentrate, casein, and milk proteins, all of which contain lactose. That being said, if you are lactose intolerant, or vegan, this is unfortunately not the product for you.

When it comes to the macronutrients MUTANT MASS, based on a 4 scoop serving (double serving), there are 56 grams of protein, 192 grams of clean carbs, and 12 grams of fat. They also pack in 26.1 grams of essential amino acids (EAAs) and 12.2 grams of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). 

There are also essential fatty acids in MUTANT MASS, and natural oils that come from coconut, avocado, flaxseed, pumpkin seed, and sunflower. All of this is engineered in MUTANT’s state of the art manufacturing facility to maintain the gold-standard and gourmet taste.


Now, all of these whole foods together might sound like it is disgusting, but MUTANT has some great flavors. Right now the 6 available flavors are: Triple Chocolate, Vanilla Ice Cream, Cookies & Cream, Strawberry Banana, Coconut Cream, and Chocolate Fudge Brownie.

Another benefit of MUTANT MASS is that it mixes very well. Many other supplements of this nature are hard to mix, and can come out clumpy and hard to swallow. That being said, MUTANT MASS mixes smoothly, with your beverage of choice, and we can vouch for that, having tried it with water and with milk. 


MUTANT MASS is a quality product, and with that being said it is a premium priced option. Most mass gainers are on the higher side when it comes to pricing, as they are packed with a lot of macros. You are essentially getting a full meal with each serving. 

MUTANT MASS comes in a 5lb bag, which holds right around 16 servings, if you follow the single serving protocol (2 scoops). On MUTANT’s site, it is $44.99 for each bag, and that comes to about $2.80 per serving, again if you are following the single serving protocol. When you think about it, $2.80 for a full meal. 

Another thing is, it is coming from a very reputable company, so you know you are getting some top of the line!


If you have never used MUTANT MASS before, it is recommended that you consume 2 scoops at a time, mixed with 2 cups of cold water or milk (if you would like the extra calories). This is a good way to assess your tolerance to the mass gainer, which can sometimes cause stomach discomfort. This is because there are a lot of calories in each serving, and digestion is something that can be disrupted. 

One added bonus of MUTANT MASS is that there are digestive enzymes, as well as pre and probiotics, which all help to ensure that you break down and absorb every last nutrient. They also help to boost your overall gut health. This is an aspect that you do not see in many other products of this nature, making MUTANT MASS stand out even more. 

Our Verdict on MUTANT MASS

When it comes to a Generation Iron review, no review is complete without our verdict. MUTANT MASS was one of our favorite mass gainers that we have tried, for a variety of reasons. For starters, it tastes great, mixes well and goes down smooth. Another reason is we were able to put on a few pounds, without getting too fat. Check it out:

160 lbs (Left) vs. 185 lbs (Right)

These photos were taken after 3 months of using MUTANT MASS combined with intense training and a good diet!

Wrap Up

Overall, mass gainers are products that can really help with putting on quality mass during a bulking phase. However, you need to be wary of what is in them, as a lot of mass gainers contain junk ingredients that can put on a little bit of excess body fat. MUTANT MASS is a product that stands out with its ingredient list. 

Will you be giving it a try?

Follow us on InstagramFacebook, and Twitter for more!

Nick Walker Shares Crazy Physique Update At 276 Pounds Six Weeks Out

Nick Walker Instagram

Nick Walker is ready for the 2023 Olympia. Can he improve upon his top-three finish?

Pro bodybuilder Nick Walker is preparing to compete during the 2023 Olympia. After a top-three finish during last year’s competition, The Mutant is looking to improve his standing on the scorecard. Recently, he shared a massive physique update and his weight six weeks out of 276 pounds.

In a relatively short amount of time, Nick Walker has become one of the most anticipated bodybuilders in the IFBB Pro league. His massive size and conditioning have been lauded by fans and experts ever since he came onto the scene. Fast forward to 2022, Walker earned a third place finish at the 2022 Olympia – only behind champion Hadi Choopan and Men’s Open newcomer Derek Lunsford.

Nick Walker than jumped into the 2023 Arnold Classic just three months later. He brought a physique that was clearly more conditioned than his Mr. Olympia appearance but was perhaps slightly smaller and less full – reducing his famous “freak factor.” Due to this, he fell just short and landed second place.

“6 weeks out morning shots, 276 this morning.

Front lat spread is improving, more work to be done but it’s coming in.”

The Men’s Open division is set to be elite once again come November and Walker is expected to be one of the competitors that highlights the event.

Best Exercises
Nick Walker Instagram (@nick_walker39)

Can Nick Walker Win The 2023 Olympia?

The Olympia is just weeks away and competitors are putting the final touches on their physique. Others are beginning to speculate on who will show up in the best shape possible. This includes a former champion.

