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No Flex Zone Workout Fails Generation Iron


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Episode 27: Who lives and who dies in these latest fitness clips?

NO FLEX ZONE – is a weekly series showing the best and craziest user generated fitness footage on the web every Wednesday.

Sometimes the best part about watching the clips in No Flex Zone isn’t the win or the fail specifically – but whether or not the person you are about to watch will fail or not. Everything always seems fine and dandy in the beginning but will this end up being a jaw dropping awesome fitness moment? Or a cringe inducing collapse into failure? There’s only one way to find out! Who will live and who will die by the iron tonight? Watch our latest episode above and see for yourself.

No Flex Zone airs every Wednesday right here on the Generation Iron Fitness Network. Make sure to subscribe to our official YouTube channel to get daily updates on our latest and greatest shows. Stay pumped.

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Cable Pull Throughs Stronger Legs Generation Iron

Cable Pull Throughs Stronger Legs Generation Iron

Wheels of steel.

Many bodybuilders have the tendency to stick to a handful of movements that they cycle into their program to see the best results. It’s not particularly a bad idea especially if it’s working for the individual. Depending on the individual, the body reacts differently to different methods of training. So finding the sweet spot isn’t particularly a negative in the grand scheme of things. After all, bodybuilding is really about finding what works for you in order to build muscle and burn fat on a consistent basis. But a bodybuilder should be more well rounded if only to have a greater amount of options should they ever hit a plateau.

For example. Say you want to build bigger, stronger legs, as well as want to increase your overall strength in lifts like the squat and deadlift, then performing the cable pull through could be a key to your success.

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The cable pull through may not be a movement that many bodybuilders are performing but the benefits are clearly obvious. The movements of pulling the rope attached to the cable through the legs, hinging your hip in order to perform the exercise will help with a number of things that will easily translate over to your other lifts.

The exercise strengthens your posterior chain, meaning that your hamstring, glutes, hips, and lower back will all be feeling the burn. Getting power into your posterior chain means that you’re going to have more explosive power when performing exercises like the deadlift which relies heavily on having a strong lower half, especially where hip activation is concerned.

Unsure of how to perform the movement? Don’t worry, because thankfully a little thing called the internet means there are tons of resources on how to perform this exercise to perfection. Check out the video below to see an excellent explanation on how to perform the cable pull through like an expert.

Do you perform the cable pull through on leg day?

Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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Get Major Gains Overnight: Why Going To Bed Hungry Is A Thing Of The Past

Gains Overnight Eating Before Bed Generation Iron
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Don’t sleep on eating before bed.

Recently we put out an article telling you 5 things not to eat before bed, but we never said to go to bed hungry. In an area where everyone is working hard in the gym, how does a competitor get a leg up? In the rest phase. Perhaps the most overlooked phase of bodybuilding, the rest phase can also be the most active. With gains actually coming during the recovery, scientist have actually found a way to rebuild even better.

Common knowledge tells you eating before bed is a no-no, but in actuality it could be one of the best things you can do for strength and muscle mass. A study that appeared in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise discovered that downing 40 grams of casein three and a half hours after working out, but also 30 minutes before bed, boosted muscle-protein synthesis while sleeping. In 2015 a study from Maastricht University showed that when participants consumed 28 grams of protein plus 15 grams of carbs every night before going to sleep, they were reported stronger and documented to have more muscle mass after twelve weeks than those taking the placebo. Another study in 2014 by the British Journal of Nutrition found that eating 30 grams of whey or casein protein 30 minutes before bed can increase the amount of calories required by your body while non-active.

French researchers recently discovered that casein supplies a much steadier stream of amino acids to the body–much like a complex carbohydrate, which breaks down slowly in the body. Whey, on the other hand, is absorbed more quickly and provides a more immediate supply of amino acids to the body, like a simple carbohydrate). So it would make sense that the combination of whey and casein protein would supply the optimum amount amino acids  for long and short term muscle growth.

As far as carbohydrates, your body converts carbohydrates that are stored in your muscles and liver into ATP molecules to use them as energy. Not eating enough or the right type of carbohydrates means your workouts may potentially suffer because you will have less energy to train at a higher intensity.

For those of you who still don’t get it, we’ll spell it out for you. Eat protein and healthy carbs 30 minutes before bed! High protein foods like yogurt with fruit or almond butter on whole wheat sprouted breads can give your muscles the extra nutrients they need.


Generation Iron Calum Von Moger Never Before Seen Footage

Generation Iron Calum Von Moger Never Before Seen Footage

We can never get enough of Moger’s classic physique.

