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Best Caffeine Free Pre-Workout For Clean Energy Boosts (Updated 2024)

caffeine free pre-workout

Maximize your exercise performance without the caffeine crash or jittery brain-drain.

When it comes to stimulants and the best pre workout supplements, there’s really no contest: everyone loves caffeine. Sure, there are certainly more powerful stimulants available. However, for a more sustainable headrush with a limited risk of long-term issues, caffeine remains a reasonable choice for boosting performance, both mentally and physically, and caffeine free pre-workouts are great for this.

Because caffeine is associated with “feel good” performance enhancement, many pre-workout supplements offer generous amounts of caffeine in their formulas, as well as really great vitamins and minerals. However, many of these same supplements tend to mask their poor-quality ingredient forms and overall ineffectiveness with caffeine megadoses, making these failed supplements for those looking for a good caffeine free pre workout supplement.

A few common problems with these cheap, weak supplements include:

And more. In other words, caffeine isn’t the only problem with today’s standard pre-workout formula; although, it does often distinguish effective caffeine free pre-workout stacks from ineffective formulas.

As a reliable “dopaminergic” brain booster, caffeine can be used to trick consumers into thinking an inferior, cheap pre-workout supplement is working as they misattribute the noticeable “feel good” feelings of caffeine to the formula’s efficacy.

In this guide, we cover the advantages of avoiding caffeine in your pre-workout stack, as well as how you can optimize yours with the best stim-free ingredients. But before diving into all of that, here is a deep-dive analysis of Transparent Labs PreSeries Stim-Free Pre-Workout, the best all-in-one caffeine free pre workout.

Best Pre-Workout Without Caffeine: Transparent Labs PreSeries Stim-Free Pre-Workout

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Transparent Labs PreSeries Stim-Free is an amazing option for those looking for stimulant free supplements for strength training, weight loss, and improved performance. With key ingredients at effective dosages, this is a great pre-workout for anyone looking for stim-free options.

Transparent Labs Stim-Free Pre-Workout is a 100% transparent formula great for serious athletes and bodybuilders looking for a high-intensity workout experience without caffeine.

Working with key ingredients like citrulline malate, beta-alanine, taurine, and others, this is a great supplement for those intolerant or avoiding caffeine. With clinically-effective dosages, this is a safe supplement to provide for a host of benefits.

Altogether, Transparent Labs Stim-Free Pre-Workout works by:

  • Increasing nitric oxide to the muscles to support enhanced muscular blood flow and oxygenation, priming the “muscle pump” feel for every great workout.
  • Enhancing focus to give raise alertness so you stay engaged throughout the entire workout.
  • Boosting endurance by working as a buffer for lactic acid build up and giving you a great endurance boost.
  • Promoting lean muscle growth for increased strength and definition for better training, performance, and that desired aesthetic.

Plus, with a transparent label and safe, effective ingredients, you know exactly what you are putting into your body.


Formula Analysis

  • Citrulline Malate 2:1, 6,000mg
  • BCAA 2:1:1, 4,000mg
  • Beta-Alanine, 4,000mg
  • BetaPure Betaine Anhydrous, 2,500mg
  • Taurine, 1,300mg
  • L-Tyrosine, 1,000mg
  • Choline Bitartrate, 500mg
  • ElevATP Ancient Peat and Apple Fruit Extract, 150mg
  • BioPerine, 5mg
  • Huperzine A, 50mcg

Transparent Labs Stim-Free brings strength and endurance gains to a whole new level with a unique combination of highly potent, bioavailable, and caffeine-free pre-workout ingredients.

Compared to the standard hyper-caffeinated pre-workout supplements lining the shelves, this is a smarter, cleaner stack that provides a natural boost with all-natural, stim-free ingredients.

Plus, you don’t get those unwanted jitters or caffeine related side effects that typically ruin a great product. With no stimulants and a transparent label, this supplement also contains no artificial sweeteners, coloring, or preservatives and is gluten-free and non-GMO to truly maximize your athletic fitness and workout performance.

caffeine free pre

Shop Transparent Labs PreSeries Stim-Free Pre-Workout Here

Stack with Transparent Labs StrengthSeries Creatine HMB and CoreSeries Post-Workout

To maintain consistent progress with your anabolic gains, fat loss, and other fitness-related goals, stacking a caffeine free pre workout supplement with a post-workout supplement and a “rest day” stack can help. A more complete Transparent Labs stack would look like:

  • Stim-Free Pre-Workout– a caffeine-free pre-workout enhancer designed to boost nitric oxide, muscle strength, and endurance.
  • Post– a post-workout formula designed to promote anabolic muscle gains and protect against muscle breakdown.
  • Creatine HMB– a creatine and HMB supplement perfect for restoring depleted muscle tissue and increasing strength.

Transparent Labs CoreSeries Post-Workout

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Transparent Labs CoreSeries Post is a great supplement to optimize recovery and muscle repair with 6 great ingredients. Paired well with any protein supplement, this can ensure big gains are met.

Formula Analysis

  • L-Glutamine, 5,000mg
  • Betaine Anhydrous, 2,500mg
  • L-Carnitine L-Tartrate, 2,000mg
  • Beta-Alanine, 2,000mg
  • Tart Cherry Powder, 500mg
  • Astragin, 25mg

Transparent Labs Post is a great post-workout supplement to maximize muscle growth and see results immediately. Working to optimize recovery and muscle repair, the body needs targeted nutrients to fully recharge that are backed by science. With Post, you get great ingredients working together for the best results.

Altogether, the benefits of Post include:

  • Bolster nitric oxide production
  • Reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness
  • Facilitate protein synthesis
  • Enhance insulin sensitivity
  • Prime your body for growth and recovery

Transparent Labs StrengthSeries Creatine HMB

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Transparent Labs Creatine HMB is clean and effective for tackling all of your strength building needs. With no artificial additives or preservatives, what you get is pure creatine with added HMB for better strength.

Formula Analysis

  • Creapure Creatine Monohydrate, 5,000mg
  • B-Hydroxy B-Methylbutyrate (HMB), 1,500mg
  • BioPerine Black Pepper Extract, 5mg

Transparent Labs Creatine HMB will work to boost performance without losing those hard-earned gains. The added ingredient of HMB along with creatine works in tandem to promote growth, recovery, and provide for the best results possible. BioPerine is exactly what you need to increase absorption so nothing goes to waste.

Altogether, the benefits of Creatine HMB include:

  • Promote strength and lean muscle
  • Increase endurance
  • Prevent lean muscle loss
  • Decrease fat mass

The World’s Favorite Drug: Caffeine

Coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, energy shots, pre workout supplements, fat loss supplements, nootropic supplements, energy-boosting gum pack—more and more, it seems like caffeine is sneaking its way into everything these days. And from a seller’s point of view, this makes sense: caffeine makes people feel great, and people buy things that make them feel good (1).

  • What’s more, caffeine makes people feel good in a reliable way that’s relatively safe to other habit-forming stimulants and quote-unquote “drugs.”

As a naturally occurring compound, caffeine is found in roughly sixty different plant species, including (2):

  • Coffee Beans
  • Tea Leaves
  • Cocoa Beans
  • Kola Nuts
  • Yerba Maté
  • Guarana Berries
  • Guayusa
  • Yaupon Holly

caffeine pills

What Exactly Is Caffeine?

Caffeine, or 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine (if you want to get fancy with it), is an alkaloid, which means that its chemical structure is predominated by nitrogen. Pure caffeine is highly water-soluble and can, thus, act rapidly on the brain and body after ingestion without aid of fatty foods (as is the case with fat-soluble compounds) (3). Those sensitive to this strong stimulant would require a caffeine free pre workout for muscle building and lean muscle.

Structurally, caffeine is similar to adenosine, a compound that binds with adenosine receptors to induce cognitive drowsiness and fatigue. Which gives us the perfect segue into the more important question:

What Exactly Does Caffeine Do?

Caffeine, as a compound structurally similar to adenosine, binds to adenosine receptors to block the drowsiness of adenosine. In other words, caffeine achieves its stimulatory properties on the central nervous system (CNS) through its inhibitory effects on adenosine, resulting in a boost on:

  • Catecholamines – dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, etc. (4).
  • Adrenal Activity– encouraging the release of stress hormone cortisol (5).
  • Dopamine Signaling – in high dosages (300+ mg), caffeine may increase the availability of dopamine receptors (6).

The Pros Vs. Cons Of Caffeine For Exercise

Several factors largely determine the advantageous vs. disadvantageous use of caffeine or caffeine free pre workout supplements for the best performance enhancement. However, perhaps the two most important factors are:

  • Dosage – the amount of caffeine per serving
  • Timing– when you take caffeine (i.e., morning or night?)
  • Caffeine Sensitivity– your personal tolerance to stimulants

Some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others, and therefore they require smaller dosages to reach peak effect. Others may feel like they need to guzzle a significant amount of caffeine just to reach their cognitive baseline so knowing the pros and cons is huge.

Pro #1 – Cognitive Performance

As a dopaminergic stimulant, caffeine may heighten mood and intensity for greater mental motivation in the gym. Taken prior to exercise, caffeine may help ward off mental fatigue in service of a more alert, more ready mindset.

  • Study: in a placebo-controlled study on caffeine consumption on judo athletes, morning caffeine ingestion was suggested to have “ergogenic properties with the potential to benefit performance, increase anxiety and vigor, and decrease the simple reaction time” (7).

Con #1 – Anxiety, Nervousness, and Jitteriness

Conversely, the mood- and intensity-boosting advantages of caffeine may also tip over into cognitive impairment by promoting anxiety, nervousness, and jitteriness, which is where a great caffeine free pre-workout would come in handy. Encouraging mental arousal, caffeine may often encourage too much arousal, throwing the mind into a scatterbrained state of anxiety that can be detrimental to athletic performance that requires cool composure.

  • Study: under conditions of anxiety disorder, caffeine consumption may exacerbate anxiety symptoms, potentially as a consequence of increased sensitivity to caffeine associated with anxiety disorder (8). Abstaining from caffeine altogether may significantly help maintain a level head under such conditions.

Pro #2 – Thermogenic Fat Loss

In addition to boosting cognitive arousal, caffeine’s stimulatory effects also seem to boost thermogenesis, or fat burning. By encouraging the activity of “fight or flight” catecholamines and stress hormones, caffeine seems to heighten the body’s energy expenditure capacity, potentially resulting in greater fat loss results during workouts.

