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Best Forearm Workouts With Dumbbells That Popeye Would Envy

Forearm Workouts With Dumbbells

Give these dumbbell workouts a try to make even Popeye jealous.

Our forearms. We often take these for granted, always working out biceps and triceps, chests, and back. But forearms add to the overall arm aesthetic of our physiques and shouldn’t be overlooked as effective ways to get things done. Necessary for both functional and sport specific movements, our forearms need as much love as anything else.

Now, we mentioned Popeye, our rugged, big armed sailor. You might not want to look like Popeye himself, but those forearms, if paired well with the rest of your arm muscles, will certainly show off a great physique. Someone could have showed Popeye the gym to at least fix a few of those muscle imbalances, but thankfully, you don’t have that problem.

The right workouts can greatly affect your muscle growth and how you actually see effective changes to your physique. Dumbbells are a great workout tool to use for they work to isolate out certain muscles, fix any muscle imbalances, and give you the best chance at seeing convenient gains with an easy to use piece of equipment.

Let’s take a look at some of the best forearm workouts with dumbbells so you can add these to your routine and see the right forearm strength start to unfold. Plus, all you need is a set of dumbbells to see great work done.

Forearm Workouts With Dumbbells

Benefits of Strong Forearms

  • Improve grip strength: By working these muscles, you strengthen your grip which is essential for both functional and sport specific movements (1).
  • Necessary for all lifts: Any lift where you hold a weight requires forearm strength and this is important as you look to get the most out of each and every exercise.
  • Prevent injury: Strong forearms gives you better support as you lift big weight to avoid injury that can occur from weak muscles.
  • Add to your physique: Bigger forearms can add to your physique to make those arms pop and add to an overall aesthetic.

Related: 10 Exercises for Thicker Forearms

Why Using Dumbbells Are So Effective

Using dumbbells is a great way to enhance strength in a convenient way that only requires one piece of equipment. Dumbbells have the ability to take our gains to new heights and with the right approach to dumbbell training, we better set ourselves up for success.

Benefits of dumbbells include:

  • Effective muscle growth: Add good resistance and time under tension for great muscle building.
  • Fix imbalances: Great for isolating muscle groups to enhance symmetry and even out those muscles.
  • Good variety: Dumbbells allow for a host of workouts to take place and can add nice variety to your routine.

Forearm Workouts With Dumbbells

Best Forearm Workouts With Dumbbells

Now that we’ve covered the bases of what strong forearms and dumbbells can do for you, we can get into the best forearm workouts with dumbbells so you can add these to your routine and get the most out of each and every workout.

Farmer’s Walks

With farmer’s walks, you will carry a set of most likely heavier dumbbells a set distance or for a set amount of time. This is a great exercise to combine strength building with cardio and serves as a really nice conditioning exercise. Where your forearms come into play are with the grip necessary to hold the weight. Your core will be engaged to stabilize your body and your forearms will be engaged to really hold the weight and make it as effective as possible.

Zottoman Curls

Zottoman curls require a twisting motion during the actual movement which will work your forearm muscles and give them that bit of tension needed to grow. Designed to really enhance bicep strength and size, the use of your forearms and the nature of this movement, make this an effective exercise for building forearm strength.

Related: The Eight Best Bodyweight Exercises for Forearms

Wrist Curls

Wrist curls work to develop strength in the forearms but also your wrists. As vulnerable joints we need to keep these strong and stable and here is where your forearm grip is important. As an isolation exercise that mainly targets the forearms, this is a nice exercise to put into the mix to show those forearms some love.

Push-Up To Row

The push-up to row is a great exercise to work many muscles and your forearms are an important group to focus on. The movement of the push-up and then into the row all require different muscles, however, the constant is your forearm grip on the weight. A great exercise for those push days or those pull days, you can’t go wrong with the push-up to row exercise.

Forearm Workouts With Dumbbells

Best Dumbbells For Working Out

Finding a quality pair of dumbbells can be challenging, but it is certainly not impossible. With the right approach to looking, you can find a premium set of dumbbells that won’t break the bank. We wanted to share a great set with you so you could capitalize on those gains and see the best results possible.

papababe Dumbbells

papababe Dumbbells are perfect for free weight strength training. Made from solid cast iron with a rubber head, this ensures durability, longevity, and protection.

papababe Dumbbells are great workout equipment for those looking to build strength, burn fat, and create a stellar physique that others will envy. Perfect for free weight training, these can be stored easily for optimal convenience. Made from solid cast iron, these ensure durability and longevity and the rubber coating helps prevent damage to floors and other equipment. With a hexagon-shaped head to prevent rolling, the grip is also secure to prevent slipping and injury.

Price: $289.99

Check out our list of the Best Dumbbells for more great lifting products!

Wrap Up

The best forearm workouts with dumbbells can greatly enhance your lifting goals so you see effective growth and a real change to your physique. Strong forearms can add to your aesthetic and give you that bigger look you are striving for. Plus, by using dumbbells, you give yourself the benefit of using a quality set while reaping the pros of these lifting products. Give these forearm workouts a try and see what this can do for all those lifting and physique goals today.

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Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato


  1. Anakwe, R.; et al. (2007). “Grip strength and forearm circumference in a healthy population”. (source)

Master Bent Over Rows for Major Back Gains!

Developing A Strong And Healthy Back

For many, the muscles of the back are neglected and underused which can lead to problems with posture and consequent discomfort or pain (1). In the modern world, many work at a desk and remain seated for prolonged periods of time which can place the back under a great deal of stress and strain. Over time, the shoulders will begin to pull forward thus causing tightness and stiffness in the chest and neck muscles.