Big Ramy might not be competing during the 2023 Olympia but will keep an eye on the show come November. After announcing that he will not be part of the event, the former champion shared who he believes could be in the top five this year and Walker is part of the bunch.


Derek Lunsford is another bodybuilder who spoke out about the upcoming event. After his runner-up finish in 2022, Lunsford believes he will battle for the title once again. Lunsford was bested by Choopan back in December. He also believes that Walker and Samson Dauda will battle for third place.

All questions will be answered in six weeks when the 2023 Olympia weekend arrives in Orlando.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

‘DRIVEN: The Tony Pearson Story’ Clip – Fabio On Training With Tony… And Helping Him Get Girls

Fabio reflects on his surprising friendship with Tony Pearson – including training together and giving advice on attracting women

    In this clip, the famous Casanova, Fabio, trains with Tony Pearson and also shares the kind of advice he would give to Tony to help him seduce women. You can watch the full clip above!

DRIVEN: The Tony Pearson Story is just a little over a week away from its October 6th release date. Generation Iron Network has released an exclusive clip from the film showcasing a notable name who appears in the film – Fabio. Known for his long hair, fantastic physique, and stunning good looks, Fabio struck a surprising friendship with Tony Pearson during his prime bodybuilding years.

Sharing a passion for physique fitness, the two individuals couldn’t have been further apart in terms of personality and temperament. Despite this, a powerful friendship was formed. And yes, Fabio did help give Tony flirting advice for picking up women.

Hardcore training with Fabio and Tony Pearson

As one of the most recognizable models, Fabio certainly needed to maintain an impressive physique as part of his career. It doesn’t hurt that he also personally loves training and bodybuilding. So it was a natural fit when he connected with Tony Pearson. Coming from the competitive bodybuilding world, Tony was able to bring a more hardcore philosophy to Fabio’s workouts. He would share tips to help Fabio bring his physique to the next level.

In the clip, Fabio describes the intense training sessions and heavy lifting that they would both do in their prime. He says that the workouts were so intense that they would sometimes have to “carry each other out of the gym.” Because it was so hard to walk after pushing so hard on the weights.

The Fabio effect

Of course, while Tony Pearson was sharing bodybuilding tips, Fabio was able to help share some tips of his own – with attracting women.

Fabio describes how Tony Pearson was, and still is, a gentle and somewhat shy person. So when he would speak to women, he would deliver some truly corny pickup lines. Fabio mentions some all-timers such as, “We are so opposite… opposites attract.” The kind of line, as Fabio points out, that women hear over and over again.

So what was the advice that Fabio gave Tony Pearson to help him with meeting women? Fabio knew the real Tony Pearson from their friendship. He understood that Tony was a kind, gentle, caring, and amazing person. So Fabio’s key advice to Tony was to be himself.

There are a lot of jerks out there – and so the quality of Tony Pearson would be enough to make any woman happy. So if he could simply be himself and avoid being so shy – he would have incredible luck meeting women.

And, as the director of the film chimes in at the end of the clip… it doesn’t hurt to have Fabio by your side.

DRIVEN: The Tony Pearson Story Synopsis

Tony Pearson was once called the “Michael Jackson of Bodybuilding” due to his appearance and incredible posing routines. He became an icon that helped define professional bodybuilding in the 1980s.

Now Tony enters his final competition at the age of 63 while also recalling the harrowing child abuse that led to his inner, and ultimately outer, strength. DRIVEN shows how a person can rise above their situation and be stronger physically, mentally and spiritually… simply by picking up a weight.

How To Watch

DRIVEN: The Tony Pearson Story will be available October 6th, 2023 on all major digital platforms including Apple TV, Amazon Video, Google Play, VUDU, and Vimeo on Demand. You can pre-order the film today right here or by clicking the banner below.

Driven The Tony Pearson Story bodybuilding movie

Try Bodyweight Skull Crushers to Build Sleeve-Ripping Triceps

bodyweight skullcrushers for triceps

Bodyweight skull crushers require some serious triceps strength. 

Bodyweight training utilizes your bodyweight as resistance, eliminating the need for equipment. Bodyweight exercises are a convenient option for weightlifters to give their joints a break from weights while still allowing them to focus on building strength and muscle. In this exercise guide, we’ll delve into the benefits of bodyweight skull crushers and show you how to do them to explode your triceps

People usually do this routine with barbells, dumbbells, or kettlebells. Resistance bands and the cable machine can also provide resistance when doing them. The bodyweight skull crusher works the same muscles as all the above but uses your bodyweight. In this guide, we look at the benefits of doing the skull crusher with no equipment and the proper way to perform it to maximize your gains. We also answer popular questions that athletes have about this exercise and share alternatives you can try out.