  • Study: in one double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 100, 200, and 400 mg caffeine dosages were observed to determine what happened with thermogenic, metabolic, and cardio health measures. The results: caffeine dose-dependently increased thermogenic energy expenditure in association with increased plasma lactate and triglyceride levels (9).

Con #2 – Poor Sleep Quality

Nothing disrupts performance, endurance, and metabolic health quite like sleep deprivation. Contributing to a wide range of metabolic disorders and performance decrements, poor sleep quality is often associated with excess caffeine use and you won’t necessarily feel these effects with a caffeine free pre workout. And the relationship between the two is a downward spiral: caffeine promotes sleep deprivation, which encourages further caffeine use, and so on.

  • Study: comparing the sleep disruptive effects of caffeine administered at 0, 3, and 6 hours prior to bedtime, a group of researchers observed that “caffeine taken 6 hours before bedtime has important disruptive properties on sleep and provides empirical support for sleep hygiene recommendations to refrain from substantial caffeine use for a minimum of 6 hours prior to bedtime” (10).

Pro #3 – Vasoconstriction

Caffeine has a vasoconstrictive effect, meaning that this stimulant promotes the constriction of blood vessels, thereby decreasing blood flow. While this sounds like a negative (as we’ll get into in “Con #3” below), caffeine’s vasoconstriction may potentially have a pain-relieving effect on headaches, namely headaches associated with excessive flow to the brain.

  • Study: as one study on caffeine’s vascular mechanisms of action suggests, “caffeine has some cardiovascular properties and effects which could be considered beneficial,” (11) involving the association between decreased cerebral circulation and migrainous headache.

Con #3 – Vasoconstriction

One of the main reasons men and women take pre-workout supplements: boost circulation. And so, naturally, the vasoconstriction of caffeine are typically viewed as a negative when it comes to performance enhancement. Whether we’re talking nootropic cognitive enhancers or bodybuilder pre-workout stacks, the goal is to boost blood flow, not inhibit it and caffeine free pre workouts are great for this.

  • Study: in one 2009 study on the effects of daily caffeine use on cerebral blood flow, caffeine was shown to reduce cerebral blood flow by an average 27%, (12) which may significantly impact cognition and goes against the vasodilatory aims of pre-workout N.O. boosters.

negative training

Is Caffeine A Legitimate Performance Enhancer?

Based on the study’s compiled above, the best performance enhancement potential of caffeine significantly depends upon how much caffeine you use, your personal caffeine tolerance, and when you take caffeine (i.e., how close to bedtime) so if sensitive, a caffeine free pre workout would be the way to go.

Of course, much of this is common sense. But with a better understanding of how caffeine affects your mental and physical performance, you may make a smarter decision as to whether or not you want a caffeine free pre-workout supplement (or any stack for that matter).

An Optional Source Of Pre-Workout Caffeine: Transparent Labs PreSeries BULK Pre-Workout

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Transparent Labs PreSeries BULK is backed by science with clinically effective dosages to increase muscle size and mass. This pre-workout is perfect for reducing fatigue, aiding in muscle growth, and boosting energy levels for better overall performance.

Transparent Labs BULK is the best bulking pre-workout for those looking to gain size and increase muscle mass. With 19 active ingredients and a transparent label, this supplement contains zero artificial sweeteners, flavors, or other additives for only the best in terms of your training and performance.

transparent labs bulk

Top 5 Caffeine-Free Pre-Workout Ingredients

Whether you’re looking at a caffeinated or caffeine free pre-workout supplement, some of the best pre-workout ingredients you need to look for include:

#1) Creatine

An organic compound highly concentrated in tissue, creatine works as precursor fuel for the natural production of ATP energy, a cleaner, more natural energy source than the stimulatory effects of caffeine. As a dietary supplement, it boosts exercise performance by (13,14):

  • Replenishing exercise-depleted ATP energy
  • Stimulating insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1)
  • Buffering muscular lactic acid build-up for better endurance

Because creatine concentrates in muscle tissue, ongoing supplementation is required for creatine to reach peak saturation and, thus, peak ergogenic effect.

Best Pre-Workout Creatine: Creapure® pH10

  • Creapure® pH10 is 99.5% pure creatine monohydrate
  • pH-balanced to enhance bioavailability
  • Clean and easy-to-absorb to reduce bloating and gastric distress

#2) Beta-Alanine

A well-known sports nutrition aid, namely for the skin-tingling sensation associated with it, Beta-Alanine replenishes levels of carnosine, a dipeptide molecule, in muscle tissue, namely fast-twitch fibers for increased strength and power during high-intensity exercise. Consistently loading and maintaining, carnosine benefits performance and recuperation by (15):

  • Delaying onset fatigue and failure
  • Enhancing overall strength and stamina
  • Neutralizing exercise-induced free radicals
  • Inhibiting advanced glycation end-products (AGEs)
  • Buffering the impact of damaging acids

And more. The strength and endurance benefits of beta-alanine are unmatched and pair incredibly well with the endurance-boosting advantages of creatine supplementation and caffeine free pre workout.

Best Pre-Workout Beta-Alanine: CarnoSyn®

  • CarnoSyn® is the only beta-alanine with NDI (New Dietary Ingredient) status
  • Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS)
  • Well-backed by years of clinical research

strong man

#3) L-Citrulline + L-Glutathione

L-Citrulline is an amino acid that, once absorbed, converts in the body to L-arginine, a nitric oxide (N.O.) booster that enhances muscular circulation, strength, and growth. In other words, L-citrulline works as your go-to pre-workout “muscle pump” booster and will help with mind-muscle connection.

Additionally, L-Glutathione is an antioxidant enzyme that, when paired with L-citrulline, benefits performance in a few ways. Combined, L-citrulline + L-glutathione work by (16):

  • Promoting oxygen delivery to tissue
  • Protecting muscle against oxidative stress
  • Sustaining L-citrulline’s N.O.-boosting bioactivities
  • Improving energy and anabolism
  • Strengthening immunity against gym-related challenges

And more. Stacking these two compounds may significantly boost performance and protect against the deleterious side effects of boosted performance.

Best Pre-Workout L-Citrulline + L-Glutathione: Setria® Performance Blend

  • Setria® Performance Blend is made by Kyowa Hakko Bio Co. Ltd., a world leader in supplement development
  • Kyowa Quality® L-Citrulline is exceptionally clean and bioavailable
  • Setria® is an advanced glutathione form that pairs well with Kyowa Quality® L-Citrulline

#4) Maritime Pine Bark Extract

Formed by the harsh salty climes of the sea, maritime pine bark extract supplies proanthocyanidins, a potent class of antioxidants that:

  • Promote endothelial production of nitric oxide (N.O.)
  • Protect muscle tissue during intense training
  • Boost long-term cognitive attentional performance

Look for maritime pine bark extract standardized to 95% proanthocyanidins for optimal results with this unique performance enhancing herbal extract.

#5) Himalayan Pink Salt

Hydration is key to muscle growth, and, yet, when it comes to rehydration, we tend to overlook the importance of electrolytes to sustaining healthy H2O levels. As a natural source of electrolyte trace minerals, Himalayan Pink Salt is a smart choice for restoring sweat-depleted electrolytes when taken in a pre-workout context.

Caffeine Free Pre-Workout Conclusion

Frankly, our caffeine options are far from limited. If you want caffeine, you can get some. Odds are you’re enjoying a hot cup (or a cold can) of caffeine right now, as you read this, so looking for a caffeine free pre workout or one with caffeine is the choice you have to make.

However, what is hard to come by is a real-deal health and fitness supplement that genuinely supports athletic health and fitness. And with its all-natural, hard-hitting ergogenics packed in its caffeine-free pre-workout formula, Transparent Labs PreSeries Stim-Free Pre-Workout certainly fits the bill.

What’s more, Transparent Labs Stim-Free can be synergistically stacked with other top supplements in Transparent Labs Creatine HMB and Post-Workout.

The point isn’t to completely force you into a caffeine-free workout, but to grant you the option. Head to Transparent Labs to see more formulas with PreSeries Stim-Free Pre-Workout.

Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Transparent Labs and Envato


  1. Cappelletti, S.; et al. (2015). “Caffeine: Cognitive and Physical Performance Enhancer or Psychoactive Drug?”.
  2. Evans J et al. Caffeine. [Updated 2020 Mar 22]. StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan.
  3. Heckman MA et al. Caffeine (1, 3, 7-trimethylxanthine) in Foods: A Comprehensive Review on Consumption, Functionality, Safety, and Regulatory Matters. J Food Sci. 2010 Apr; 75(3): R77-87.
  4. Papadelis C et al. Effects of Mental Workload and Caffeine on Catecholamines and Blood Pressure Compared to Performance Variations. Brain Cogn. 2003 Feb; 51(1): 143-54.
  5. Lovallo WR et al. Cortisol Responses to Mental Stress, Exercise, and Meals Following Caffeine Intake in Men and Women. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2006 Mar; 83(3): 441-7.
  6. Volkow ND et al. Caffeine increases striatal dopamine D2/D3receptor availability in the human brain. Transl Psychiatry. 2015 Apr; 5(4): e549.
  7. Souissi M et al. Effects of Morning Caffeine Ingestion on Mood States, Simple Reaction Time, and Short-Term maximal Performance on Elite Judoists. Asian J Sports Med. 2012 Sep; 3(3): 161-168.
  8. Bruce MS, Lader M. Caffeine Abstention in the Management of Anxiety Disorders. Psychol Med. 1989 Feb; 19(1): 211-4.
  9. Astrup A et al. Caffeine: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Its Thermogenic, Metabolic, and Cardiovascular Effects in Healthy Volunteers. Am J Clin Nutr. 1990 May; 51(5): 759-67.
  10. Drake C et al. Caffeine Effects on Sleep Taken 0, 3, or 6 Hours before Going to Bed. J Clin Sleep Med. 2013 Nov 15; 9(11): 1195-1200.
  11. Echeverri D et al. Caffeine’s Vascular Mechanisms of Action. Int J Vasc Med. 2010; 2010: 834060.
  12. Addicott MA et al. The Effect of Daily Caffeine Use on Cerebral Blood Flow: How Much Caffeine Can We Tolerate?Hum Brain Mapp. 2009 Oct; 30(10): 3102-14.
  13. Cooper R et al. Creatine supplementation with specific view to exercise/sports performance: an update. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2012; 9: 33.
  14. Oliver JM et al. Oral Creatine Supplementation’s Decrease of Blood Lactate During Exhaustive, Incremental Cycling. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2013 Jun; 23(3): 252-8.
  15. Hobson RM et al. Effects of β-alanine supplementation on exercise performance: a meta-analysis. Amino Acids. 2012 Jul; 43(1): 25-37.
  16. McKinley-Barnard S et al. Combined L-citrulline and Glutathione Supplementation Increases the Concentration of Markers Indicative of Nitric Oxide Synthesis. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2015 Jun 10; 12: 27.