Even for those who attend the gym, the back often does not receive as much attention as is perhaps required, whereas the more visible muscles (such as the chest, shoulders and arms) are regularly targeted. This can lead to underdevelopment of the back and can exacerbate any existing back issues. Recent research has highlighted the importance of regular strength training for reducing back pain and preventing back problems (2).

Benefits Of The Barbell Bent Row

There are a number of useful back resistance exercises that can be performed with the barbell bent row being one of the most effective. While it is the latissimus dorsi (lats) which are primarily responsible for this exercise, there are a number of back and shoulder muscles which must engage in order to drive this movement – such as the trapezius, rhomboids, and rotator cuff muscles (3).

Considering the role that each of these muscles play in maintaining good posture, strengthening these muscles will have a substantial impact on posture and movement. Additionally, in the bent position, the core musculature must contract in order to hold the trunk of the body in the correct position (4). Strengthening the core will also contribute to better posture.

Finally, for those who enjoy pressing movements – such as the bench or overhead press – focusing on the bent row may facilitate a greater performance with these lifts while also helping to balance out the upper body muscles symmetrically – both in terms of size and strength. Conversely, having a muscular imbalance can potentially increase the chances of experiencing injury (5).

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Barbell Bent Row Form

When performing the barbell bent over rows, it is important to put technique before ego. Loading the barbell with excessive weight is a sure way to compromise form. Instead, keep the weight manageable and focus on the movements required to bring the bar into the body. Controlled movements, which maximally engage the working muscle, are far superior to uncoordinated and wild movements.

To properly execute the barbell bent row, follow the 4 coaching points listed below…

1. Place the loaded barbell on the floor. Ensure that the feet are approximately hip width apart. Prior to picking the barbell up, push the chest high and pull the shoulder blades together. Hinge forward and grip the bar using an overhand grip, placing the hands roughly shoulder width apart. Keeping the core tight and back flat, pick the bar up and stand tall.

2. From here, focus on pushing the hips back so that the upper body tips forward while maintaining a flat back. Keep a very slight bend in the knees and keep the bar as close to the legs. The bar should be in a hanging position close to the knees.

3. Squeeze the core muscles tightly before driving the bar into the area between the chest and the stomach. As you pull, focus on keeping the shoulders down and the elbows as tight as possible to the ribcage. At the top portion of the rep, aim to squeeze the shoulder blades together.

4. Once contact has been made, reverse the movement and control the barbell back down to the original starting position. Remember to keep the core contracted as the bar moves to avoid moving out of neutral spinal alignment.

Barbell Bent Row Tips

When performing the row, instead of thinking about pulling the bar up to the chest, focus on pulling the elbows behind the body. This will do two things – firstly, it will help to activate the right muscles, specifically the lats, and secondly it will facilitate a better rowing motion.

Another practical tip for the bent row is to pause briefly at the top of the movement and focus on maximally squeezing the shoulder blades together. Once again, this will lead to a greater activation of back and shoulder musculature and have a profound effect on posture and overall back health.

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Barbell Bent Row Variations:

Underhand Grip Barbell Bent Row

The only difference between this variation and the conventional bent row is the grip on the bar. Instead of an overhand grip, this variation uses an underhand (supinated) grip. This places more stress on the lats and lower traps.

Pendlay Row

The Pendlay row involves rowing the bar off the floor instead of from a static hanging position – other than this, the form is identical. To get into the position for this row, the trunk must assume a more parallel position and therefore requires a great degree of hamstring flexibility. As a result, many may find getting into this position, all while maintaining a flat back, quite challenging.

Yates Row

For the Yates row, a more upright stance must be assumed so that the trunk is approximately angled 30-40° from the floor. As a result of this position, the bar will travel to the lower abdominals instead of the sternum when rowed. Once again, this will predominantly target the lats and also the mid to low traps.

One Arm Barbell Row

For the unilateral barbell variation, stand side on to the barbell and use a neutral grip (palm facing the body). Look to pick up the bar near the plates, assume the conventional rowing position and complete full repetitions.

Dumbbell Bent Over Rows

The dumbbell variation of this exercise is a superb way of balancing out the strength of both sides. With a barbell row, the stronger side can begin to dictate the movement, whereas with the dumbbells, both sides must work individually to drive the weight upward. A secondary benefit is that dumbbells also require a greater amount of control and stability which places a large demand on the core muscles (6).

One Arm Dumbbell Row

A simple variation on the dumbbell row is a single sided row. For this variation, place the left hand and knee on a bench for stability and row from the right side, ensuring to maintain control and squeezing the muscles around the shoulder blade. Once a number of reps have been completed, swap sides and repeat.

Dumbbell Incline Row

For those who find it difficult to maintain a flat back during the row, use an incline bench, lie directly on top of it and let the dumbbells hang. From that position, row as normal ensuring that the chest stays in contact with the bench at all times.

Bent Over Flyes

For the final variation, assume the rowing position while holding two dumbbells. However, instead of rowing, keep the arms straight and drive the dumbbells out to the side of the body while focusing on pulling the shoulder blades together.

Final Word

The need to perform back strengthening exercises is very great for so many as it can effectively prevent dysfunction, pain and injury. There is no doubt that the bent row is one of the best exercises that can be performed for building back strength and maintaining overall health.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.


1-Services, Department of Health & Human. “Posture”. www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au.

2-Westcott, Wayne L. (2012-7). “Resistance training is medicine: effects of strength training on health”. Current Sports Medicine Reports. 11 (4): 209–216. doi:10.1249/JSR.0b013e31825dabb8. ISSN 1537-8918. PMID 22777332.

