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How The Close Grip Lat Pulldown Pumps Your Back & Bis

close grip lat pulldown

Add this great variation into your back routine today!

We all try and maximize our back day routine and throwing in an exercise like the close grip lat pulldown may be exactly what we need. Working with the right exercises can make or break our gains and its important we work hard to really nail down a proper routine. Working our backs can be tough. While many exercises are out there, we want to make sure we are putting 100% into absolutely everything we do. The close grip lat pulldown is an exercise that can give us this option and then some.

Why does a strong back matter? On the one hand, it helps balance out our massive chests so our posture doesn’t totally suck. It will also aid in those bodybuilding and sport specific movements when it comes to lifting and other important movements, on top of adding to our overall balance and stability. Plus, it definitely adds to our physique and gives us a chance to show something off others will envy. The close grip lat pulldown is the perfect exercise to put into our routine to capitalize on all these gains.

Let’s take a look at the close grip pulldown and see what makes this exercise so great. From what it is, to muscles worked, to the awesome benefits, and how to perform it, this exercise can target your back in a different way so you only see continued growth.

What Is The Close Grip Lat Pulldown?

The close grip lat pulldown is a great exercise to work your back, as well as other muscles, and works with a different grip than other variations of the lat pulldown. By keeping your hands closer together, and subsequently your arms and the rest of the movement, you target your muscles differently and work to increase growth in unique ways (1). A perfect exercise to build strength and size in your back, while also aiding in things like posture, shoulder health, and overall balance, this is certainly an exercise to put into your routine.

Muscles Worked

The close grip lat pulldown will work a variety of muscles, of course those being your upper body muscles. Your lats will see great work done, and as this suggests in the name, are the primary movers, really working to give you a great boost when it comes to giving you those wing-like lats. As strong points of connection to your arms and trunk, your shoulders will also see work done, more specifically your teres major and rear delt. Along with these are also your biceps, traps, and rhomboids, to get accessory growth and work to better assist this movement.

Benefits Of The Close Grip Lat Pulldown

When looking at what this exercise can do, the close grip lat pulldown is a great example of a movement to really work those lats. As an effective back building exercise, you will get loads of benefits from this exercise.

Benefits of the close grip lat pulldown include:

  • Bigger, stronger backs: By working your lats, you start to build strength and size and really aid in those wing-like lats (2).
  • Better posture: Strengthening your shoulder and back muscles will aid in overall posture and allow you to maintain a more defined and stable physique (3).
  • Promote shoulder health: Working to strengthen your shoulders more, what you’ll find is that you can better protect your shoulders and that vulnerable joint.
  • Nice variations: Either as a close grip, neutral grip, or wide grip, you can find the right lat pulldown for you to see great gains.

How To Perform This Exercise

Here are the steps for performing the close grip lat pulldown:

  1. Set yourself up on the cable machine and plant your feet firmly on the ground.
  2. Reach up and grab the bar. Your hands will closer than shoulder width apart.
  3. When ready, engage your core and pull down to your chest. Really feel a squeeze as you lift that weight.
  4. Slow and controlled, return to the starting position, keeping your core tight to maintain good, solid posture.
  5. Repeat for your desired number of reps.

close grip lat pulldown

Differences In Lat Pulldown Grips

Looking at the lat pulldown exercise, you will find that there are a few different types of grips you can use, these being close-grip, neutral-grip, or wide-grip. The differences and what these can do for you will lie in various ways like how this affects strength, your body mechanics, proper muscle activation, and various degrees of difficulty. For example, the wide-grip will activate muscles differently than the close-grip given that you are working with a different grip and thus a different movement. By switching up your grip, you challenge yourself to work to target muscles in a way that will lead to more growth.

Best Supplements For Continued Gains

Supplements and a solid supplementation routine can greatly affect how you see gains. When it comes down to it, working with top supplements can make or break your desired goals. Working with the big three, being pre-workout, BCAAs, and protein powder, you can at least set yourself up off the bat to see great gains. Pre-workouts will work to enhance energy and focus (4), while BCAAs will burst through fatigue and allow for continued energy throughout the workout. Of course, protein powders will increase muscle growth, enhanced recovery, and can aid in all things weight loss and management (5). Other supplements to consider as well are creatine, multivitamins, and fat burners.

Wrap Up

The close grip lat pulldown is a great exercise to put into your routine for what it can do to your overall back development. As a nice variation of the lat pulldown, this allows you to target your muscles differently and really get a good workout to aid in all your muscle building and development wants and needs. For those looking to mix up their back routine, give this exercise a try and see what it can do for all your goals today.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato


  1. Andersen, V.; et al. (2014). “Effects of grip width on muscle strength and activation in the lat pull-down”. (source)
  2. Leslie, K.; et al. (2013). “The Effect of Grip Width and Hand Orientation on Muscle Activity During Pull-ups and the Lat Pull-down”. (source)
  3. Harvard Medical School (2017). “Why good posture matters”. (source)
  4. Kedia, A.; et al. (2014). “Effects of a Pre-workout Supplement on Lean Mass, Muscular Performance, Subjective Workout Experience and Biomarkers of Safety”. (source)
  5. Pasiakos, S.; et al. (2015). “The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review”. (source)

Meal Planning For Hardgainers

Here is plan for meal planning if you are a hardgainer.

Imagine how dumb it would be if people who struggle with weight loss called themselves hardlosers. That would be ridiculous and you would be just tell them there’s no such thing. They just eat too much food.

Well, that’s how ridiculous the term hardgainer is as well. It comes down to you not eating enough. I don’t care how much you swear you eat, if you don’t gain weight, you are simply not eating enough consistently.