Victor Martinez Answers: Is Men’s Wellness Bodybuilding A Step Too Far? | GI Podcast

Victor Martinez explains why he believes a Men’s Wellness bodybuilding division is a step too far and moving the sport into the wrong direction

In the latest episode of the Generation Iron Podcast, hosts Victor Martinez, Ehsan Farahi, Edwin Mejia Jr., and Vlad Yudin discuss the controversy caused by the regional Men’s Wellness bodybuilding competition that went viral this past week. Victor gives his honest reaction to the division and whether or not it deserves to expand in a serious way. Other topics discuss includes the recent increase in Men’s Open prize money, Samson Dauda’s rise, and the unexpected reality of penis enlargement surgery.

The past week was a rollercoaster in the world of bodybuilding. Most notably due to a viral video showcasing a Brazilian regional bodybuilding show that debuted a Men’s Wellness division. The competition had no affiliation with the NPC or IFBB Pro – and the league made a statement confirming that they have no interest in expanding to such a division.

However, the competition drew a lot of attention from bodybuilding fans, experts, and athletes alike. Victor Martinez drills down into the division and what he thinks this means for the future of bodybuilding. Is this just a marketing gimmick? Or the start of some new movement?

This and many other topics are discussed in-depth on this week’s podcast. So let’s dive into it.


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Debate Over the Men’s Wellness Division

One of the podcast’s most contentious topics revolved around the introduction of the Men’s Wellness division in a regional bodybuilding competition in Brazil. While some viewed this as a progressive step towards inclusivity, others, including Martinez, expressed reservations about the further proliferation of divisions within the sport.

It should be noted that the NPC and IFBB Pro have already made a direct statement about the division. They noted that the competition had no affiliation with their leagues and that there was no plan to include a Men’s Wellness division.

Despite this, much controversy and discourse made it’s way online – with the Men’s Wellness division, and the video and images that came out of it, becoming the biggest headline in the sport over the past week.

Victor Martinez argued that an overabundance of divisions could dilute the competitive landscape and undermine the integrity of bodybuilding as a whole. Instead, he advocated for revisiting past divisions like Men’s Fitness, which combined aesthetic physique with fitness routines—a concept that garnered mixed responses during its brief tenure.

While Victor finds a wider variety of physique aesthetics via multiple divisions a noble endeavor – he also thinks there needs to be a limit. If every single type of niche body type becomes a division, you water down the integrity of the league and the sport as a whole.

In addition to affecting the integrity of the sport, Victor Martinez also points out that the many of the current divisions pay very low prize money – even at the Olympia. Adding more divisions means more production and less money to spread around to champion athletes. So unless something like Men’s Wellness can explode in popularity like the recent Classic Physique division, it’s inclusion may simply hurt champion athletes rather than help.

Recovery Techniques for Natural Athletes

When addressing a fan question about natural muscle recovery, Victor Martinez emphasized the efficacy of deep tissue massages—a simple yet effective method for alleviating muscle tightness and soreness.

Additionally, Martinez highlighted several benefits of supplements, many of which include:

Many of these supplements have been proven to aid in muscle repair and recovery. Ehsan Farahi echoed Martinez’s sentiments, recommending epsom salt baths—a traditional remedy that has stood the test of time in the fitness community.

Victor Martinez also notes that there are other “pharmaceutical grade” substances that you can take to help improve muscle recovery. However, since the fan question was asking specifically for natural methods – he does not discuss those options in detail.

RELATED: Ice Bath Benefits and Health Secrets Explained

Prize Money Increases in Men’s Open IFBB Pro Divisions

The podcast also delved into the recent announcement of increased prize money in Men’s Open IFBB Pro divisions—a development hailed by many as a positive step towards recognizing the athletes’ contributions to the sport.

However, Victor Martinez, known for his candid commentary, expressed skepticism about the adequacy of the prize money boost. Citing the substantial profits generated by supplement companies sponsoring bodybuilding competitions, Martinez questioned why athletes’ earnings remained disproportionately low.

He called for greater transparency and equitable distribution of resources within the industry, advocating for a more significant investment in athletes’ welfare and financial security. He finds this especially important when considering that pro athletes only earn money for winning a competition, have no athlete union, receive no health care of pensions. They essentially compete out of pocket until they can win a substantial competition or get sponsored for their successes.

More specifically, Victor Martinez emphasizes that increased prize money, no matter the amount, is a good direction for the sport to go towards. But he also finds it frustrating when he knows that supplement companies that sponsor the sport make millions of dollars in revenue. With that in mind, a $10,000 prize money increase per Men’s Open competition seems insultingly low.

Ultimately, Victor hopes that this is simply a baby step in the right direction. It shows that the league is taking action to try and bring in more sponsors and bigger investment into prize money. Victor only hopes that this leads to larger increases in the future.

Controversy Surrounding Penis Enlargement Surgery

In a departure from traditional bodybuilding topics, the podcast tackled the controversial subject of penis enlargement surgery, spurred by rumors surrounding celebrities like rapper Drake.

Vlad Yudin points out that, as ridiculous as it may sound, penis enlargement surgery is very real and actually gaining popularity in the United States in recent years. 15,000 enlargement surgeries were performed in 2023 – more than any other year previously. The cost for this sort of surgery in the US ranges from $10,000-$30,000.

While acknowledging the growing popularity of such procedures, Martinez dismissed them as ineffective and misguided, emphasizing the importance of confidence and mental well-being in sexual satisfaction. However, Farahi presented a nuanced perspective, suggesting that for some individuals, cosmetic enhancements could potentially boost self-esteem and quality of life, albeit at considerable expense and risk.

Assessment of Rising Star: Samson Dauda

The hosts turned their attention to emerging talent in the bodybuilding world, focusing on Samson Dauda—a promising athlete whose rapid rise has captured the attention of enthusiasts and experts alike. Martinez and Farahi expressed confidence in Dauda’s potential to become a dominant force in the sport, citing his impressive genetics and unwavering dedication to his craft.

With notable victories, including the Arnold Classic, Samson Dauda is poised to challenge established champions and carve out his legacy in the competitive arena. Ehsan specifically points out just how fast he has been improving within such a short amount of time. If that level of improvement continues at such a pace – he will be not only in the running to become Mr. Olympia champion but perhaps start a dynasty as the next long-running Olympia title-holder.

Wrap Up

As evidenced by the diverse array of topics discussed on the Generation Iron Podcast, the world of bodybuilding and fitness is as multifaceted as it is dynamic. From recovery strategies and competition dynamics to ethical debates and emerging talent, each episode offers a comprehensive exploration of the issues shaping the industry.

By providing a platform for candid discussions and expert insights, the podcast continues to inform, inspire, and entertain audiences worldwide, fostering a deeper appreciation for the dedication, discipline, and passion that define the bodybuilding community.

You can watch the full episode above. And don’t forget to check back every week for new episodes only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network or wherever podcasts are downloaded.

Ronnie Coleman Hits Light Chest & Triceps Workout In Signature Series Gym

Ronnie Coleman YouTube

Ronnie Coleman christened the new gym with a light chest and tricep day.

Ronnie Coleman remains active in the gym to this day and recently showed off a light chest and tricep workout in his newest Signature Series gym.

Coleman has been working with Panatta and the new gym is full of equipment provided by the company. He has spoken in favor of different machines and equipment that Panatta offers. After a legendary career on stage, Coleman continues to train and work toward recovering from different injuries.

Coleman battled it out with some of the all-time greats during his reign as Olympia champion. He won eight-consecutive titles from 1998-2005, which is tied for the most wins of all-time with Lee Haney. In retirement, he has remained active in the gym and has also had to deal with health issues.

Coleman has gone through multiple surgeries to repair injuries to his back, neck, and hips. During his career off stage, Coleman has been working to walk again unassisted and this includes a trip to visit Amr Ismail at his recovery center in Abu Dhabi.

Front Lat Spread

Ronnie Coleman’s Lightweight Chest & Tri’s Workout

Ronnie Coleman was joined by coaches Rubens Gomes and Fernando Sardinha for this particular workout:

“We’re about to hit some chest and tris at the Ronnie Coleman Signature Series Gym.”

Coleman shows off his work on each machine and it is clear that he is focused on lightweight for many reps. He works his way around the gym to try out all machines. First, he hits super incline chest press for two sets. For the remainder of the workout, Coleman completes one set.

Gomes talked about training with a bodybuilding legend such as Coleman in between sets.

“The good part is that he doesn’t know how nervous we are right now. We can talk in Portuguese and he’s not going to understand. That’s good.”

The trio paused and talked about their favorite Ronnie Coleman performances on the Olympia stage. With eight titles, there are many to choose from. Sardinha began by saying that his 2003 physique was the best while Gomes highlighted 2005. Coleman opted for his 1998 look. He did not provide a reason but this was the first of his legendary run.

Coleman continues to work hard in the gym and rehab injuries from his career. It is clear that his love for fitness and bodybuilding has not wavered in retirement.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Best Sleep Aid Supplement for Bodybuilding (Updated 2024)

The key to success is consistent sleep, not constant stimulation.

Everyone loves sleeping, but no one enjoys having to go to sleep. At the waning hours of the day, stubbornness overrides sleepiness as we start racing the sun to get our day’s work done. After all, there are only so many hours in the day to exercise, hit your macros, work, or whatever else you do. However, the fact remains that failing to achieve adequate sleep per night is one of the most common ways to derail your successful, active lifestyle altogether. Given that you’re here trying to learn more about the most effective natural sleep aid, odds are you’re feeling somewhat strung out and sleep deprived yourself.