3-Edelburg, Holly (September 29, 2017). Electromyographic analysis of the back muscles during various back exercises

4-Fenwick, Chad M. J.; Brown, Stephen H. M.; McGill, Stuart M. (2009-3). “Comparison of different rowing exercises: trunk muscle activation and lumbar spine motion, load, and stiffness”. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 23 (2): 350–358. doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181942019. ISSN 1533-4287. PMID 19197209.

5-Knapik, J. J.; Bauman, C. L.; Jones, B. H.; Harris, J. M.; Vaughan, L. (1991-1). “Preseason strength and flexibility imbalances associated with athletic injuries in female collegiate athletes”. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 19 (1): 76–81. doi:10.1177/036354659101900113. ISSN 0363-5465. PMID 2008935.

6-Saeterbakken, A.; Andersen, V.; Brudeseth, A.; Lund, H.; Fimland, M. S. (2015-11). “The Effect of Performing Bi- and Unilateral Row Exercises on Core Muscle Activation”. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 36 (11): 900–905. doi:10.1055/s-0034-1398646. ISSN 1439-3964. PMID 26134664.

Zottman Curls For Building Massive Arms


Zottman Curls For Forearm Strength Training

Building strength in the forearms is just as important as training the actual biceps and triceps. The forearms are like the calf muscles of the arms, and just like having small calves, you do not want to get caught with small forearms. Often grip strength is used as a measure and indicator of health and fitness (1). However, for many, developing the muscles of the upper arms is a priority while the forearms often get neglected. As a result, the upper biceps develop well yet the forearms fail to adapt at similar rate which leads to imbalances in strength and size. In this piece, we detail the number of ways to grow the forearms with Zottman curls and why you shouldn’t neglect to train them.

While forearm training will bring about increases in size, strength and definition there are a number of other, less obvious, benefits associated with forearm training.

Benefits of Forearm Training

Regular forearm training can have a positive impact on gym performance and daily function. Strong forearms can facilitate a greater performance for many compound exercises, such as the deadlift and bench press where having a strong grip is essential. Improving grip strength generally can have a positive impact on simple day to day activities – for example, carrying heavy grocery bags or opening stiff jars.

Regularly performing forearm based exercises can also help to reduce the risk of experiencing injury – specifically around the elbow and wrist joints. Sprains or strains are fairly common injuries that can occur instantly or develop over time (2) and often result from weaknesses around a specific joint. Therefore, strengthening the forearm will have a consequent positive impact on both the elbow and wrist joint.

The Zottman Curl

When it comes to forearm training, one of the best exercises to hit that muscle group is the Zottman Curl.

What is it? The Zottman Curl is an exercise that was created by George Zottman and has been around since the 19th century. It is a curl that will target both the biceps, as well as the forearms all in one exercise.

How To Perform A Zottman Curl

The following 4 coaching points will demonstrate how to effectively perform the Zottman curl. Be aware that this exercise can be performed unilaterally (one arm at a time) or bilaterally (both arms simultaneously).

1) Selecting an appropriate weight and grab the dumbbells using a thumbless, supine (palms up) grip – this will immediately make gripping the dumbbell harder and force the forearm muscles to contract.

2) Before starting the movement, ensure that the elbows are tucked in tightly to the ribcage. From that position, focus on contracting the biceps and hinging at the elbows until the dumbbells rise up to roughly shoulder height.

3) At this point, focus on squeezing the biceps for 1-2 seconds. Before beginning the lowering phase, rotate the entire arm so that the dumbbells are now being held in a prone (palms down) position.

4) In a controlled fashion, begin to lower the dumbbells back down to the hips. Once the dumbbells have returned to the starting position, rotate the arms again and return to a supine grip.

Zottman Curl Tips

Using lighter weights to start with this exercise will prove more beneficial than jumping right into heavier ones. While you may be able to curl a solid amount of weight, you have to remember that your forearms may not be as strong as your biceps. Forcing more weight on your forearms than they can take will only lead to unwanted pain and stress that can lead to injury.

Performing these nice and slow will also really work on the time under tension you put your muscle through while also enhancing mind-muscle connection to really work on seeing great gains.

Image courtesy of Envato

Zottman Curl Benefits

A commonly used forearm resistance exercise is the reverse bicep curl which involves a pronated grip throughout. The benefits of the Zottman curl over the reverse curl is that by using a supinated grip in the first phase it is possible to lift a heavier weight and therefore put more stress through the arms.

One thing to keep in mind when focusing on the on a movement like this is how important the mind-muscle connection is. Essentially, you need to be locked in throughout the entire movement focusing on the squeeze. The eccentric contraction (lowering phase) produces more force than a concentric contraction (drive phase) and therefore, look to lower the weight slowly and maintain control throughout in order to maximize forearm activation. This technique is known as eccentric or negative training and has been found to be effective for building strength (3).

As briefly mentioned in the coaching points, a thumbless grip places a greater demand on the muscles of the forearm. Removing the thumb from the equation makes gripping the weight highly challenging and, as a result, the fingers have to squeeze hard to prevent the weight from slipping from the hands.

Therefore, it is clear that the Zottman curl is excellent for placing an increased load on the biceps and for maximizing the eccentric contraction of the forearm muscles. Not to mention, by working both your biceps and forearms, this allows for more efficient workouts and less time in the gym. Less time in the gym is not a bad thing, for it could be spent recovering, where muscle is built, or spending time away doing more things you love.

Another thing the Zottman curl does, is it offers a change of pace. Doing the same old exercises can be boring and can also lead to you hitting a plateau. Don’t let your gains stop and throw in this exercise to really shake things up with your muscles. Adding in a fresh workout can enhance growth and keep your training sessions interesting.

Finally, grip strength increasing is a benefit of Zottman curls. This is something we all take for granted and while we may not need a monster grip to deadlift an ungodly amount of weight, having functional grip strength for everyday tasks is important to have. Through the reverse part of this exercise, you strengthen your grip and hit all the muscles associated with it.