Bodybuilding has produced some of the greatest, most well muscled, most iconic fitness figures in history. When Arnold Schwarzenegger exploded onto the scene it was apparent that he was an individual like no other. A bodybuilder with such a unique personality that it was hard for anyone to ignore. But Arnold isn’t the only bodybuilder to have a major influence on the sport. Sergio Oliva, Frank Zane, Lee Haney, Dorian Yates, Ronnie Coleman, the list of impressive and influential champions goes on and on. What all of them have in common is that they were apart of the IFBB. But what about the individuals outside of the organization?

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Calum von Moger is a man who has become very influential in the fitness community. Besides all the Arnold Schwarzenegger comparisons, Calum has proven himself to be an impressive figure in the world of bodybuilding. He may not be an IFBB recognized athlete, yet he has amassed a huge fan base. He has an impressive physique, one that is easily on par with many of the competitors in the IFBB. He also has a pretty approachable personality and is constantly trying to motivate others to achieve their own slice of greatness.

There are those who believe that the athletes who compete outside of the IFBB are simply not up to par, but the truth of the matter is that there is so much talent in the world that it’s hard to make such a bold statement. Calum von Moger has competed in a ton of competitions outside of the IFBB and has proven his worth as a top tier bodybuilder. In fact, this never before seen footage proves just how impressive the young man is and that he could easily compete with the athlete’s in the most prominent bodybuilding organization in the world. Just see for yourself.

Do you think Calum von Moger has what it takes to compete in the IFBB?

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Generation Iron 45 Year Old Bodybuilder 1% bodyfat

Generation Iron 45 Year Old Bodybuilder 1% bodyfat

Who needs bodyfat anyway?

Everyone has their own opinion on what the perfect body looks like. Many believe that massively muscled physiques are the best kind of physiques out there. One with a massive frame reminds individuals of comic book characters like The Incredible Hulk or Juggernaut. It’s a symbol of power, of strength and physical dominance. Others believe that a lean frame is the absolute best kind of physique. A lean physique can excel in sports like swimming or striking sports like boxing, kickboxing, or MMA. There are so many differing opinions on the subject that there really isn’t any wrong answer to the question.

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Despite that, many believe that the ultimate body has to do with a combination of factors. Not only should you have some well built and defined musculature, but you should also have the leanness to show off all that muscle. That means having a lower body fat percentage than the average Joe. With increased muscle tone and thickness coupled with lower body fat, then you should no doubt look like a sculpture, mean, lean and shredded.

This kind of physique is what Helmut Strebl possesses. The fitness model is well built and shredded, touting that he possesses one percent of body fat. While many may think that’s impressive, you have to wonder if it’s taking things a step too far. Judge for yourself with the video below.

It’s all well and good to have a lower body fat percentage. After all you’ll be able to show off all the hard work you’ve put into the gym by revealing all your muscle. That being said, it could be a terrible decision when considering the health risks. The human body isn’t meant to have such a low body fat percentage and though it’s worked out for Strebl so far it doesn’t mean it’s something that another bodybuilder should replicate. Everyone is different on a genetic level and what could be beneficial to one person could be extremely harmful to another.

What’s your ideal body fat percentage?

Let us know in the comments and follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter. Also, be sure to share, like, and comment to show your support.

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Top Exercise Screw Ups That Drive Us Crazy

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Someone needs to tell the newbies that proper form is the most important element of a workout.

We’ve all been witnesses to it at one point or another. People in the gym just butchering an exercise with improper form which is more likely to injure than produce gains. For those who have or haven’t seen it, they’ve probably done it themselves and that’s fine. We all have to start somewhere and not everyone gets the form down first time around. But for those who go to the gym and see the same people making the same mistakes every time, there’s no doubt that the same question constantly runs through their mind: what the hell are you doing? We’ve made a list of four exercises that people screw up in the gym the most.


Generation Iron Bodybuilding Squats

This is something that happens a ton in a lot of gyms. Half repping squats are perhaps one of the worst things you can do during your leg day workout. Why? Well, for one you’re not getting the full benefit of the exercise which defeats the purpose of doing squats in the first place. Though it can get you used to holding a heavier weight on your back, you’re better off lowering the weight and performing the full squat. You’ll get a whole lot more out of the exercise this way.


usada hurting headerIn a way, USADA hurting MMA as much as it’s helping.