(If you want a quick answer, here is the best rated natural sleep aid!) 

Well, you’re not alone.

  • In the 2017 National Social Survey in Australia, roughly half (42%) of the study’s 1,265 participants were considered to have suboptimal sleep.[1]

Globally, the widespread problem of sleep deprivation is serious enough to have considerably “serious public health implications,” as described by another group of researchers in 2019, especially given that suboptimal sleep has been linked to 7 of the 15 leading causes of death in the U.S.[2]

Effects Of Poor Sleep

effects of poor sleep

For athletes and bodybuilders, getting poor sleep adds another set of problems to the mix, including:

Failing to get adequate sleep per night accrues a “sleep debt” that gradually weakens our overall fitness and contributes to a low-performance mindset.[3]

Fortunately, there are a few easy ways to get better sleep and optimize your fitness health, one of which includes taking an effective, all-natural sleep supplement. Which is incredibly important since sleep experts as Nick Littlehales mention that sleep is crucial to athletes’ performance and recovery,

In this guide, we cover all the best sleep aids you can buy, including the Best All-in-One Sleep Supplement: Performance Lab® Sleep, a cherry-powered sleep booster that encourages quicker, deeper sleep in service of a brighter, more energized morning.

Here are the full details:

Best Sleep Aid Supplement: Performance Lab® Sleep

Performance Lab Sleep is great for optimizing overnight repair and recovery and works to disrupt any muscle twitches and stabilize your circadian rhythm. Working with top ingredients , this allows for a stress-free sleep cycle and optimal sleep support.

Get the best night’s sleep of your life every night with Performance Lab® Sleep, a natural, cherry-powered sleep booster designed to optimize overnight recovery and repair without compromising your next-morning performance and vitality. Quite the opposite, in fact: Performance Lab® Sleep will leave you feeling more refreshed and energized than ever.

Performance Lab® Sleep works by:

  • Supplying natural melatonin to encourage pre-sleep drowsiness minus the next-morning grogginess associated with synthetic melatonin.
  • Enhancing overnight cell renewal and joint support with anthocyanin antioxidants, a unique class of compounds that help repair damaged tissues.
  • Blocking sleep-disruptive muscle twitches, spasms, aches, and involuntary limb movements with absorbable magnesium forms.
  • Stabilizing nighttime circadian rhythm against the unnatural exposure to late-night electronic screens and irregular blue-lighting patterns.

Click Here For Performance Lab Sleep

Taken consistently, Performance Lab® Sleep is an incredibly useful tool that athletes, professional and recreational, can use to stabilize their sleep-wake cycle for a healthier, more consistent circadian rhythm.

Performance Lab® Sleep Formula Analysis

  • CherryPURE® Whole Montmorency Tart Cherry, 500 mg
  • TryptoPure® L-Tryptophan, 200 mg
  • Lemon Balm Extract, 200 mg
  • Magnesium+ (as Magnesium Bisglycinate, Magnesium Taurate, and NutriGenesis® Magnesium), 100 mg

Performance Lab® Sleep stacks all the best over-the-counter sleep aids in an ultramodern NutriCaps® formula designed to promote nighttime recovery and daytime performance.

Getting better sleep with a sleep supplement is actually pretty easy: just load up on a hefty amount of synthetic melatonin and—voila!—you’re now bedtime-ready. For the past few decades, this has been the go-to-strategy for many sleep supplement manufacturers.

Except there’s a problem with this one-dimensional strategy: it improves sleep at the cost of daytime performance. By only supplying a megadose of synthetic melatonin, these over-the-counter sleep supplements tend to over-sedate and outstay their welcome come morning time, which is why melatonin is often associated with morning grogginess and daytime headaches.

Thankfully, with the standardized concentration of natural melatonin supplied by Performance Lab® Sleep’s CherryPURE®, a far superior sleep aid to synthetic melatonin, you may achieve both deeper sleep and a more energized morning wake-up.

CherryPURE® uniquely benefits bodybuilders and athletes by providing natural melatonin with tart cherry fruit antioxidants that offer additional joint- and muscle-soothing benefits.

Combined with TryptoPure®, a pure L-tryptophan form that promotes sleep- and mood-supportive serotonin activity, and NutriGenesis® Magnesium, a nature-identical trace mineral that helps replenish exercise-related magnesium depletion, CherryPURE®’s melatonin activity effectively lulls the mind asleep for the rest of Performance Lab®’s formula to better mend the body.

THE RESULT: better sleep quality and nighttime regeneration for an all-around boost on exercise recovery, anabolic gains, and performance.

Click Here For Performance Lab Sleep

Stack with Performance Lab® SPORT Protein

Performance Lab SPORT Protein is an impressive brown rice protein source that is cleaner than most other protein powders. Great for muscle growth, recovery, and weight loss, this is absolutely a top protein supplement.

Supplying the only brown rice protein patented for enhancing athletic performance, Performance Lab® SPORT Protein is the cleanest, greenest, and tastiest (using all-natural flavors, sweeteners, and thickeners) protein powder that money can buy.

Though the Supplement Facts are simple, offering the revolutionary Oryzatein® organic whole brown rice grain protein and Himalayan pink salt, the benefits of SPORT Protein are plentiful:

  • Enhanced anabolic muscle and strength gains
  • Healthier muscle recovery and nourishment
  • Natural appetite control and weight management support

And, yes: better sleep quality

In addition to improved skeletal muscle growth and recovery, the benefits of pre-sleep protein ingestion also include improved sleep quality, as measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.[4]

Taking a protein powder after working out is a common-sense strategy for getting those gains. However, what’s often overlooked are the advantages of taking protein right before sleep.

By stacking Performance Lab® Sleep with SPORT Protein, you may further enhance the overnight recovery benefits of cherry-sourced melatonin and antioxidants with a clean source of plant-based, probiotic-enhanced protein.

Taken post-exercise and pre-sleep, Performance Lab® SPORT Protein may help meet your exercising body’s heightened protein and sleep needs for a more robust boost on muscle growth and exercise performance.

SUPPLEMENT FACTS: Protein (from Oryzatein® – Certified Organic Brown Rice [Oryza sativa] Protein Concentrate), Himalayan Pink Salt, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Potassium, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Manganese

Get the Best Deal on Performance Lab® SPORT Protein Here.

To learn more about how Performance Lab® Sleep’s formula can help you achieve better, deeper sleep, jump to the 3 Best Sleep Aids for Bodybuilding section below.

Or continue reading to better understanding the importance of sleep to athletic performance, including a few useful tips you can adopt to encourage a healthier, more consistent circadian rhythm.

Always Feeling Tired? Get a (Circadian) Rhythm


If you’re always feeling down and tired, odds are your circadian rhythm is off. But what is the circadian rhythm exactly?

  • CIRCADIAN RHYTHM is the body’s internal, physiological processes that regulate the sleep-wake cycle (i.e., when you fall asleep, when you wake up) per every 24-hour span, roughly speaking.[5]

Though anchored by the sleep-wake cycle, the circadian rhythm can refer to physical, mental, and even behavioral changes that follow a daily rhythmic cycle.

Circadian rhythm, sleep, and metabolism are all closely interrelated, so much so that a disruption in the circadian rhythm due to poor and/or inconsistent sleep habits may detrimentally impact your metabolic health, leaving you feeling always tired, always down—like the gravity around your body has been cranked up a few notches.

Because a healthy circadian rhythm consists of a consistent bedtime and wake-up time, one of the easiest ways to derail your circadian rhythm is to not only get a poor amount of sleep but to sleep at an inconsistent hour.

Why are we talking about circadian rhythm? Well, it’s something that a top natural sleep aid should be able to help get back on track; Let’s Visit Asia mentions that they use a sleep supplement to “cure” jet lag after flying long distances.

However, before diving into how you may better improve your sleep consistency (and, in turn, your circadian rhythm), let’s first address the more basic how much issue here:

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

Too little sleep is no good, but so, too, is getting too much sleep. Really, getting an “optimal” amount of sleep per night requires for you to hit a Goldilocks sleep “sweet spot”—a threshold of sleep duration that varies by age.

According to the National Sleep Foundation in the US, the recommended sleep durations per night adhere to the following age groups:[6]

  • Newborns (0-3 months):14-17 hours
  • Infants (4-11 months):12-15 hours
  • Toddlers (1-2 years):11-14 hours
  • Preschoolers (3-5 years):10-13 hours
  • Children (6-13 years):9-11 hours
  • Teenagers (14-17 years):8-10 hours
  • Young Adults (18-15 years):7-9 hours
  • Adults (26-64 years):7-9 hours
  • Older Adults (>65 years):7-8 hours

Typically, as we age, we require fewer hours of sleep per nights. And, yet, many of us in adulthood fail to get adequate sleep.

For the average adult, anywhere between 7-9 hours of sleep per night is ideal.

Lifestyle Tips on How to Get Better Sleep

Excluding the most obvious tip (which is: get more exercise), the best ways to get better sleep essentially involve adhering to a more consistent sleep-wake schedule and living in a more naturally lit day-and-night environment.

Which all sounds abstractly nice, but here’s how you pursue these goals in more practical terms:

1) Wake Up at the Same Time Every Morning

You can set an alarm clock to wake you up in the morning, but you can’t set an alarm to force you to fall asleep. Just because you’re go to bed doesn’t mean you’re going to immediately fall asleep. This is what makes tirelessly tossing-and-turning at night so frustrating—it’s as if your brain is actively resisting your mind’s plans.

Because the circadian rhythm largely determines when you’re ready to fall asleep, the unpredictability of sleep only worsens when you go to bed at inconsistent hours.

However, by setting a consistent wake-up time in the morning, you can at least establish some consistency around the “wake” portion of your sleep-wake cycle. In general, adopting a morning-type orientation (i.e., becoming a “morning person”) is more conducive to healthy sleep habits than being a supposed “night owl.”[7] While this might mean you have to endure a sleep-deprived day or two, as your brain and body adjusts to this forced wake-up, the gradual consistency of waking up at the same time will leak into a more consistent bedtime—especially if you adopt this next lifestyle tip.

2) Limit Nighttime Exposure to Electronic Screens

In a natural setting, our circadian rhythm is in sync with solar light. When the sun is up, our circadian rhythm prioritizes “wakeful” biological processes. And when the sun goes down, the circadian rhythm triggers the pineal gland’s release of melatonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for our pre-sleep feelings of drowsiness.