How It Differs From The Bicep Curl

While the traditional bicep curl is a great exercise, and one that works well when performed doing drops sets, the Zottman differs in that it provides that extra element by rotating at the top to really hit the forearms on the way down. You get all the benefits of a bicep curl with the bonus of targeting more muscles, and even smaller muscles that are often overlooked, while still performing a safe and effective lift. You can do these seated or standing, as well as alternating arms, so all of what you can do with a traditional bicep curl can be done with the Zottman curl and then some.

Zottman Curl Programming

The Zottman curl can be performed for a variety of sets and reps depending on one’s fitness goal.

  • Those looking to build muscle size, should perform 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps as this volume is optimal for muscular hypertrophy.
  • It can also be used as an effective high-rep finisher at the end of a workout. Completing 2-3 sets of 20-30 reps will be more than enough to bring about a great pump.

Finally, the Zottman curl can be used as effective preparation for a forthcoming workout – specifically for any exercises that require any degree of elbow flexion. If using this exercise as a warm-up, avoid heavy weight and muscular failure. Heavy loads will use up valuable energy that is required for the ensuing workout, whereas light loads will effectively warm the tissues without excessively burning up energy.

Final Word

There is no doubt that the Zottman curl is a highly effective arm building exercise which simultaneously places a load on the forearms and biceps. In terms of forearm building exercises, the Zottman curl should be regarded as one of the most effective as regularly performing this exercise will lead to a simultaneous increase in strength and size of both the forearm and upper arm.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.


1 -Publishing, Harvard Health. “Give grip strength a hand”.

2 -“Sprains and Strains”. medlineplus.gov.

3 – Information, National Center for Biotechnology; Pike, U. S. National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville; MD, Bethesda; Usa, 20894 (May 30, 2018). Golfer’s elbow: Strengthening and stretching exercises. Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG).

Lee Haney Believes Men’s Open Competitors Are “60 Pounds Overweight And Traumatizing Themselves” With Poor Diets

Diet Tips

Lee Haney offered some tips and guidance on diet plans.

Lee Haney is one of the top bodybuilders of all-time. He is known for his insane conditioning and symmetry on stage, which led to eight Olympia titles. During a recent interview, he spoke on the state of the Men’s Open division three decades after his reign at the top.

Haney is tied with Ronnie Coleman for the most Olympia wins ever. From 1984-91, Haney was unbeatable in Men’s Open. He was able to defeat other all-time greats such as Frank Zane, Sergio Oliva, and Lee Labrada.

Since Haney’s reign, the division has changed completely. Now, the overall size of the competitors has increased year after year. Bodybuilders work to condition their physiques but it seems as though size has taken over as the main factor.

Lee Haney

Lee Haney Breaks Down Men’s Open

During an interview with Escape Fitness, Lee Haney discussed Men’s Open competitors. He won his first Olympia title at 233 pounds and believes that competitors come in overweight now.

“These guys are 40, 50, 60 pounds overweight and they have to traumatize themselves eating chicken and green beans. What kind of life is that? That’s terrible, man. It’s ignorance. Never go below 50 grams of carbs. Zero carbohydrates for me. Keto for me, if you want to call it keto. We just said lower your carbohydrates.”


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A post shared by Lee Haney (@lee_haney_official)

Lee Haney believes competitors need to have a good relationship with food and consider a balanced diet plan. This also helps during prep when it comes to dropping body fat.

“If you’re 15 or 16 weeks out and 15% body fat then guess what? You can drop a percentage every week until you bottom our at 3% or 3.5%. You’re ready then. If you get there too quick then guess what? Increase the food intake.

I don’t believe in zero carbs. I never had to do that. I was a carb monster. My cards would be 400-500 grams of carbohydrates a day because I was never a fat boy.”

During the interview, Lee Haney shared a message for bodybuilders. He continues to speak out and share wisdom for the next generation of competitors. Whether it is about training, diets, or prep, Haney is a beneficial voice.

“My message has always been in bodybuilding as I share with young athletes. Always stay within striking distance. Train around, no more than 12-15 pounds over your competition weight.

That life force where it looks great on stage and it’s popping because you’re aerobicing yourself to death and stress will show up on your physique. It’ll tear you up.”

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

6 Exercises To Build Horseshoe Triceps

Generation Iron Exercise Guide Triceps

These are the exercises to add to arm day if you want horseshoe triceps. 

If your goal is to build sleeve-splitting arms, you can’t overlook your triceps. Most people make the mistake of going too hard on their biceps but skip training their triceps. Your arm development can never be complete without some ripped triceps. This article will cover the 6 exercises you should add to your arm day to build horseshoe triceps. 

Your triceps have three heads; long, lateral, and medial. You need to train them from all angles to ensure overall development. Combining isolation and compound exercises is the most effective way of building horseshoe triceps. Let’s take a look at the movements to do to hit all angles of the triceps.

Horseshoe Triceps Workout

Do these triceps workouts for the next 12 weeks to watch your arms explode.

Exercises Sets Reps
Cable Pushdown 3 12
Skull Crusher 3 10
Smith Machine Close Grip Bench Press 3 10
Cable Overhead Rope Tricep Press 3 15
Dip 2 Max
Close-Grip Pushup 2 Max

1. Cable Pushdown 

Cables pushdowns, aka cable tricep extensions, are a great way to maintain constant tension on your target muscle throughout the movement. While using the cables, you have the same tension on your triceps at the top of the movement as at the bottom.

Stand at arm’s length from the pulley machine. Attach a straight bar to the pulley and grab it with an overhand grip with your thumbs over the bar. Keep your elbows pinned to your side and hold and squeeze your triceps at the bottom of the movement.