Bodyweight Skull Crushers Techniques and Muscles Worked

The bodyweight skull crusher brings resistance from an overhead position to your skull. Since the triceps are involved in the extension of your elbow and overhead throwing movements, these are the muscles this exercise works (1). It builds all three heads and specifically focuses on the long and lateral heads, plus your shoulders, chest, and abs.

Bodyweight skull crushers can take your gains to the next level. You can do this exercise in the gym using a Smith machine or squat rack to support and make the movement more manageable due to the incline. However, since we said no equipment, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do a bodyweight skull crusher on the floor.

  1. Get an exercise mat and get into a plank with your elbows forward. 
  2. Keeping your back straight, brace your core, and retract your shoulders. Keep your head directly above your hands. This is your starting position.
  3. Contracting your triceps, push your body off the floor and back slightly until your arms are almost locked. Squeeze your triceps at the top of your movement.
  4. Drop down slowly to return to the starting position and complete your rep. 
  5. Repeat for as many reps as you desire.


The bodyweight skull crusher offers the same benefits as weighted skull crushers, which include strength and muscle growth. Below are some gains you can look forward to when doing them. 

Bigger Triceps

The bodyweight skull crusher is an exercise that targets your triceps and encourages muscle growth. They increase the strength of your triceps, which also builds your overall arm strength. Since the triceps make up two-thirds of your arms, you want to focus on the posterior muscles of your arms. 

Body Control

Bodyweight skull crushers, like all other bodyweight movements, demand spatial awareness throughout your range of motion. This leads to a better mind-muscle connection, which research shows leads to greater muscle growth in the triceps (2). You don’t get the same full-body awareness when doing weighted skull crushers.  


To do this version of bodyweight skull crushers, you don’t need any equipment. This makes it easy to do on the go or anywhere as long as you have enough space for your body. So the next time all the free weights in the gym are in use, you could try this variation.

Joint Friendly

Weighted skull crushers can put a lot of stress on your joints. This can be problematic, especially for places like your elbows. Bodyweight skull crushers are more joint-friendly, mainly because the external load is nonexistent.

Carryover to Bench Press and Other Upper Body Exercises

Skull crushers build muscles and strength in your triceps. This can help you do better in upper body exercises like the bench press, which use your triceps muscles as a secondary muscle group. This 2020 research shows how targeting your triceps with routines like the bodyweight skullcrusher can lead to better form (3)

Bodyweight Skull Crusher Alternatives

Will you be adding the bodyweight skull crusher to your workout? We recommend you give them a try. The benefits and gains are numerous! But below are other bodyweight exercises that you could also add for variation.

Diamond Pushups

Diamond pushups mainly build your triceps. However, they also recruit the pecs, abs, and delts. In addition, lower body muscles like the quads, glutes, and hamstrings are engaged for support and to keep your body stable. 

Bench Dips

Bench dips are great for your triceps, as those are the muscles they primarily build. However, this exercise also targets your anterior delts and pecs. To do this routine, you only need a bench.

Ring Dips

Ring dips are great for triceps, anterior delts, and pecs. However, you require some level of expertise to do this exercise. Due to the stabilization that they need, they’re also great for your core muscles. 


Are bodyweight skull crushers effective?

Bodyweight skull crushers are an effective way to train your triceps and increase your arm strength. They are also convenient and place less stress on your joints than the weighted variation. 

How to do skull crushers with your bodyweight?

Using your bodyweight, you can use a Smith machine, a squat rack, or an exercise mat on the floor to do skull crushers. Check the guide above for the version with exercise mats (the most challenging one). 

What muscles do bodyweight skull crushers work?

Bodyweight skull crushers mainly build the triceps and focus on the long and medial heads. However, your delts, pecs, and core also play a role and are affected by this routine. 

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more exercise guides! 


  1. Kholinne, E., Zulkarnain, R. F., Sun, Y. C., Lim, S., Chun, J. M., & Jeon, I. H. (2018). The different role of each head of the triceps brachii muscle in elbow extension. Acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcica, 52(3), 201–205. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aott.2018.02.005 
  2. Calatayud, J., Vinstrup, J., Jakobsen, M. D., Sundstrup, E., Brandt, M., Jay, K., Colado, J. C., & Andersen, L. L. (2016). Importance of mind-muscle connection during progressive resistance training. European journal of applied physiology, 116(3), 527–533. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00421-015-3305-7 
  3. Stronska, K., Golas, A., Wilk, M., Zajac, A., Maszczyk, A., & Stastny, P. (2022). The effect of targeted resistance training on bench press performance and the alternation of prime mover muscle activation patterns. Sports biomechanics, 21(10), 1262–1276. https://doi.org/10.1080/14763141.2020.1752790

Chris Pratt Claims To Have Drank 220 Glasses Of Water Daily, Toxicologist Says It’s Impossible


Chris Pratt claimed that his trainer had him on an insane plan, including an unhealthy amount of water.