Specifically, what the circadian rhythm is responding to in solar light is blue light, a visible light that’s also emitted from our electronic screens—e.g., our TV screens, computer screens, phones, tablets, etc.[8]

You see where we’re going here? Because we’re often staring at our TVs and phones in the evening, even while we’re in bed scrolling through our Instagram and Twitter feeds, the unnatural evening exposure to non-solar blue light blocks the brain’s natural secretion of melatonin. Not to mention that excess blue exposure prevents the brain from fully falling asleep, even while your body falls asleep, and can induce significant photoreceptor (eye) damage.[9]

SWITCH TO WARM LIGHT: Fortunately, many phones and tablets do offer a timed “warm” light setting that lowers your screen’s blue-to-warm light ratio, emitting a more sleep-friendly amber-like glow. If you really want to limit your blue-light exposure, without having to sacrifice your screen-time, you can even wear amber lenses at night, which tend to be affordable and effective at filtering blue light. Even clinical research suggests that “Amber lenses represent a safe, affordable, and easily implemented therapeutic intervention for insomnia symptoms.”[10]

3) Take a Natural Sleep Supplement

Wake up at the same time every morning, limit your nighttime exposure to electronic screens—both of these tips assist with establishing a more concrete sleep-wake cycle, with the former addressing the “wake” portion and the latter addressing the “sleep” portion (as well as the ocular aspect of health and fitness, considering blue light’s depredatory effects on vision).

But if you’re looking for a more powerful approach to getting better sleep, one that may help you get better sleep tonight at no cost to tomorrow’s performance and productivity levels, consider adding a natural sleep supplement to your daily supplement stack.

No doubt, limiting your exposure to blue light is easier said than done. This may even seem nigh-on impossible if you’re living with roommates or a significant other—or with anyone really. Given how much of our culture is now channeled through the electronically lit portals in our living rooms, to totally avoid blue light is a daunting task.

However, a natural sleep aid, ideally one that supplies natural melatonin at a minimally effective dose, may help replenish your brain’s sleepy-time neurochemicals with predictable timing. Though we can’t set a “bedtime alarm clock” in the same way we can set an alarm in the morning to wake us up, we can reliably encourage our brains and bodies to fall asleep on schedule with the use of a natural sleep aid supplement.

The 3 Best Sleep Aids for Bodybuilding


Melatonin takes the cake, as far as the best sleep aids go. However, you don’t want just any ol’ melatonin—nor do you want any ol’ sleep supplement that only supplies melatonin, especially synthetic melatonin.

With that in mind, here are the 3 Best Sleep Aids used by Performance Lab® Sleep, the best all-in-one sleep stack, to support bodybuilding and athletic health. Enjoy.

#1) Montmorency Tart Cherries


Montmorency tart cherry is the richest source of natural melatonin, as well as anthocyanin antioxidants, making this cherry a far superior choice over synthetic melatonin.

Tart cherry juice is often recommended for a number of health benefits, such as:[11]

And more. However, some of the most exciting benefits of drinking tart cherry juice come as indirect advantages of the cherry’s melatonin-related bio-benefits. Melatonin naturally regulates the circadian rhythm and encourages pre-sleep drowsiness in service of a consistent, healthy sleep schedule.

As such, Montmorency tart cherry melatonin supports sleep quality and all-around healthier sleep patterns by:[12,13]

  1. Promoting the sleep-related biological processes otherwise triggered by nighttime darkness to induce quicker, smoother sleep onset.
  2. Combatting the disruptions in melatonin activity attributed to excess exposure to electronic-emitted blue light in the evening.
  3. Stabilizing the circadian rhythm around a more controllable, consistent, and predictable nighttime sleep schedule.

Simply put, melatonin works. However, it works best when delivered in a natural format, such as a tart cherry extract, at a minimally effective dosage. This is where a lot of melatonin supplements screw up. Not only do they use inferior, synthetic forms of melatonin that tend to vary in potency and bioavailability, but they also supply way too much melatonin—typically dosing their melatonin at 3 mg or more.

According to research performed by a group of MIT researchers, the optimal melatonin dosage is much more modest: 0.3 mg, a small amount that helps with sleep onset without disrupting daytime performance. Even in terms of sleep quality, 0.3 mg was found to be more effective than the brain-bludgeoning dose of 3 mg.[14]

What’s more, tart cherry’s anthocyanin content provides additional strength and joint support to high-intensity resistance training athletes.

In a 2014 study performed at Texas A&M University, a group of researchers observed the effects of tart cherry supplementation on muscle catabolism (breakdown) and soreness following intense lower body resistance exercise (i.e., back squats). The results demonstrated significant improvements in pain perception and antioxidant response, suggesting that “supplementation with a powdered tart cherry product surrounding an intense resistance event reduces pain perception in addition to hepatic and catabolic stress in the post-exercise period.”[15]

Best Montmorency Tart Cherries for Sleep: CherryPURE®

CherryPURE® is a freeze-dried Montmorency tart cherry powder extract concentrated into a powerful 50:1 standardized extract. As one of the most effective herbal supplements for sleep quality, muscle recovery, and anabolic growth, CherryPURE® is much more than a sleep supplement, amounting to something more like an overnight performance enhancer. Packed with natural melatonin and anthocyanin antioxidants, CherryPURE® is a safe, healthy, and effective tool for achieving faster, deeper sleep without any habit-forming side effects or next-morning grogginess.

#2) L-Tryptophan


A serotonergic precursor to the neurotransmitter 5-HTP, L-tryptophan is an effective sleep booster against the insomniac effects of stress and mood imbalance.

Stress isn’t only a mind and muscle killer but also a sleep killer. What’s worse, sleep deprivation contributes to excess stress levels, which in turn further promote poor sleep quality, resulting in a downward stress-sleep cycle that can bottom out with a severe metabolic shutdown,[16] sort of like going bankrupt on your “sleep debt.”

Fortunately, L-tryptophan may help combat the sleep-disruptive effects of stress. As an amino acid involved in the serotonergic pathway, L-tryptophan contributes to the bio-activities of:[17]

  • Serotonin– by first converting into 5-HTP, which then in turn converts into serotonin, the well-known neurochemical associated with positive mood, impulse control, relaxation, emotional wellbeing, and healthy sleep.
  • Melatonin– in the gut, L-tryptophan converts into melatonin while also promoting the pineal gland’s natural production and secretion of melatonin.

The L-Tryptophan Pathway: L-Tryptophan à 5-HTP à Serotonin à Melatonin; a sequence of conversions that overall contribute to better mood and sleep.

In addition to promoting sleep quality, L-tryptophan’s serotonergic benefits also seem to promote physical performance in a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

As group of researchers from the University of Barcelona, Spain observed in a 2010 study on the effects of L-tryptophan supplementation on team sport-like exercise, L-tryptophan seemed to improve various measures of power output. The researcher’s conclusion: “in some types of exercises, modification of the serotonergic system may improve physical performance.”[18]

Taken as a sleep aid, L-tryptophan benefits both nighttime sleep quality and daytime performance.

Best L-Tryptophan for Sleep: TryptoPure®

Manufactured by Ajinomoto®, a world leader in amino acid supplementation, TryptoPure® is a purified L-tryptophan form made using Ferment-A-Pure, a patented, eco-friendly fermentation process that converts non-GMO, gluten-free vegetable carbohydrates into clean amino acids. As a 99% pure, highly bioavailable form of L-tryptophan, TryptoPure® is an excellent choice for supporting sleep and exercise performance.

#3) Magnesium

Involved in over 300 vital bio-pathways, magnesium is a key mineral required to block over-excited neural and neuromuscular activities during sleep.

Though generally common, magnesium-deficiency is particular problem among mineral-sweating athletes. If you’re doing the whole exercise thing correctly, you’re sweating—and if you’re sweating, you’re depleting your trace minerals, such as magnesium.

This is why post-exercise rehydration involves not only replenishing your water levels but also your electrolyte (trace mineral) levels, which help the body sustain water.

However, with magnesium deficiency, the problems extend beyond dehydration into noticeable issues in sleep quality and neuromuscular relaxation.

In the neuromuscular junction, the point at which nervous tissue meets muscle tissue, magnesium helps calm excitable nerve impulses to block muscle spasms and involuntary twitches.[19]

Due to magnesium’s importance to muscle relaxation, magnesium deficiency has been associated with poor sleep and frequent nighttime awakenings.

Conversely, magnesium supplementation has been associated with improvements in sleep efficiency, sleep duration, and sleep onset, as well as insomnia and early morning awakening.[20] With that in mind, increasing your magnesium intake may help:

  • Reduce sleep-disruptive muscle spasms, cramps, and twitches
  • Relax vascular smooth muscle for a pre-sleep blood pressure drop
  • Calm overexcited neuronal activity in the brain

And even optimize free and total testosterone levels, as shown in a study on 4-week magnesium supplementation among tae kwon do athletes.[21] For these reasons, Magnesium is also considered to be in the Best Vegan Multivitamin UK.

As part of the famous ZMA (Zinc + Magnesium + B6) sports nutrition trio, magnesium is a key mineral for improving sleep quality and athletic performance. Supplementing magnesium is a smart move, considering the low absorption rates of many dietary magnesium forms.

Best Magnesium for Sleep: NutriGenesis® Magnesium

To counteract the poor absorption rates of inferior magnesium forms, NutriGenesis® Magnesium is complexed with natural cofactors, such as probiotics, fibers, enzymes, and more, that assist with the bioavailability of this sleep-supportive mineral. Supplied in a clean, vegan, eco-friendly ingredient form, NutriGenesis® Magnesium has been bioengineered to maximize absorption and bioavailability, giving you the most bang for your buck in terms of dosage requirement.


Performance Lab Sleep

Performance Lab® Sleep Supplies an All-in-One Stack of the Best Sleep Aids

Lifting heavy weights, running long distances, sprinting at record speeds—the “exercise” components of a healthy, active lifestyle often get the most attention, as they are the sexiest and most exciting aspects of health and fitness. However, what’s often overlooked are the equally important “sleep” and “recovery” components of a healthy, active lifestyle.

In other words, the necessary inactive aspects of health and fitness.