2. Skull Crusher

Skull crushers are an incredibly effective exercise for building ripped triceps. This exercise is also known as “head smackers.” Skull crushers train the long head of your triceps. The long head is also the hardest part to develop, as only a few exercises can target it optimally.

You can use a straight bar or an EZ bar for this exercise. Make sure you have a complete range of motion while performing this exercise. Keep your elbows fixed at a single position, and hold and squeeze your triceps at the movement’s top.

3. Smith Machine Close Grip Bench Press 

Smith machine close grip bench press works on your triceps’ medial and lateral heads. Using a Smith machine adds tension to your triceps while performing this exercise. It also removes your stabilizers, forcing the triceps to lift the load solely. In addition, machine triceps movements will be safer than free-weight arm workouts. Performing exercises with a complete range of motion is the secret to building horseshoe triceps.

Keep your elbows pinned to your sides throughout the movement. If you can’t access a Smith machine in your gym, you can perform the close grip bench press on a flat bench with a barbell.

Triceps Workout Bodybuilding

4. Cable Overhead Rope Tricep Press 

Ropes can target your triceps from a completely new angle. They give you an extra stretch at the end of the movement to get more range of motion for a complete triceps extension. Overhead presses train the long head of your triceps. Again, keep your elbows pinned to the side of your head throughout the movement.

Keep the ropes together at the bottom of the movement, spread them out at the top, and squeeze your triceps. Make sure you’re not using momentum while performing this exercise. Use moderate weights to handle and keep your reps slow and deliberate.

5. Dip 

By this point, your triceps will be completely exhausted. Dips can be a complete triceps buster and are a great bodyweight exercise if you want shredded triceps. You can perform this exercise on parallel dip bars or a flat bench.

If the bodyweight version of this exercise is too easy for you, you can add extra resistance by using weights. Follow an explosive motion while performing this exercise. Hold and squeeze your triceps at the top of the movement. It’s best to perform this movement for as many reps as your triceps can handle before fatigue to get the most triceps growth.

6. Close Grip Pushup

Close grip pushups are another bodyweight movement. As the name suggests, it’s a pushup variation. Compared to standard pushups, the key difference with this movement is that your hands are closer, making your triceps perform the bulk of the work rather than your chest.

To do this movement, you’ll form a triangle with your hands on the floor, then use your triceps to extend and lower your body from the ground and up like a traditional pushup. It’s an excellent exercise to fatigue your triceps at the end of a workout fully. It’s also best to perform the max reps you can.

About the Triceps

The triceps are an important muscle group in the back of the arm. They consist of three heads – the long head, lateral head, and medial head – forming a horseshoe shape. The triceps are key for many daily activities, such as pushing open doors or lifting objects, as they are the primary extensors of the elbow joint.

They also help stabilize the shoulder when performing pressing exercises such as pushups or bench presses. Additionally, well-developed triceps can give the arms a toned and balanced look. Therefore, triceps exercises are an important part of any fitness routine.

Triceps exercises can be done with your bodyweight, free weights, resistance bands, and machines. Common exercises include triceps extensions, dips, and pushups. When doing any of these exercises, it’s important to use proper form to ensure that the triceps are engaged and that the appropriate muscles are working. Proper form also helps minimize the risk of injury.

The triceps are targeted as a secondary muscle when you perform compound movements such as pushups and bench presses. But isolation movements like the cable tricep extension make the triceps the primary muscle contracted.

Stronger triceps can take your upper body strength and physique to a new level. Incorporating triceps exercises into regular workouts can help strengthen and tone the triceps, giving you a stronger and more balanced look. Remember, the triceps make up 2/3 of your arms, so the more you implement quality tricep workouts the bigger your arms will grow.

With consistent effort and dedication, you’ll soon reap the benefits of strong and powerful triceps. Give the arm workout above a try!

Which are your favorite triceps exercises? Let us know on social media, so follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

*Header image courtesy of Envato Elements.

Ronnie Coleman Comments On Throwback Picture With Jay Cutler: “We Both Look Horrible”

Jay Cutler

Ronnie Coleman shared his honest opinion on a throwback post shared by Jay Cutler.

Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler are two of the top bodybuilders of all-time. The legendary figures remain active in the gym and are up to date on the happenings in the sport. At the peak of their careers, both Coleman and Cutler dominated the Olympia stage. Recently, Cutler shared a throwback post of the two in the offseason and Coleman was honest with his criticism of their physiques.

Coleman and Cutler developed one of the legendary rivalries on stage. From 1998-2005, Coleman was on top winning eight consecutive Olympia titles. This includes multiple victories over Cutler. In 2006, Cutler was able to end Coleman’s streak and win his first Olympia. This began his own run, winning four titles in five years.

The two built a friendship off stage and often pushed each other to their limits. They both have built successful social media platforms because of their overall knowledge and passion for fitness. Both Cutler and Coleman interact with fans and share different workouts and diet plans.

On Wednesday, Cutler took to Instagram to share a throwback post of the two in the offseason.

Bicep size

Ronnie Coleman Comments On Throwback Post

The post shared by Jay Cutler was during a guest posing event back in 2005. Cutler and Ronnie Coleman posed next to each other in the offseason. Cutler shared in his caption that they were four months from competing with their current weights over 300 pounds.

@daveliberman sent me this last night to remind me as I am crushing the next 10.5 weeks toward my goal.
This was 2005/06 when @ronniecoleman8 and I would guest pose week after week together before the hype of social media
16 weeks out onstage full offseason
My weight 300 lbs
Ronnie was 320 lbs here”


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A post shared by Jay Cutler (@jaycutler)

Ronnie Coleman too to the comment section to share his opinion on how the duo looks on stage.