There is good and there is bad but too much of anything can harm the human body. That includes water. The main source of hydration and health in many ways can be harmful to humans if they use it in excess. Actor Chris Pratt allegedly drank an insane amount of water during prep for his roles.

Pratt played Peter Quill in Guardians of the Galaxy nearly a decade ago and the franchise has been wildly successful. Now, there is another version of the movie here in 2023 so Pratt’s prep for the role has resurfaced.

During an interview with Vanity FairPratt admits that he was advised to drink one glass of water for each pound of bodyweight. At the time, he was around 220 pounds, which means he drank 220 glasses of water each day.

“I was peeing all day long, every day. That part was a nightmare.”

To put it into perspective, it is recommended that men drink around 3.7 liters per day, which is one gallon, while women are advised to drink 2.7 liters. According to Daily Mailexperts calculated that this much water would add up to almost 57 liters and is the. equivalent of 15 gallons.


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A post shared by Chris Pratt (@prattprattpratt)

What Is Water Poisoning?

The story was shared on social media and it sparked a response from Ryan Marino, who is a toxicologist. According to Marino, drinking this amount of water would not be possible and if it happens, it is very dangerous.

“Hi! Poisoning doctor here! This is not possible and is literally how you get water poisoning, which is really, rally dangerous to do cause it’s really, really bad. He absolutely did not do this, and you should not do this, too!”

Water poisoning is rare but possible when an immense amount of water enters the body in a short period of time. Water moves into brain cells and cause them to swell. When this happens, symptoms of intoxication emerge including confusion, disorientation, nausea, and vomiting.

A case report by the National Library of Medicine into the death of a 64-year-old woman, who drank 30-40 glasses of water the night before her death, explained the dangers further.

“Water intoxication provokes disturbances in electrolyte balance, resulting in rapid decrease in serum sodium concentration and eventual death. The development of acute dilution hyponatraemia [low sodium] causes neurological symptoms because of the movement of water into the brain cells, in response to fall in the extra cellular osmolality.”

If Chris Pratt did drink this amount of water consistently during prep, it is a dangerous method that can have severe ramifications.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Who is Tony Pearson?

The Michael Jackson of bodybuilding

Bodybuilding certainly has seen countless amounts of top notch talent to have graced the bodybuilding stage. Household names include those such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ronnie Coleman, but one name that is making an unlikely comeback at 66 years old is none other than Tony Pearson. Nicknamed the “Michael Jackson of Bodybuilding”, Tony Pearson is the subject of an upcoming Generation Iron documentary. But, who is Tony Pearson?

With the new film coming out, pushing Tony Pearson back into the spotlight, let’s take a look at the bodybuilder who was mentored by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Below is a complete breakdown of Chris Bumstead’s profile, stats, biography, training and diet regimens.

Full Name: Tony Pearson (Golden Era Bodybuilder)

Weight Height Date Of Birth
205 – 215 lbs 5’8″ 1957
Division Era Nationality
Bodybuilding 1970s, 1980s, 1990s American

Tony Pearson’s Intro to Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding was not something that he had always thought of doing. Starting out as a high school wrestler, Tony Pearson had suffered a knee injury during his career. To help with the recovery process, his coach had introduced him to strength training, and Tony had fallen in love with it, this is how he discovered bodybuilding. From there, he put on 20 lbs of muscle mass and realized his potential in the sport of bodybuilding.

From there, Tony decided that he would pursue a future in the sport, and back in the 1970s, also referred to as the Golden Era of bodybuilding, California was the capitol for this endeavor. By the time Tony had arrived in Venice Beach to train at Gold’s Gym, Arnold Schwarzenegger had just won his 6th Olympia title.

Schwarzenegger was impressed by Pearson’s physique and almost spot-on resemblance to the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, and took him under his wing, even helping Pearson begin his competitive career. 

Tony Pearson’s Contribution to the Sport

Pearson won several titles like the Mr. Universe and the Mr. World, but he contributed heavily to the idea of couples bodybuilding. In 1979, Joe Gold asked Tony Pearson to pose with Lisa Lyons on stage, which was the first time in history that a man and woman posed on the bodybuilding stage together.

From there, Tony dedicated a lot of his time to couples bodybuilding, and from the years of 1982 through 1988, Pearson went on to win six pro-mixed-world titles. Pearson certainly carved a unique mark into the sport of bodybuilding, but Arnold Schwarzenegger helped boost his career immensely.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tony Pearson

Arnold Schwarzenegger muscle
Image via Instagram @schwarzenegger

As stated above, Arnold Schwarzenegger took Tony Pearson under his wing when Tony originally arrived in Venice Beach. Arnold had noticed how hard Tony was training and the (at the time) 6x Mr. Olympia had approached the young bodybuilder, giving him advice and helping him during his training sessions. However, it was much more than just taking Tony through a couple workouts. 