In our go-go world of faster speed internet, faster technological progress, faster transportation, etc., the value of rest—of sitting still for one damn, anxiety-free moment—is at an all-time high. And, fortunately, with a sleep aid stack like Performance Lab® Sleep, the opportunity to sit still for one moment every night is now available to you.

Funny enough, with the nighttime benefits of this sleep- and recovery-boosting formula, you may actually go farther and faster in your daytime work than ever before. It’s all about balance here: work hard, play hard, sleep hard.

If you feel your day-and-night cycle is out of balance, take Performance Lab® Sleep to get back into a healthy circadian rhythm and back into the game.

Click Here For Performance Lab Sleep

Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 


  1. Metse AP, Bowman JA. Prevalence of self-reported suboptimal sleep in Australia and receipt of sleep care: results from the 2017 National Social Survey. Sleep Health. 2020 Feb; 6(1): 100-109.
  2. Chattu VK et al. The Global Problem of Insufficient Sleep and Its Serious Public Health Implications. Healthcare (Basel). 2019 Mar; 7(1): 1.
  3. Kitamura S et al. Estimating individual optimal sleep duration and potential sleep debt. Sci Rep. 2016; 6: 35812.
  4. Zhou J et al. Higher-protein diets improve indexes of sleep in energy-restricted overweight and obese adults: results from 2 randomized controlled trials. Am J Clin Nutr. 2016 Mar; 103(3): 766-774.
  5. Huang W et al. Circadian rhythms, sleep, and metabolism. J Clin Invest. 2011 Jun; 121(6): 2133-41.
  6. Chaput JP et al. Sleeping hours: what is the ideal number and how does age impact this?Nat Sci Sleep. 2018; 10: 421-430.
  7. Soehner AM et al. Circadian Preference and Sleep-Wake Regularity: Associations With Self-Report Sleep Parameters in Daytime-Working Adults. Chronobiol Int. 2011 Nov; 28(9): 802-809.
  8. Wahl S et al. The inner clock-Blue light sets the human rhythm. J Biophotonics. 2019 Dec; 12(12): e201900102.
  9. Tosini G et al. Effects of blue light on the circadian system and eye physiology. Mol Vis. 2016; 22: 61-72.
  10. Shechter A et al. Blocking nocturnal blue light for insomnia: A randomized controlled trial. J Psychiatr Res. 2018 Jan; 96: 196-202.
  11. Kelley DS et al. A Review of the Health Benefits of Cherries. Nutrients. 2018 Mar; 10(3): 368.
  12. Howatson G et al. Effect of tart cherry juice (Prunus cerasus) on melatonin levels and enhanced sleep quality. Eur J Nutr. 2012 Dec; 51(8): 909-16.
  13. Losso JN et al. Pilot Study of Tart Cherry Juice for the treatment of Insomnia and Investigation of Mechanisms. Am J Ther. 2018 Mar-Apr; 25(2): e194-e201.
  14. Zhdanova IV et al. Melatonin treatment for age-related insomnia. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Oct; 86(10): 4727-30.
  15. Levers K et al. Powdered tart cherry supplementation demonstrates benefit on markers of catabolism and muscle soreness following an acute bout of intense lower body resistance exercise. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2014; 11(Suppl 1): P31.
  16. Hirotsu C et al. Interactions between sleep, stress, and metabolism: From physiological to pathological conditions. Sleep Sci. 2015 Nov; 8(3): 143-152.
  17. Paredes SD et al. Assessment of the Potential Role of Tryptophan as the Precursor of Serotonin and Melatonin for the Aged Sleep-wake Cycle and Immune Function: Streptopelia Risoriaas a Model. Int J Tryptophan Res. 2009; 2: 23-36.
  18. Javierre C et al. L-tryptophan supplementation can decrease fatigue perception during an aerobic exercise with supramaximal intercalated anaerobic bouts in young healthy men. Int J Neurosci. 2010 May; 120(5): 319-27.
  19. Kirkland AE et al. The Role of Magnesium in Neurological Disorders. Nutrients. 2018 Jun; 10(6): 730.
  20. Abbasi B et al. The effect of magnesium supplementation on primary insomnia in elderly: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. J Res Med Sci. 2012 Dec; 17(12): 1161-1169.
  21. Cinar V et al. Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Testosterone Levels of Athletes and Sedentary Subjects at Rest and After Exhaustion. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2011 Apr; 140(1): 18-23.

Rafael Brandao Believes He Can Win 2024 Arnold Classic: “I Feel Like I’m A Different Guy”

Rafael Brandao Instagram

Rafael Brandao believes that he has taken off this year.

Rafael Brandao has taken his game to another level over the last year and believes 2024 is the year that he shows it on stage. The Brazilian bodybuilder is scheduled to appear at the 2024 Arnold Classic and recently shared that his intention is to win.

Brandao has impressed over the course of his career due to his incredible conditioning on stage. He has victories over some of the top competitors in the world but has yet to take that next step in the biggest shows of the year. That could change if he contends for a title in Columbus and that is the ultimate goal.

“I’m a f*cking different guy. I feel like I’m a different guy. I know I’m bigger, leaner, drier, harder. You know, also, yeah I think this year that I took off, I’m going to bring a lot of change to the stage.”

Brandao was inactive over the last year and put in extra work to make improvements to his physique. He shared that he is about 15 pound heavier than he was during the 2022 Olympia.

Rafael Brandao back workout
Image via Instagram @rafabrandaopro

Rafael Brandao Believes He Can Win Arnold Classic

Rafael Brandao joined Dennis James on The Menace Podcast for a discussion about his improvements and plan to take the stage in Columbus. Brandao made it clear that he is coming for a title.

“I want to win the Arnold. Just in my head, in my mind, I can win. I can beat these guys in Ohio.”

Hadi Choopan has been viewed as the favorite to win the Arnold Classic. Brandao was asked specifically how he could gain an advantage over the former Olympia champion.

“I think front lat spread. I think side triceps. I think abs and thighs…Front lat spread and right now, I think my back double biceps.”


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A post shared by Rafael Brandao (@rafabrandaopro)

Rafael Brandao continued to share his plans for the 2024 calendar year following his appearance at Columbus.

“We’re going straight to Columbus, Ohio and then back to Brazil to the Arnold Brazil. No, I’m not doing UK. Brazil is most important show for me. I cannot put everything at risk and go to the UK and then come to Brazil and probably tired.”

Rafael Brandao will look to win in Columbus before heading home to compete in Brazil. With Brandao back on stage, the competition in Men’s Open division takes a big jump.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Tom Stoltman Shares Full Day Of Eating Ahead Of 2024 Arnold Strongman Classic

Tm Stoltman trains for 2024 Arnold Strongman Classic.
Tom Stoltman YouTube

Tom Stoltman walked fans through his meals during prep.

Tom Stoltman is preparing to hit the 2024 Arnold Strongman Classic in just two weeks which is taking place in Columbus, OH. The two-time World’s Strongest Man (WSM) champion shared a full day of eating on YouTube last week to show how he prepares to hit the gym in a big way.

Stoltman indulged in a cheat-day style of eating on this particular day. Stoltman was joined by his brother and fellow Strongman, Luke Stoltman, for some meal prep’s and their nutritionist Nathan Payton shared how he handles each competitor.

“When it comes to clean foods, they both can tolerate up to a certain amount and they holds them over and enables them to train. However, with the cheat foods and the different, specific things I do to target their training, which is where the performance-enhancement through nutrition, is night and day.”

Because Tom’s appetite is so large, Payton will sometimes have to alter his clean meals. While Luke, his appetite is not as large so he can simply add a dessert or other snack to the end.

“Tom, basically, he has the appetite of like a T-Rex. It’s never ending. When I decide that there’s a particular lift that he’s trying to target, I have to feed him might be four or five times that then when I tell Luke ‘you’re working on this and we’re going to target it in this manner.'”

“I might add a dessert to his clean meals while with Tom, I might have to throw a clean meal completely out. go completely pizza or pasta with all of the desserts.”

The full day of eating began with the Stoltman Brothers sitting down for a massive breakfast.


Meal 1

Tom Stoltman sat down for breakfast with Luke. The duo has never been shy about breakfast and was able to put down another calorie-filled meal here.

“It is the day before we go to work so what better way than a whole day of eating, Stoltman brother style. Right now, we’re going to eat, get big and get strong.”

  • Omelette
  • Potatoes
  • Toast
  • Fruit
  • Yogurt
  • Pancakes

Meal 2

For the second meal of the day, the Stoltman brothers hit Five Guys. Payton advised both Tom and Luke to eat when hungry and this gave them freedom during this day. It is more of a cheat day for the Strongmen rather than adding in clean meals.

  • Bacon Cheeseburger
  • French fries
  • Milkshake


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Meal 3

Tom Stoltman hit meal three on his own. Just an hour and a half after Five Guys, the monstrous athlete was hungry once again. He cleared it with Payton and dove into his next meal.

  • Chicken tenders
  • French fries

“My appetite is back. He calls it the T-Rex appetite. When I get hungry, I can eat. The boss said I can have this so I’m gonna. Man, I love this country.”

Meal 4

The final meal of the day was a tray of spaghetti and meatballs along with a mountain of garlic bread.

  • Spaghetti
  • Meatballs
  • Garlic bread

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The Best 6 Exercises To Use Elbow Sleeves For Pain-Free Support

elbow sleeves

Work for pain-free support with elbow sleeves and these top exercises.

You may have seen elbow sleeves before but haven’t used them. There are certain exercises where elbow sleeves can be of great help and offer pain free support to your elbow joints so you can lift big, plow through any workout and see gains. With a snug, comfortable fit, yet still versatile for all of those lifting wants and needs, elbow sleeves are the perfect fitness accessory to have in your gym bag alongside things like a weightlifting belt and knee sleeves.

Able to provide nice compression, elbow sleeves work to improve blood flow and enhance recovery, all while supporting the elbow to distribute tension evenly. With better blood flow and circulation, you bring comfort to the muscle and thus only enhance your ability to see great gains. Using these with certain exercises will only help you in the long run.

We’ve pulled together some of the top exercises to use an elbow sleeve so you can see better gains and overall pain free support.