“Hey where is my other arm. I’ve been out angled by missing an arm. We are both out of shape and we both look horrible. It’s all good though. That’s what the off season was for, to be off, sometimes way way off”

Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler brought two of the best physiques of all-time to the Olympia stage year in and year out. They continue to be fitness stars and influential voices in the sport of bodybuilding.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.


REDCON1 Bar Review

The Protein Bar for all Your Needs is BACK

When it comes to protein bars, these products are usually a hit or miss for a multitude of reasons. Protein bars can be great for bodybuilding, as they are treats for someone who is on diet. Unfortunately, a lot of times you find protein bars that are filled with junk ingredients and really are not nearly as healthy as they advertise themselves to be. Not even just that, but you also find a lot of protein snacks are honestly downright disgusting, they may have a chalky texture or are just gooey and too much to chew. Luckily, this is not the case with the new and improved REDCON1 BAR, available May 25, 2023.

REDCON1 BAR Overview

The ultimate soft-baked, protein-packed snack bar, powered by peanut butter. Perfect for while on-the-go to help curb hunger or sneaky sweet-tooth cravings.

Yes, you may have seen the REDCON1 BAR on the shelves before, that is because it was. REDCON1 is relaunching this extremely popular bar that took the fitness industry by storm when it was first released back in 2021. Coming back with a new and improved formula, from a reputable company that is known for putting out quality with everything they release from pre-workouts to meal replacements, you cannot go wrong with the REDCON1 BAR. 

The new and improved REDCON1 BAR is the ultimate soft-baked, protein-packed snack bar, powered mainly by peanut butter. It is packed with protein to fuel you up and keep you feeling full and is designed to be the perfect treat for an any time of day snack, or to curb those sneaky 2pm after lunch sweet tooth cravings that get the best of us sometimes. 


As stated above, the REDCON1 BAR was released back in 2021, but had a few issues that required REDCON1 to go back to the drawing board. The original bar contained a chocolate coating and higher macros, which is something that may not have fit everyone’s diet. People very much enjoyed the taste of the bars, but there were some issues with the chocolate coating, as the bars were found to be melting in transit, and there were also some manufacturing problems. 

However, with a new manufacturer and new formula, the REDCON1 BAR is back and better than ever. 


Who is the REDCON1 BAR For?

Sure, the typical REDCON1 customers and fans of the original bar will absolutely love the new and improved REDCON1 BAR, but this new and improved formula for the fan favorite Protein Snacks is intended to help bring REDCON1 to more households than just loyal customers and your typical fitness fanatics. The intent is to use a formula that is friendly to just about any diet, and have the bars reach more than just the average gym goer. REDCON1 BARs this time are aimed at reaching people of all demographics, regardless of diet preferences. 

The REDCON1 BAR comes with no whey protein, as these protein Snacks are created to be perfect for anyone with whey sensitivities, as REDCON1 knows that this is a huge demographic of consumer. 

REDCON1 BAR: Old vs. New

You might be wondering, what is different about the new REDCON1 BAR compared to the old. For starters, the new bars are being made by a different manufacturer, which helps provide a better texture that is more consistent throughout. The bars also will not melt on the way to distributors, nor will they melt in your gym bag, purse, backpack, and so on, as they have no chocolate coating on the outside. This also makes for better macros, as there are less fat, carbs, and sugar, and honestly less calories as a whole in each bar. 

You might think that without the chocolate, the new bars will not taste as good as the original ones did, however this is not the case. The new bars have a new formula that includes real cookie and candy pieces in every bar. Therefore, they have a great taste with each bite, as they are designed to taste just like a candy bar, but with far better macros.

The new bars are also a smaller size, which might not seem like a huge difference, but makes it a little more convenient. For example, now you can fit way more REDCON1 BARs into your pockets when you are leaving the house, they honestly are the perfect snack for when you are on the go. 

Flavors and Taste

As far as the flavors, the REDCON1 BARs come in two flavors as of now, which are Peanut Butter Cup and Cookies & Cream. When taking the taste into consideration, many times protein bars will have a weird aftertaste or just not taste like what they are advertised as. However, the REDCON1 BARs do not have an aftertaste, and they taste just like what they are meant to be.

Ingredients and Macros

The REDCON1 BAR is designed to help you hit your daily protein intake, in a tasteful manner. Each bar contains 20g of protein, which is awesome for a snack of this size. The recommended intake for each meal is about 15-30 grams, so these snacks fit right into that category. 

As far as the fat and carbohydrate contents, the REDCON1 BARs have right around16g of fat and 30g of carbs.



Let’s break down a big deciding factor when it comes to purchasing a product, and that is price. A lot of times you will see protein bars being outrageously priced for products that are not even that good, but the REDCON1 BAR is not like that.

You can purchase these bars at a price of $10.50 for 3, or $34.99 for 12!

Our Verdict

As die hard fans of the original REDCON1 BARs, you know we had to try out the new and improved ones, and we were not disappointed in the slightest. Each bite is filled with sweetness, and knowing that it is packed with protein and not full of junk ingredients makes it ten times better. Here are some things we like about the REDCON1 BAR:

  • Great taste: No weird aftertaste and the bars taste just like they are meant to.
  • Good price: Sometimes protein bars are so overly priced that you are breaking the bank just to afford them!
  • Convenient: Not only are they a great protein snack, but even in a pinch when you cannot fit a meal in, these bars are great as a quick meal replacement.

Our only complaint is there are only so many in each box! 

Wrap Up


Overall, REDCON1 BARs are back and better than ever. A new and improved formula makes for a great protein packed product, perfect for any time of day and just about any diet. 

Will you be trying the new release of the REDCON1 BAR?