Arnold ended up giving Tony Pearson the address of none other than Joe Weider. Now, Joe Weider was the one who founded the IFBB pro league, and the Mr. Olympia contest, and mentored Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Mr. Olympia champion had told the young bodybuilder to go ahead and contact Joe Weider. “Go there, tell him that I sent you. He should write an article on you for his magazine Muscle Builder.” Arnold’s book, The Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding, also featured Tony Pearson. 

Joe Weider’s Verdict on Tony Pearson

The young 19 year old Tony had to take 3 buses just to get himself to Joe Weider’s house, and from Tony’s point of view, Joe seemed disappointed in the fact that Arnold had sent him there. Joe turned to his friend Jack, instructed him to write an article on Tony, and then walked away. In Tony’s words, the two had never gotten along after that, and Tony spent the rest of his career feeling as though he was trying to prove something. 

Banned From the IFBB

Tony Pearson did tons of amateur shows after the encounter with Joe Weider, winning a good amount of them. However, in 1978 he was suspended, and went broke. Luckily he was invited to South America to guest pose, but it was not in an IFBB sanctioned show, so the IFBB had threatened to ban him for life Pearson posed. So, he posed.

After receiving the ban from the IFBB, he got a call from Rhode Island for another guest posing, and he did it. Someone there was so impressed with Pearson, that they drove him to the Mr. World competition the following week, where he won and earned his professional status in a WABBA sanctioned competition. 

Eventually, after a few more shows, Pearson wrote a letter to the IFBB and they reinstated him, where he would be competing from there on out. However, a very important judge had told Tony at an IFBB sanctioned show that he would never win a show. Despite that unfortunate news, he continued to give it his all and compete. You can check out the rest of the interview with Tony Pearson below:

Competition History

  • 1976 AAU Gold’s Classic Teen overall winner
  • 1976 AAU Gold’s Classic Teen, Short1st
  • 1977 AAU Junior Mr. USA Short 3rd
  • 1977 AAU Mr. Los Angeles Junior1st
  • 1977 AAU Mr. Southern California Junior 1st
  • 1978 AAU Mr. America overall winner
  • 1978 AAU Mr. America Medium 1st
  • 1978 AAU Mr. California Short 1st
  • 1978 AAU Junior Mr. America Medium 1st
  • 1978 AAU Junior Mr. America overall winner
  • 1978 AAU Junior Mr. USA overall winner
  • 1978 AAU Junior Mr. USA Medium 1st
  • 1979 WBBG Olympus winner
  • 1979 NABBA Mr. Universe Medium 2nd
  • 1979 WBBG Pro. Mr. World winner
  • 1979 WABBA World Championships Medium 1st
  • 1979 WABBA World Championships overall winner
  • 1980 NABBA Universe Pro. winner
  • 1980 WABBA World Championships Professional 3rd
  • 1980 WABBA Pro. World Cup 5th
  • 1981 IFBB Canada Pro. Cup 4th
  • 1981 IFBB Grand Prix Belgium 6th
  • 1981 IFBB Grand Prix Wales 5th
  • 1981 IFBB Universe Pro. 3rd
  • 1981 WABBA Pro. World Cup 7th
  • 1981 IFBB World Grand Prix 4th
  • 1981 IFBB World Pro. Championships 3rd
  • 1982 IFBB Night of Champions 6th
  • 1982 IFBB World Pro. Championships 6th*
  • 1983 IFBB Grand Prix Denver winner
  • 1983 IFBB Grand Prix England 4th
  • 1983 IFBB Grand Prix Las Vegas 6th
  • 1983 IFBB Grand Prix Portland 2nd
  • 1983 IFBB Grand Prix Sweden 6th
  • 1983 IFBB Grand Prix Switzerland 6th
  • 1983 IFBB World Pro. Championships 8th
  • 1984 Canada Pro. Cup 3rd
  • 1984 IFBB Olympia 12th
  • 1984 IFBB World Grand Prix 3rd
  • 1985 IFBB Night of Champions 9th
  • 1985 IFBB Olympia 12th
  • 1986 IFBB Los Angeles Pro. Championships 5th
  • 1986 IFBB Night of Champions 4th
  • 1986 IFBB World Pro. Championships 9th
  • 1987 IFBB Night of Champions did not place
  • 1987 IFBB World Pro. Championships 8th
  • 1988 IFBB Grand Prix US Pro. 6th
  • 1988 IFBB Niagara Falls Pro. Invitational 5th
  • 1988 IFBB Night of Champions 8th
  • 1988 IFBB World Pro. Championships 8th
  • 1989 IFBB Grand Prix France 11th
  • 1989 IFBB Grand Prix Germany 9th
  • 1989 IFBB Grand Prix Spain 9th
  • 1989 IFBB Grand Prix Spain (2) 9th
  • 1989 IFBB Grand Prix Sweden 11th
  • 1990 IFBB Arnold Classic 6th
  • 1990 IFBB Houston Pro. Invitational 6th
  • 1990 IFBB Ironman Pro. Invitational 8th
  • 1991 WBF Grand Prix 11th
  • 1993 IFBB Chicago Pro. Invitational 13th
  • 1993 IFBB Night of Champions did not place
  • 1993 IFBB Pittsburgh Pro. Invitational 16th
  • 1994 IFBB Ironman Pro. Invitational 14th
  • 1994 IFBB San Jose Pro. Invitational 16th