Yeah, that title does sound pretty provocative, the reality us that it’s a statement that may be true. Mixed martial arts is no longer just an underground event featuring men willing to bash each others brains in. Now it’s a legitimized sport with rules, regulations, and a ton of different stipulation that ensure fighter safety and give everyone a fair playing field to compete on. It’s true the sport needs to be cleaned up, but have we ever took a minute to consider the possibility that all these regulations and newly constructed stipulations ruining potential dream matches? Don’t get me wrong, a clean sport is the best thing for the sport especially if we want everyone competing as equals. Cheating is the last thing that should be condoned in any sport. The problem with that notion is that matches are being scrapped left and right. Recently BJ Penn was removed from UFC 199 for violating USADA stipulations. Apparently Penn was utilizing IV’s throughout his training camp misunderstanding the USADA restrictions. IV’s are banned because though it may offer re-hydration, the plastics that can be transferred to the fighter can be filled with performance enhancing byproducts. But some fighters like Penn may have thought the IV ban was strictly for re-hydration after a weight cut. But Penn isn’t the first to be effected by the USADA. Many fighters have been popped for banned substances on the USADA’s constructed list. The list is constantly being updated and for fighters who are seeking to get proper recovery after every hard training session, it’s hard to know which supplements can be taken versus what is on the banned substance list. It’s not an excuse, but it does add an extra layer of difficulty to proceedings. Cheating is something that needs to be cleaned up in the sport, but you can’t deny that the idea of watching a TRT infused Vitor Belfort face off against Chris Weidman or Luke Rockhold wouldn’t have been a sight to behold. Now that Vitor is off the banned substance his performances have been flat and uninspired. Belfort has literally deflated, but at least the playing field is fair. Then you have BJ Penn whose much anticipated return to action has now been canceled due to his own ignorance. It may be the rules but it doesn’t mean it’s not a major buzz kill. Like I said before, cheating shouldn’t be condoned and the sport should be cleaned up. It’s just unfortunate that the cost of that notion is missing out on what could be some great and memorable match ups. Follow Generation Iron MMA on Facebook and Twitter. Also, be sure to share, like, and comment to show your support.

Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his Twitter and Facebook to keep up with his antics.


Bradly Martyn Heaviest Dumbbell In The World Generation Iron

Bradly Martyn Heaviest Dumbbell In The World Generation Iron

Not just heavy. Heaviest.

Bodybuilding is all about making gains, specifically in the muscle department. For many who go down the road of building muscle, their training is all about achieving hypertrophy to stimulate growth. If a training program doesn’t have to do with making muscle gains then most bodybuilders could care less. Building strength from bodybuilding is less of an intentional practice and more of a byproduct of consistently lifting heavy weight over and over. But bodybuilding shouldn’t purely be about building muscle and getting shredded. If you could achieve more than just being shredded wouldn’t take the opportunity? Well it seems that’s an ideology than Bradley Martyn lives by.

For anyone who doesn’t know, Martyn’s YouTube channel is more than about training. Martyn goes out of his way to challenge himself in new and interesting ways that are difficult and can push an athlete past their limits. In reality isn’t that what bodybuilding is about? Achieving top form only to want to reach a new goal, get even more jacked and ripped and continue to leave your former self behind. In Bradley Martyn’s case, the bodybuilder not only wants to push the limits of his physique, but his overall physical prowess as well.

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Well it looks as if Martyn has found a new mountain to climb with his latest stunt. Many people have lifted 200 lbs dumbbells, others 250 lbs. But there are very few people out there who have had the privilege, or the drive, to lift a 375 lbs dumbbell during their workout. Well it looks like we can count Bradley Martyn as one of the few athletes brave enough to take up the challenge. Take a look as the bodybuilder hefts the world’s heaviest dumbbell in this video.

What do you think of Bradley Martyn’s insane dumbbell row?

Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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Bodybuilding Transformation Generation Iron

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A bodybuilding transformation that saved his own life.

When you think of a bodybuilding or fitness transformation – you most likely think of the before and after photos you see on weight loss TV shows or advertisements. Or maybe highlights from bodybuilding.com’s bodyspace profiles. But sometimes a body transformation is more than just traditional health or improving one’s look. Sometimes it’s a matter of life or death. Case in point: Matt Child. A man who has more ER visits, arrests, and problems than you can count on both hands. Flabby, an alcoholic, basically a man who did not give a flying f*ck what he does or what happens to him. Then a sudden moment changed his life and perspective – and now he’s well onto the path of shredded beast. Get the full story in our latest GI News update above.

Make sure to stick around the Generation Iron Fitness Network for all things bodybuilding and don’t forget to subscribe to our official YouTube channel to get updates on our latest videos. Stay pumped.

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Roelly Winklaar Posing New York Pro 2016 Generation Iron

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The people’s champ of the New York Pro.

Dexter Jackson may have won the New York Pro this past weekend – but when Roelly Winklaar stepped on stage for his final posing routine… the crowd went wild. If this was a popularity contest, surely Roelly would have won the competition hands down. Imagine one of those corny old fashioned “fan cheering meters…” it would go off the charts for Roelly. Between the New York Pro and Bodypower over in the UK – Roelly Winklaar is back on track with stealing headlines and pumping fans up. We can’t wait to see what he does next. You can watch his stellar posing routine from the New York Pro in the video above.

Make sure to stick around the Generation Iron Fitness Network for all things bodybuilding and don’t forget to subscribe to our official YouTube channel to get updates on our latest videos. Stay pumped.

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