Why Skater Squats Build Serious Leg Muscle

skater squats

A great bodyweight exercise that requires strength, balance, focus, and endurance.

Some of us look forward to leg day, while others of us could not care less. But however you feel about it, you need it because no one will respect those chicken legs no matter how big your upper body looks. The benefits of having, big, strong legs goes far beyond a simple tree-trunk aesthetic.

It means you are more grounded, balanced, and stable for any big lift. Of course, when it comes to sport specific movements it can provide a level of power and explosivity that you need, but all in all having strong legs works more to your benefit than you know. Skater squats are a great unilateral exercise to challenge yourself and give your legs a good burn.

Unilateral training is something that should absolutely not be overlooked, for the benefit towards bodybuilding specifically is that it will work to target both sides of your body equally to eliminate any muscle imbalances that may arise. By not overtraining the dominant side and isolating certain muscles, you focus on recovery and rehab to prevent injuries and keep you in the gym.

With unilateral training, the side not being used is also stimulated so some work is done, but you get a slight reprieve as only one side is seriously targeted. Not only will this keep you grinding in the gym, but it will also lead to a healthier lifestyle overall.

Let’s take a look at skater squats and see what this exercise can do for your leg gains. From what it is, to muscles worked, and the many benefits associated with this great unilateral exercise, skater squats can certainly beef up your workout to fire up those leg muscles so those thunder thighs really start to show.

What Are Skater Squats?

Skater squats are a unilateral exercise that will challenge your balance and focus, while also enhancing strength when it comes to your lower body. While this exercise provides a good leg warm-up, it will greatly enhance your entire body and can really elevate the explosivity of each leg to generate more power from each leg respectively.

This is a common variation of the pistol squat exercise because skater squats tend to be easier on the knees and for those with physical knee pain, skater squats work to get a great workout without totally blowing them out. This is because the movement of this squat exercise requires more movement out of the hip as opposed to the knee, taking that strain off.


Muscle Worked During Skater Squats

When it comes to this exercise, what you’ll find is your lower body will be absolutely fired up, but also your core. Your main abdominal muscles along with your obliques will feel a serious burn and will work to provide great balance and stability for any big lift that may come your way. For your lower body, this exercise will target your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves to make for a really great lower body burn.


Benefits Of Skater Squats

Strengthen Your Glutes & Hamstrings

While this exercise has the ability to provide for a host of benefits, what you’ll find is your glute and hamstring strength will be seriously enhanced. As two of the biggest muscles in your lower body, and ones that should never be overlooked, your quads and hamstrings provide for movement, stability, and strength when it comes to lifting big and sport specific movements for virtually every sport. Neglecting to strengthen these two muscle groups would be a mistake, but thankfully, skater squats work both at the same time (1).

Develop Single Leg Strength & Power

While single leg strength and power may seem unnecessary, any movement including a pivot or sudden turn will be greatly enhanced. For bodybuilders, while this may seem like a useless movement, it will allow you to better diversify your workouts to see great growth when it comes to other aspects of your training you wish to enhance. The explosivity that will come from a single leg movement is nothing to be overlooked.

Enhance Stability & Balance

While this may go without saying, it is a great benefit that needs to be mentioned. By promoting stability and balance, you are able to ground yourself and have more confidence when it comes to those big lifts, especially the big three in the deadlift, bench press, and squat. As skater squats work your core, you will feel a great sense of stability coming from you abdominals being worked as that six-pack starts to poke through (2).

Great Alternative To Other Squat Exercises

Skater squats serve as a great alternative to other exercises like the pistol squat, which can be tough on your knee. What a good alternative exercise can do is alleviate any unwanted pain and strain that can come from your knees or low back. The pistol squat, for example, uses your knees as the main point of movement, so for those with sensitive knees, it won’t be a great exercise to do. The skater squat works as a great alternative because it uses your hips as the main point of movement.


How To Perform Skater Squats

Pick one side of your body to focus on first. Once in a stable position, engage your core and make sure your glutes are ready to go. Take one leg and kick your heel backwards, bending at your hips with your front leg bent at your knee. It will look like a lunge, but more of a gliding motion. As you come back to the starting position, work to stay balanced using your arms for support in front of you. Repeat for your desired number of reps.

Wrap Up

Skater squats are a great way to target your lower body while also providing great support for balance and coordination. Lower body strength can work wonders for power and explosivity, while also giving you great gains when it comes to overall lower body strength. Easier on your knee and more focused on a hip movement, this can take pain and strain away and provides for a great alternative squat exercise. Give skater squats a try and really work to promote that lower body growth for great gains to your fitness and physique.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 


  1. McAllister, Matt J.; Hammond, Kelley G.; Schilling, Brian K.; Ferreria, Lucas C.; et al. (2014). “Muscle Activation During Various Hamstring Exercises”. (source)
  2. Akuthota, Venu; Ferreiro, Andrea; Moore, Tamara; Fredericson, Michael (2008). “Core Stability Exercise Principles”. (source)

*Images courtesy of Envato

The Most Underrated Leg Exercise

The Most Underrated Leg Exercise

You’ve been going to the gym for years. Your upper body looks alright, but your lower body looks like a malnourished fifth grader. Legs look like toothpicks and your butt is flatter than a pancake.

You’re frustrated with the scrawny legs not filling out your jeans, so you stop skipping leg day and start squatting your face off.

Now your legs are as sore as if a kickboxer nailed them with a few hundred kicks. But even with all this soreness, your lower body doesn’t grow much.

Rough dilemma ain’t it? Squats are great, but there are some common issues with squats that might be limiting your chopstick limbs from becoming tree trunks.