Tony is a big believer in the mind muscle connection, stating that when he does a movement such as the bicep curl, he is not just hoping for his biceps to grow, he is connecting the mind the muscle on every rep. That being said, he uses strict form, lighter weights, and higher volume for his workouts. Typically, his sets will consist of 8-12 reps, sometimes going higher when he was closer to competition.


Tony Pearson always stayed close to competition shape year round, meaning low in body fat but maintained a good amount of muscle mass, and even now he is still lean. He eats very low fats and carbs, with his main food sources consisting of whole foods such as chicken breasts, ground turkey meat, egg whites with a couple of yolks, asparagus, broccoli, two apples a day and one grapefruit with very little brown rice.

He stays away from supplements like protein powder or even complex carbs like porridge.

Shredded at 66

Tony Pearson still maintains an awesome physique at 63 years old, posting a video to his Instagram in July of 2023 hitting a front double bicep at Muscle Beach. Pearson’s biceps are still incredible.

Driven: The Tony Pearson Story

While this article details a few aspects of Tony Pearson’s life, Driven: The Tony Pearson Story, is the true, full story. Tony did not have an easy life, and Driven shows how one person can rise above their situation and be stronger physically, mentally and spiritually, by simply picking up a weight. 

Driven will be streaming on Vimeo, iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play on October 6th, 2023. Check out the trailer for Driven: The Tony Pearson Story below: 

Wrap Up

Tony Pearson, the Michael Jackson of bodybuilding, did not have an easy life growing up and that is certain. However, despite trials and tribulations, he still contributed very much to the sport of bodybuilding, especially for that of couples posing. On October 6th, you will be able to see the full story of Tony Pearson, in the movie Driven: The Tony Pearson Story. 

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Can Night Shred Black Help You Shed Fat While You Sleep?

fasting for weight loss

Night Shred Black ingredients help put you to sleep, keep you asleep, and burn body fat in the process

Trouble sleeping is something that many people struggle with each night, and it can be detrimental to your gains. Sleep is important for recovery and building muscle mass, but also for burning off unwanted body fat. However, with a supplement like Night Shred Black from Inno Supps, you can get a deeper sleep while simultaneously priming the body to start shedding off that excess body fat. 

What is Night Shred Black? This supplement helps to put you to sleep faster and keep you there longer, without the grogginess in the morning. It also helps prime the body to start the fat-burning process, and we will get into all of this and how it can help you.

Let’s dive in.

How Does Sleep Affect Progress?


When it comes to your progression, sleep is one of the most important components. Though you may not think so, getting the proper amount of sleep helps your body to generate muscle-building hormones such as testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH). Aside from building muscle, these hormones help to regulate the amount of body fat you have on your frame. 

That being said, it is crucial to get the proper amount of sleep if you want to put on muscle mass and burn fat. 

Things That Cause Sleep Problems

Now there are a variety of factors that can hurt the amount of sleep you are getting each night. One of those factors is your caffeine intake. If you are consuming too much caffeine each day, whether that be in the form of energy drinks, pre-workout supplements or even caffeine pills, that will keep you up at night. Also, timing your caffeine intake is crucial, because if you are taking in a caffeinated supplement too close to your bedtime, chances are you’ll be losing some sleep. 

Another factor that can cause sleep problems is stress. Stress can sprout from anything, relationship issues, work life, home life, and so on, and that can carry over into your sleep schedule. Many of us have stayed up all night with something or someone on our minds and lost sleep. If this continues to happen, it can cause some serious problems for your gains. 

Aside from that, other factors can have a detrimental impact on your sleep schedule such as alcohol intake, your diet, and even training regimens. So, what do you do when you can’t sleep?

Sleep Supplements

Sleep supplements can come in many forms, such as melatonin-based supplements or even CBD. These products are designed to put you into a deep sleep and keep you there for a total of eight hours. The problem is, a lot of times these supplements will leave you feeling groggy and grumpy the next morning which is certainly less than ideal, but is there an alternative?

Night Shred Black

Night Shred Black contains the most revolutionary and cutting-edge sleep-inducing ingredient, Zylaria, along with powerful metabolism-boosting ingredients to curb nighttime cravings and accelerate the fat‐burning process.