SBD Elbow Sleeves
Image courtesy of Inner Strength Products

Best Exercises For Elbow Sleeves

  • Bench Press
  • Pull-Ups
  • Lat Pulldown
  • Squats
  • Skull Crushers
  • Shoulder Press

Bench Press

The bench press is something we all love to do, and putting up big numbers is something to easily show your dominance over others in the gym. Great for working your chest, what you’ll find is the enhancement of many pushing movements (1). That being said, the bench press puts some pressure on your elbows, and a good elbow sleeve will help you here as you hold heavy weight and need to bend your elbows to get a full range of motion and complete the movement. That strain can be a lot, but with the right support, you won’t feel as tight in the elbow.

Bench Press Benefits

  1. Bigger chest: By working to push that weight, this targets your chest the most and you can really beef up your chest strength that way.
  2. Enhance pushing power: Since this lift is all about the push to get the weight up, your power output will be enhanced for better performance.

How To Do The Bench Press

Lie on the bench with your feet planted on the floor. Grab the barbell with your hands a little more than shoulder-width apart. Lift the bar off the rack and gently lower to your chest as you breathe in. Your forearms should be about 90 degrees from the ground as you touch your chest and with your feet planted on the ground, initiate the upward movement to return to the starting position.


The pull-up is an upper body strength exercise performed with the pull-up bar and most likely your bodyweight. The added bonus is the ability to add weight if need be to really beef up those gains (2).

Since this exercise requires you hanging and taking the load in your arms, elbow sleeves will offer that compression needed so you can lift yourself up with no problem.

Pull-Ups Benefits

  1. Strengthen arms and back: This is a great muscle builder for your arms and back, while also working to develop that V-shape taper.
  2. Functional exercise: Able to build muscle and allow for those gains to be made for sport specific movements, this also works well for functional ones and everyday activities.

How To Do Pull-Ups

Grab the pull-up bar with your palms down and hang from the bar. With an engaged core, pull yourself by the elbows up to the bar until your chin passes it. Lower yourself down and repeat for your desired number of reps.

Lat Pulldowns

The lat pulldown is a serious lat builder and one that works other upper body muscles well. Used with the pulldown machine, this allows you to get a great exercise while also enhancing spine stabilization and enhancing shoulder health (3).

Elbow sleeves are great here for the fact that this movement requires serious load on those elbows. As the point of movement, although your lat muscles do get work, your elbows will feel supported as you lift big weight.

Lat Pulldown Benefits

  1. Effective lat builder: This exercise will build lat strength and allow you to maximize those pulling movements, since your lats are pivotal.
  2. Enhance spine stabilization: By strengthening those back muscles, you work to stabilize the spine and provide for better support.

How To Do The Lat Pulldown

Position yourself on the machine and grab the handles with your desired grip. As you pull down towards your chest, squeeze your shoulder blades, keep your core engaged and feet planted on the ground. Slowly return to the starting position for the pulldown and repeat for your desired number of reps.


The squat is a staple exercise for many since it will enhance lower body growth, so you only see the best gains. This is certainly one of those exercises that you will see promote muscle while also working to improve power and explosiveness (4). Given the position of your elbows, especially on low bar squats, an elbow sleeve can alleviate some of the pressure of supporting the barbell so you can get low into that squat pain free.

Squats Benefits

  1. Increase lower body strength: Working your quads, glutes, and hamstrings, this is a great lower body exercise to boost strength, stability, and certain sport specific and functional movements.
  2. Better power: The nature of this movement requires the best for power and explosivity and will promote both as you look to optimize performance.

How To Do Squats

Place the barbell on your traps and shoulders with your feet shoulder width apart. With a tight core, bend your knees while keeping your spine neutral, squatting down to your optimal range of motion. Once at the bottom, drive through your feet to return back to your starting standing position.

Skull Crushers

Skull Crushers are perfect for those looking to maximize their upper body routine, particularly their triceps. Great for building muscle mass and enhancing stability, what you will find is improved overall triceps.

With such a load given the amount of weight, you will find that elbow sleeves will relieve pressure and tension felt in the elbows, while also improving blood flow since your arms

Skull Crusher Benefits

  1. Tricep strength: Since you are solely moving weight using the triceps, you will see that you can overload them pretty easily, increasing strength.
  2. Tricep Size: Being that you can overload the triceps fairly easily, skull crushers are great for increasing size in your arms.

How To Do Skull Crushers

Lay on a bench with and select an appropriate weight with either dumbbells or a loaded barbell. Raise the weight above your head and bend your elbows to lower it towards your skull, almost touching it, but not quite, as you want to keep tension on the triceps.

Shoulder Press

Building up our shoulders can be a challenge, but the shoulder press is one of those exercises to do just that. Building those boulder shoulders, this exercise also works to boost core strength and allow for better overhead pressing movements (6).

Since this requires load on the elbows, and that load going overhead, elbow sleeves offer great support as you push that weight to see great gains.

Shoulder Press Benefits

  1. Increase shoulder strength: This exercise will really work those shoulders and allow for the best by optimizing your range of motion and overhead mobility.
  2. Core work: Since this exercise requires quite a load overhead, keeping your core tight is important and will prove to pay off in the long run.

How To Do The Shoulder Press

Choose your desired amount of weight and stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Grab either dumbbells, kettlebells, or a barbell so it is at about your upper chest and engage your core for stability. When ready, lift the weight overhead, extending your arms and locking them out at the top. Continue this overhead press movement for your desired number of reps.

elbow sleeves

Benefits Of Elbow Sleeves

Elbow sleeves can benefit you in a number of ways and it is important to put a focus on support and your physical health in order to lift big weight. Benefits of elbow sleeves include:

  • Offer compression: A snug fit will work well as you look to warm up the elbow and provide for better blood flow (7).
  • Support your elbow: This helps distribute tension differently so other smaller muscles also feel supported, better assisting the elbow.
  • Increase stability: Provide that increased stability for big lifts so you see increased strength.
  • Promote better recovery: Improved blood flow and circulation will enhance recovery to optimize your physical health and see better gains.

What To Look For In Elbow Sleeves

When choosing your elbow sleeve, it is important to look for fit. You want the sleeve to offer support and compression, but also allow for optimal movement, for this will affect the exercise as a whole. The kind of material used is important as well, for you want the sleeve to physically feel comfortable and not too scratchy, itchy, or any of those uncomfortable feelings. Since you will use these for plenty of lifts, it is also important to note the durability of the product. A product worth your time and money will last you a while no matter how much you use it.

Our Favorite Elbow Sleeves

Made from a high-grade blend of elastic and cotton fabric, these sleeves offer Level 3 compression, designed to apply optimal tension around your elbows.

Iron Bull Strength Unleash Elbow Sleeves are definitely our favorite elbow sleeves, and thy are crafted from a high-grade blend of elastic and cotton fabric, to provide comfort and compression. These sleeves offer Level 3 compression, which is designed to apply optimal tension around your elbow but not to the point where they are so stiff that you lose the ability to complete a full range of motion or are uncomfortable.

Iron Bull Strength
Testing Iron Bull Strength Elbow Sleeves

This superior blend of materials in these elbow sleeves adapts to your elbow contours, giving you a truly personalized fit and ensuring a custom fit while retaining its form and tension under the pressures of heavy lifting. 

The high-grade material of Iron Bull Strength Elbow Sleeves ensures stability, breathability and durability, letting you push your limits while keeping you cool and dry. This marks a significant improvement over traditional neoprene elbow sleeves. Neoprene is a material that traps in the moisture and can often feel hot, sticky, and uncomfortable during intense exercise. The cotton component in Iron Bull Strength’s Unleash Elbow Sleeves blend promotes breathability, effectively wicking away sweat and allowing the skin to breathe, so you won’t have sticky, smelly elbows.

Check out the Iron Bull Strength Elbow Sleeves review.

Also, check out our list of the Best Elbow Sleeves for more great products to maximize pain-free support!

Wrap Up

These top exercises for elbow sleeves are great to put into your routine and can really enhance all areas of your gains. With the right elbow sleeve, you can work to promote support and better compression to allow for only the best in terms of blood flow, recovery, and growth. Check out some top elbow sleeves and see how they can improve your performance today.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato


  1. Tungate, P. (2019). “The Bench Press: A Comparison Between Flat-Back and Arched-Back Techniques”. (source)
  2. Ronai, P.; et al. (2014). “The Pull-up”. (source)
  3. Newton, H.; et al. (1998). “The Lat Pulldown”. (source)
  4. Kubo, K.; et al. (2019). “Effects of squat training with different depths on lower limb muscle volumes”. (source)
  5. Winwood, P.; et al. (2015). “A Biomechanical Analysis of the Farmers Walk, and Comparison with the Deadlift and Unloaded Walk”. (source)
  6. McKean, M.; et al. (2015). “Overhead shoulder press- In-front of the head or behind the head?”. (source)
  7. Pereira, M.; et al. (2014). “The Effects of Graduated Compression Sleeves on Muscle Performance: A Randomised Controlled Trial”. (source)

Brian Shaw Shares Event List For 2024 Strongest Man On Earth

Brian Shaw shares full day of eating for his final strongman competition.
Brian Shaw shares full day of eating for his final strongman competition

The event will take place during the 2024 Shaw Classic Expo.

Legendary strength athlete Brian Shaw will once again host the 2024 Shaw Classic Expo. During this weekend, the Strongest Man on Earth competition will take place. Over the weekend, the four-time World Strongest Man (WSM) champion, Brian Shaw took to YouTube to share the full event list for the competition.

The 2024 Strongest Man on Earth will take place from Aug. 17-18 in Loveland, CO. There will be a total of eight events that competitors will take part in over two days.

In 2023, Shaw acquired the trademark of “Strongest Man on Earth.” from Paul Ohl, who was the organizer of Fortissimus. This was a Strongman competition held in 2008 and 2009 before it was suspended due to a lack of sponsors. Ohl held onto the trademark for all of these years. Now, Shaw has the trademark and crowned his first winner in 2023.

“We have got a few questions about whether it is officially the Strongest Man on Earth or the Shaw Classic. The Shaw Classic is the entire weekend. The Strongest Man on Earth is the pro men’s contest that happens at the Shaw Classic.”

The Shaw Classic began in 2020 with Shaw himself winning the inaugural contest. Trey Mitchell would log back-to-back titles before Shaw reclaimed his title in 2023 and earned the title of “Strongest Man on Earth.”


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2024 Strongest Man on Earth Event List

Brian Shaw is already preparing for the competition in August and took another step by revealing the official competition list.