Issues With Squats

  • Squats are highly affected by human anatomy. Depending on your hip structure and femur/tibia ratios, different squats won’t hit certain parts of your legs with enough stimulation. Potentially you could end up doing a squat variation that doesn’t pair well with your body structure. It’s also quite common for low back, core, or spinal fatigue to limit squat performance.
  • You’ve grown accustomed to squats. Most guys squat all the time, but the human body likes to adapt. Something as simple as taking a break from squats and changing exercises might be what you need to grow your legs.
  • Squats train both legs at the same time. This is problematic because one leg/glute tends to do more work while the weaker side gets neglected or becomes a limiting factor to how many reps you can do.
  • Squats are technically hard. I don’t care how long you’ve been squatting, it’s actually one of the most technical exercises from head to toe. Most people’s form aren’t as good as they think.

Just because most guys do squats doesn’t mean you have to. You’re different, you not only clicked on this article to improve your ways, but you’ve read up to this point without clicking off even after I told you traditional squats might be limiting your growth, so I applaud you and your determined legs.

Now the exercise you probably need for your lower body muscles to expand like a hot air balloon are split squats. They’re effective, underrated, and you’ve probably been avoiding them because they also suck, but mechanically they should grow more muscle for a many people.

Below are a few different variations. For all of them keep a neutral spine, brace your core, and have a slight lean forward. The more vertical your front knee is, the more you’ll hit your glutes. As the knee travels forward, you will hit slightly more quads, so it’s up to you how you allow your knee to move. That being said, there’s nothing wrong with letting your knee travel past your toes. That’s a myth that doesn’t seem to vanish.

Anyways, a more forward lean will hit your glutes more while a more upright torso will hit your quads more. Hamstrings don’t really get trained with split squats, but they do contribute more than bilateral squats.

Your adductors also get some solid stimulation from spilt squats.

Regardless move steady and at a controlled forceful tempo on the way up and a slow and controlled tempo on the way down.

While there are many variations of split squats, they only differ in range of motion and weight placement. The general mechanics of all split squats are the same.

Split Squat Mechanics

  1. Start in a comfortable stance. Your feet should be on separate lines instead right behind each other like walking on a tight rope.
  2. Lower yourself as the front foot stays flat. The back heel should come up. You can tap your knee lightly on the ground or stop a bit short. I prefer the latter.
  3. Maintain stability and keep your hips neutral. Don’t let your knee collapse inwards. Let it track towards your toe naturally. If your knee goes past your toes, that’s perfectly fine as long as your front foot stays planted on the ground.
  4. As you come back up, be sure not to round your back. Keep your spine neutral.

DB Split Squat Guide

Goblet Split Squat Guide

Barbell Split Squat Guide

DB Bulgarian Split Squat Guide

Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat Guide

Front Foot Elevated Split Squat Guide

Benefits of Split Squats

Split squats allow you to train your legs unilaterally which helps with muscle and strength asymmetries and allow your nervous system to focus on one leg at a time. It’s arguably more natural too as you walk and move through daily life one leg at a time.

As for the main benefit you’re after, split squats will make your lower body look and feel epic. The strength gains are beastly and the muscle growth is powerful (yet painful). If you’re not used to them, you will likely be sore for a few days.

Lastly, they’re also great for various sport performance from cycling, soccer, sprinting, or even mixed martial arts.

That being said, they’re perfectly useful and still extremely beneficial for everyday population looking to stay fit and not allow their butts to sag as they approach 40 or 50.


To program these start by choosing a split squat variation. The Bulgarian and barbell variations will be harder, so I would avoid those if you’re a beginner. For your workout you can should do them for 5-12 reps per leg for 3-4 sets. If you do them as your main leg movement, do them at the beginning of the workout and use heavier loads. If you do them after doing your typical traditional squats, use slightly lighter loads and aim to knock out more reps.

Regardless be sure to add more weight or do more reps over time and the muscle tissue surrounding your booty and quads will explode in growth. You’ll fix the strength difference between legs, smash through a plateau, and have legs a centaur would be proud of.

Joey Swoll Reacts To Chelsea Star Mocking Man In Gym: “This Is How You Want To Represent Yourself?”

Chelsea Star

Joey Swoll continues to speak against toxic gym culture and this time, it was involving a Chelsea star.

Joey Swoll is a fitness star that has built an incredible reputation on social media defending those in the gym that do not have a voice of their own. Recently, Swoll reacted to a mocking video shared by Chelsea star Mykhailo Mudryk on Instagram.

Mudryk, a 22-year-old winger, is in the midst of his first season with Chelsea. To this point, he has struggled for his new club. Mudryk has not scored a goal and has two assists in 14 matches. He regularly shares videos of himself in the gym and has become known for his work ethic. This time, he decided to post a video of a man on his story working out.

The man, who was working out under the guidance of a trainer, was on a rowing machine. Mudryk captioned his video with a question mark and this caught the attention of Swoll.

Joey Swoll

Joey Swoll: “Put Your Damn Phone Away”

The video caught the attention of Joey Swoll because of the nature that it was posted. He made one of his edits speaking against toxic gym culture and defended the man while speaking against Mudryk.

“So you see that man at the gym working hard trying to better himself with a trainer, he’s in an embarrassing situation where yes, he is a little exposed and you decide, hey let me take a video of it to post on social media to make fun of him all for attention, really?”


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Joey Swoll knew of Mudryk and commented on his status on Chelsea and how he should handle himself in the public eye.

“Pardon my language, but what the f*** is wrong with you?

And you’re a professional soccer player, you play for Chelsea in the Premier League, is this how you want to represent yourself and your team?”

Swoll has shared many videos defending those who do not have the platform and has done it in a respectful way. In this video, he showed a bit more emotion and called for Mudryk to offer advice or “mind your own business.”

“Either help him or mind your own business but put your damn phone away.”

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