The solution to going to sleep, staying asleep, and priming your body to burn fat is Night Shred Black, from Inno Supps. It works to curb your cravings as well as boost your metabolism. Night Shred Black contains a list of natural ingredients, including the potent sleep-inducing ingredient, Zylaria. Then other ingredients are included for relaxation for a good night’s rest. 

Let’s pick it apart. 


night shred ingredients

Nighttime Recovery Compound: This consists of GABA, chamomile, flower powder, passionflower, herb powder, and Valerian Root Powder. This is referred to as “nature’s valium.”

Deep Relaxation Compound: This includes Xylaria nigripes mycelia (Zylaria). Zylaria is the most prominent ingredient in Night Shred Black, and what it does is calm down the central nervous system which gives the body and mind a sense of relaxation and bliss. It does so by increasing GABA, the natural claiming neurotransmitter, which helps to reduce the time to fall asleep, and also increases the duration of your quality sleep. 

PM Fat-Burning Complex

CLA, grains of paradise, l-carnitine, l-tartrate. These support the fat-burning process in the body by boosting your metabolism, as well as your immune system. 

Mood Enhancement Complex

5-HTP and l-tryptophan. Both amino acids play a role in the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and emotions in the brain.


Magnesium helps to calm the nerves in the body.


There is a small amount of melatonin used as an ingredient in Night Shred Black for sleep aid.

To break down the ingredients a bit further, GABA, valerian root, and Zylaria put you in a zen state and promote high-quality sleep. The addition of Grains of Paradise and CLA will simultaneously maximize fat-burning and curb your cravings before bed. Night Shred Black also includes ingredients such as passionflower and chamomile, which are all effective at helping you relax and fall asleep. 

How to Use

Inno Supps recommends taking two easy-to-swallow capsules of Night Shred Black 30 minutes before bed to help put you into REM sleep quicker so you wake up refreshed with no morning grogginess. Inno Supps suggests taking the supplements for a minimum of 90 days for maximum results.


Night Shred Black can be found on the Inno Supps website for $44.99 for 30 servings. Considering you are getting a sleep aid and a fat burner in one, that is a great deal.

Our Verdict on Night Shred Black

night shred black

Our team at Generation Iron tried out Night Shred Black for some time, and it did not disappoint. We instantly noticed better sleep and woke up feeling refreshed, but it also helped us avoid cravings. Aside from that, you may think that something aimed at burning fat in the nighttime will have you waking up sweating, but we did not experience that at all. 

Pros of Night Shred Black

  • Improved sleep
  • Improved metabolism 
  • No grogginess in the morning
  • No night sweats

Cons of Night Shred Black

  • Premium priced option (but is also two supplements in one)

Overall, Night Shred Black had us feeling refreshed and well-rested during our entire trial period.


You may have some questions regarding sleep, sleep aids, and Night Shred, so let’s discuss.

How do I know I need a sleep aid?

When it comes to knowing it is time for a sleep aid, this will likely come after numerous restless nights. 

Are sleep aids safe?

Yes, most sleep aids are safe if they have natural ingredients in them, such as Night Shred Black. However, it is always good to consult with a physician before utilizing any supplements. 

Can I take Night Shred Black just when I can’t sleep?

You can use Night Shred Black on restless nights, however, it is best to take it regularly to achieve the best results with sleep and weight loss. 

Night Shred Black Wrap Up

Overall, sleep is far more crucial for your progression than you may think. Sleep helps to promote muscle growth as well as burn fat, so don’t get caught staying up all night, every night. Sleep aids can leave you feeling groggy in the mornings, which is why Night Shred Black from Inno Supps is our favorite, get all of the benefits of a fat burner and sleep aid in one, effective supplement.

What do you think of Night Shred Black?

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Cellucor C4 Dynasty MMXX Review For Explosive Performance

This pre-workout supplement is uniquely powerful and built to transform results.

How many pre-workout supplements have you tried that just haven’t cut it? There are so many within the supplement market and with such saturation, it can be difficult to tell who is telling the truth and who is in it for just profit. The right pre-workout supplement will give you everything you need such as energy, muscle pumps, and more to take your workouts to the next level. And with our busy schedules, we want a product that will work for us, not against us. Cellucor C4 Dynasty MMXX is built to transform your results so you get only the best when it comes to unique power and serious gains.

A good pre-workout, and one worth taking, will of course give you energy and burst through any fatigue that may get in your way, but when it comes to building strength and increasing stamina, a pre-workout should also help you here. Clean ingredients work to benefit your health as well as performance, so don’t settle for anything less than great. C4 Dynasty can do this and much more as a powerful and supercharged pre-workout able to take your gains to new heights.

Let’s break it down.

Cellucor C4 Dynasty MMXX Overview

Cellucor C4 Dynasty MMXX is a supercharged formula with 18 active ingredients to offer unique power, extra pump support, and better muscular endurance.