  • Max Deadlift
  • Overhead Medley
  • Power Medley
  • Manhood Stones
  • Circus Dumbbell Overhead Medley
  • Keg Toss
  • Squat
  • Fingal’s Fingers x Power Stairs

The official list begins with max deadlifts followed by medleys that test strength in different ways. Shaw shared that deadlifts will be done without suits.

“There will be no deadlift suits allowed…I want to see what the competitors are capable of with a max deadlift. The guys will be able to call their weights.”


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There will also be an event similar to Atlas Stones called Manhood Stones. There will be multiple stones in front of a competitor and they will have the choice on which they want to list. Of course, the athlete who lifts the heaviest one will put himself in. position to win.

“This is a great opportunity to plug this in. If you are stronger at lifting stones, you are going to get rewarded.”

Brian Shaw put together this list so that competitors could test strength in the best ways for many. He will not be competing at this event and wants to crown the new Strongest Man on Earth.

“I really and truly feel that this list of events is an incredible test of strength. I think that, within those events, we are going to see the Strongest Man on Earth win this contest, without a doubt.”

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Creatine Vs. Pre-Workout: Which Boosts Performance Better?

Certain pre-workout supplements include creatine in their ingredients.

Bodybuilding and various fitness goals often revolve around enhancing muscle size and strength. To accomplish this, numerous athletes opt for supplements to gain a competitive advantage. Research highlights that combining protein supplements with resistance training can boost muscle mass and strength (1). Below, we’ll delve into a detailed analysis of creatine vs. pre-workout to assist you in determining which aligns best with your fitness objectives.

Selecting the appropriate supplements can be confusing due to the multitude of options and brands available. Nevertheless, when considering the creatine versus pre-workout debate, there’s no need for concern as both offer significant benefits. 

What Is Creatine?


Creatine, as a substance, naturally occurs in your body and resides in your muscle cells. There, it creates high energy stores called phosphocreatine, mainly when available in excess. These stores help your body produce the high-energy molecule adenosine triphosphate, which is your body’s energy currency. 

The most common form of creatine as a supplement is creatine monohydrate. It’s also the version that’s most researched for its benefits. Taking a supplement with creatine monohydrate like Nutricost Creatine is a great idea, as research shows it has no adverse side effects. 

Benefits of Creatine

Creatine as a supplement helps to improve strength and enhance performance. It does this by helping your muscles produce more energy during heavy work, like resistance training. This extensive review on creatine and other popular supplements supports creatine as one of the most effective for adding muscle mass (2). Below are other benefits of taking creatine.

  • It improves cell signaling, which aids with muscle repair and growth.
  • Supports heart health.
  • Better athletic performance (3).
  • Reduces muscle breakdown and loss.
  • Reduces blood sugar levels.
  • Improves short-term memory and brain health (4)

What Is Pre-Workout?

Nutricost Stim-Free Pre-Workout

Pre-workouts are supplements that give you energy for training. Different brands contain different ingredients, but the most effective vital ingredients are caffeine and beta-alanine. You can check out others in our review of the Nutricost Pre-X Extreme Pre-Workout

A pre-workout can either be in pill or powder form and can help reduce fatigue during training. It can also help you recover more quickly after an intense workout. This study on 23 resistance-trained men showed that taking a pre-workout supplement increased their strength and power (5).  

Benefits of Pre-Workout

Pre-workouts can improve your energy levels and performance. However, they can cause side effects like anxiety and a tingling sensation depending on their ingredients and your caffeine sensitivity level. You should do your research and talk to a doctor before you start taking one. With that being said, here are some of the benefits you can get from taking a pre-workout.

Creatine Vs. Pre-Workout: Which Is Better?

Knowing the benefits of both supplements, you might find yourself wondering, is it better to take pre-workout or creatine? Some pre-workouts contain creatine, which might tempt you to want to drop taking a creatine supplement altogether. Before you do, consider the following.

Research on creatine use shows it requires a loading phase of six days before it will affect your training and give results. That means you need to take at least 20g of creatine for six days to see a significant increase in your muscle stores, which leads to more muscle growth (6). Most pre-workouts with creatine contain only around 3g of creatine. 

A better and more effective approach would be to take both pre-workouts and creatine supplements. Research shows that both go well together, with pre-workout supplements helping with fatigue and creatine helping with muscle growth (7). So, ultimately, both are separate products, and none is better than the other. For maximum benefits, we recommend taking both. 

Other FAQs

Should I take creatine after or pre-workout?

Creatine is most effective as a post-workout supplement. If taken before workouts, creatine would be lost, but it quickly absorbs into the muscles after training. There, it will readily provide energy for the repair and rebuilding of your muscles. 

Does creatine give you the same energy as pre-workout?

While creatine will make energy available on a cellular level, it won’t provide the same energy that a pre-workout gives. Creatine is more effective at helping you build muscle mass in the long run. 

Is creatine with pre workout bad?

Mixing pre-workouts with creatine is a good idea. Creatine can help boost some of the other ingredients of pre-workout. However, taking creatine separately isn’t as effective since the dosage isn’t high enough.

Wrapping Up

Creatine and pre-workout supplements are not interchangeable, so declaring a victor in the creatine vs. pre-workout debate is not straightforward. Both are integral components of your training routine, and we advocate for their combined use. While creatine is particularly beneficial for muscle growth, a pre-workout supplement provides the necessary energy boost to enhance your performance. The synergy of creatine and pre-workouts can significantly improve your recovery process when used together.

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more supplement information!


  1. Cermak, N. M., Res, P. T., de Groot, L. C., Saris, W. H., & van Loon, L. J. (2012). Protein supplementation augments the adaptive response of skeletal muscle to resistance-type exercise training: a meta-analysis. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 96(6), 1454–1464. https://doi.org/10.3945/ajcn.112.037556 
  2. Kreider, R. B., Kalman, D. S., Antonio, J., Ziegenfuss, T. N., Wildman, R., Collins, R., Candow, D. G., Kleiner, S. M., Almada, A. L., & Lopez, H. L. (2017). International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: safety and efficacy of creatine supplementation in exercise, sport, and medicine. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 14, 18. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12970-017-0173-z 
  3. Ramírez-Campillo, R., González-Jurado, J. A., Martínez, C., Nakamura, F. Y., Peñailillo, L., Meylan, C. M., Caniuqueo, A., Cañas-Jamet, R., Moran, J., Alonso-Martínez, A. M., & Izquierdo, M. (2016). Effects of plyometric training and creatine supplementation on maximal-intensity exercise and endurance in female soccer players. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 19(8), 682–687. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2015.10.005 
  4. Forbes, S. C., Cordingley, D. M., Cornish, S. M., Gualano, B., Roschel, H., Ostojic, S. M., Rawson, E. S., Roy, B. D., Prokopidis, K., Giannos, P., & Candow, D. G. (2022). Effects of Creatine Supplementation on Brain Function and Health. Nutrients, 14(5), 921. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14050921 
  5. Kaczka, P., Batra, A., Kubicka, K., Maciejczyk, M., Rzeszutko-Bełzowska, A., Pezdan-Śliż, I., Michałowska-Sawczyn, M., Przydział, M., Płonka, A., Cięszczyk, P., Humińska-Lisowska, K., & Zając, T. (2020). Effects of Pre-Workout Multi-Ingredient Supplement on Anaerobic Performance: Randomized Double-Blind Crossover Study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(21), 8262. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17218262 
  6. Hultman, E., Söderlund, K., Timmons, J. A., Cederblad, G., & Greenhaff, P. L. (1996). Muscle creatine loading in men. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 81(1), 232–237. https://doi.org/10.1152/jappl.1996.81.1.232 
  7. Stout, J. R., Cramer, J. T., Mielke, M., O’Kroy, J., Torok, D. J., & Zoeller, R. F. (2006). Effects of twenty-eight days of beta-alanine and creatine monohydrate supplementation on the physical working capacity at neuromuscular fatigue threshold. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 20(4), 928–931. https://doi.org/10.1519/R-19655.1

Chris Bumstead On Idea Of Retirement: “I Always Said I Wouldn’t Go Past 30”

Chris Bumstead Instagram

Chris Bumstead acknowledged that bodybuilding isn’t forever but when will the end come?

Chris Bumstead continues to be at the top of bodybuilding but the conversation about retirement has surfaced in recent years. Bumstead has not shared an exact date but has been open about his plans. This includes not going past 30 years old. Newly 29, this means that Bumstead might have some decisions to make coming up.

Chris Bumstead is coming off his fifth consecutive Classic Physique Olympia title just a few weeks ago. His prep for this show seemed to be a bit easier than that of 2022, when Bumstead had to battle a torn bicep on his way to victory. Bumstead has talked about many treatments to stay ahead of his health.

Aside from ice baths, which Bumstead is a big promoter of for his overall recovery, he also goes through different stem cell injections that produce different benefits.

Bumstead has always made sure to keep his health in good standings, which is why the topic of retirement has swirled.

Chris Bumstead's off-season nutrition and push-pull-leg training
Chris Bumstead Instagram

Chris Bumstead: “Bodybuilding Isn’t Forever”

Chris Bumstead joined Jordan B. Peterson for an interview where the two covered many topics from on and off the stage. Bumstead was able to discuss his life outside of bodybuilding, his family, and much more.

The conversation eventually went into Bumstead’s long-term plans. While he did not share an exact timeframe, his thoughts seem to be the same.

“I always said I wouldn’t go past 30. So now that I’m approaching that age, I’m coning to that point where I’m like, coming to the understanding there isn’t going to be one mountain. There is going to be many.

I’ve always been pretty transparent that bodybuilding isn’t forever for me. I’m grateful I got successful at a young age so I can retire at a young age.”


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Bumstead has become arguably the biggest bodybuilder in the world in terms of popularity. He has been able to grow his brand off the stage but this has also “taken a lot out of him.”

“This past year, I had a lot of things on my plate and I spread myself way too thin. I wasn’t able to compete at the level I wanted to at the beginning of the year.

I was trying to be good, wearing too many hats while still being Mr. Olympia but it also showed me that if I want to be the best father I can be, the best husband I can be, the best businessman, the best everything I can be, bodybuilding is going to take away from that.”

It will be interesting to see any decisions made by Chris Bumstead over the next year now that he is getting closer and closer to 30 years old. For now, he remains the five-time reigning Classic Physique Olympia champion and sights are set on 2024.

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