Cellucor is a leading sports nutrition brand creating award winning products that are quality you can trust in. With a focus on creating the best supplements for athletes everywhere matched by prompt customer service, Cellucor is on a mission to better the lives of their consumers with top tier supplements, amazing benefits and results, and quality care.

C4 Dynasty MMXX Highlights

Cellucor C4 Dynasty MMXX is a uniquely powerful and supercharged formula engineered to transform your gains to see those desired results. This pre-workout combines cutting-edge innovation and leading industry research and expertise to send your performance to the next level. With 18 active ingredients, including 10 patented ingredients, one scoop of this pre-workout will offer explosive energy, powerful muscle pumps, and amplified muscular endurance to lead the way when it comes to pre-workout supplements.


c4 ingredients

Dynasty Triple Citrulline Complex

  • Citrulline Malate: Can improve strength and power while working to decrease muscle fatigue (1).
  • L-Citrulline: Will increase L-arginine in the blood which in turn increase nitric oxide (2).
  • Citrulline Nitrate: Improves vascular function and exercise performance.

Dynasty Triple Creatine Complex

  • Creatine Monohydrate: Creatine is great for building muscle mass and plays a role in cellular energy metabolism (3).
  • Creatine Hydrochloride: Can increase strength, power, and muscle mass while also aiding in recovery.
  • Creatine Nitrate: Enhances power output, oxygen flow, and endurance (4).

Beta-Alanine: Improves muscle strength and aerobic endurance while also reducing lactic acid build-up from exercise (5).

Taurine: Boosts exercise performance while supporting and protecting your metabolism and skeletal system.

N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine: Increases cognition and alertness while improving mood and weight loss.

Caffeine Anhydrous: Works to increase energy and your level of alertness while decreasing fatigue. Can also stimulate weight loss by kickstarting your metabolism (6).

Other Ingredients

Adenosine 5’-Triphosphate Disodium Salt, 50% A-GPC, Ancient Peat & Apple Extract, Hydrolyzed Casein Lactotripeptides, Theacrine, AstraGin, Toothed Clubmoss, Rauwolfia vomitoria root extract, Calcium Silicate, Natural Flavors, Silicone Dioxide, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium, Citric Acid, Spirulina Extract

Stim Or No Stim Stim
Calories 5
Carbs Less than 1
Sugar 0g
Number Of Servings 20
Flavors Violet Crown, Icy Blue Razz, Fruit Punch, Strawberry Lemonade
Best Way To Take Take 1 scoop with your desired beverage of choice.

Price, Flavors & Effectiveness

Cellucor C4 Dynasty is that supercharged formula with amazing ingredients to increase energy, muscle pumps, and muscular endurance so you only get the best when looking to boost your workouts and see those desired results. With 20 servings per container, 1 scoop of this powerful pre-workout thrown into your shaker cup will pump you with these powerful ingredients so your gains increase ten-fold. Four great flavors in Violet Crown, Icy Blue Razz, Fruit Punch, and Strawberry Lemonade ensure you never grow bored with the taste.


  • Supercharged formula with unique power
  • 18 active ingredients, 10 of which are patented
  • Cutting edge innovation and a decade of industry leading research and expertise
  • Great benefits to energy, power, muscle pumps, and muscular endurance


  • Premium priced option
  • Does contain caffeine for those sensitive or avoiding it

Price: $69.99


You may have some questions regarding C4, or pre-workout as a whole, so let’s take a look and answer some.

Can I use pre-workout instead of morning coffee?

If you like caffeine in the mornings, but are not a huge fan of coffee, then pre-workout could be a good option for you to wake up in the mornings. However, if you are using one that includes the ingredient beta-alanine, you will get that itchy feeling that comes with it, so be wary.

Is C4 safe?

While C4 is filled with quality ingredients, it is always worth noting that not everyone can handle things such as caffeine, so it may be worth consulting with a physician before using this pre-workout supplement.

When should I take C4?

C4 could be taken when you are going to the gym, as it is a pre-workout designed to not only increase energy, but also give you muscular pumps, increase muscular endurance, and power output.

Overall Value of C4 Dynasty

c4 dynasty

Cellucor C4 Dynasty MMXX is a supercharged pre-workout formula designed to give you the best when it comes to energy, muscle pumps, muscular endurance, and power. With amazing ingredients and a company like Cellucor backing it, this pre-workout is exactly what you need to see those gains come to life. What you are really getting is an innovative and powerful pre-workout supplement from a reputable company who knows the needs of athletes. Try C4 Dynasty MMXX and watch your gains take off today.

Try Cellucor C4 Dynasty MMXX Today

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Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Cellucor and Envato


  1. Perez-Guisado, J.; Jakeman, P. (2010). “Citrulline malate enhances athletic anaerobic performance and relieves muscle soreness”. (source)
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