It has nothing to do with your genetics. If you put more money in your bank account than you take out, your bank account will grow. If you put more food in your body than it can burn off, it will be forced to grow as well.

So when hardgainers struggle with eating enough, it’s because they’re not intentional enough. You’ve been trying to eat more your whole life and that’s not working. You have to get specific and plan out your meals. Get structured and get consistent, so the scale can finally tick up. You don’t want to go another year being a grown man at 130 pounds, so here’s how you meal plan for so called hardgainers. 

Figure Out Your Surplus

First, you should figure out your caloric surplus. This isn’t necessary, but is extremely helpful especially if you want to gain weight at a consistently healthy rate. When it comes to gaining, you gain both muscle and fat. If you gain too fast, you accumulate too much unnecessary body fat, so it’ better to be relatively precise.

You want a surplus of no more than 500 calories. Take your bodyweight and multiply by 15-20 The more active you are, the higher on that range you should aim for. Same goes for people who swear they eat like a food addict yet can’t gain weight.

So let’s say a self-proclaimed hardgainer weighs 135 pounds and is highly active. He would multiply 140 by 20. That gives him 2800 calories to aim for daily. You can subtract and add 100 to give yourself a flexible range to aim for. So in this case, he would aim for 2700-2900 calories daily.

If you don’t gain weight within 2 weeks, boost your calories by 200.

meal plan

Figure Out Your Protein

Protein is by far the most important nutrient for building muscle mass. It literally turns on the signal to construct muscle while providing the building blocks needed to construct said muscle. You need enough to repair damage, maintain good health, and optimize hormones as well. Research finds this to be around 0.8-1 gram per pound of bodyweight as a safe range for all related benefits.

Once you figure out your protein, treat that as a minimum. I like to have hardgaining clients aim for 0.8 grams per pound of bodyweight per day. This gives them a minimum to target for that gives them maximum muscle growth, but it’s not so high that it limits their appetite because protein can be quite filling, not to mention expensive. If your protein limits your appetite, you can start utilizing more shakes instead of whole food.

But this brings me to my next point which is how to specifically construct your meals.

How Many Meals?

Research finds 3-4 meals per day can maximize the muscle building response assuming each meal has a decent dose of protein. This is what I generally recommend for hardgainers anyways. Higher meal frequencies are better to make eating more daily food feasible. Getting tons of calories within 2 meals is too difficult.

So if you’re skipping meals or practicing low meal frequency approaches like intermittent fasting, you’re not optimizing your eating structure to pack on mass.

3-4 meals is best. Aim for more if you prefer to, but that is usually too impractical as well.

Divide Up Your Nutrients

Calories drive weight gain and protein drives muscle growth. These will be your bread and butter as far as what to focus on each meal. Once you figure out your meal and snack structure, divide up your nutrients accordingly per meal.

This doesn’t have to be perfectly distributed, but keeping it relatively even is good for both muscle growth and more importantly simplicity sakes. In addition, if you struggle with your appetite, I would also put a meal or protein rich snack like a shake after your workout.

This will help muscle building efforts, but more importantly, it’s simply practical to help you get all your fuel down your throat. It’s also easier to consume some food in this window without it impacting your overall appetite much.

So for example, somebody aiming to eat 3000 calories per day would have something similar to the following:

  • Breakfast: 100 grams oatmeal, 1 serving of protein powder, a spoon of honey, mixed berries. (About 650 calories)
  • Lunch: 2 boneless skinless chicken thighs, 2 cups of cooked rice, spinach, bbq sauce, cooking oil. (about 900 calories)
  • Post workout: 1 serving of protein powder (about 150 calories)
  • Dinner: 5 scrambled eggs w/ veggies and olive oil, a banana, and half a pint of ice cream (about 1200 calories)

The above is just an example. You don’t have to copy that and it doesn’t have to be perfectly tracked, but it does need to be consistent and intentional.

As far as food volume, I don’t think the sample I’ve laid out above is unreasonable. Any grown man should be able to eat the above daily. Your manhood is honestly questioned if you think that’s too much food.

That being said, here’s how you adjust your meal plan in case your appetite is weak.

meal prep

Adjusting Your Meal Plan For Hardgainers

The first step is to stay consistent with your meals. This means eating relatively the same foods and having set meal times. You can totally change things up, but continue to keep a strong account of everything.

This makes adjusting easier once you run into issues. With hardgainers, they often don’t realize they’ve been eating like little girls despite their memories swearing they’re eating phenoms. What you eat once in a while as a highlight is differently than your consistent ability to pound food.

So if you’re struggling, your first option is to simply keep going. Your appetite will adjust as the body is an excellent adaptation machine. It may seem daunting, but you can totally buckle down and push through until it feels more effortless.

Or you can also adjust your meal plan. You can swap out more filling food like fibrous starch, some protein, and fruit for less filling foods. Liquid calories are excellent replacements here. For example, you can simply turn one meal into a giant shake. Milk, smoothies, juices, and mass gainer shakes will be your best friend. Don’t overthink it.

There really is no excuse because there’s no limit. You don’t have to limit yourself to the typical clean foods. I encourage you to include a good base of whole nutritious foods, so you don’t become deficient in micronutrients, but beyond a relatively solid base, getting consistently sufficient calories down your throat is the priority if I haven’t already made that clear.

The second priority is getting sufficient protein, but this should be easy so long as each feeding starts with a protein source.

meal prep

Get Consistent With Meal Prep

We make fun of people who struggle to lose weight lacking consistency, but hardgainers often lack consistency too. They fail to face the reality that they don’t plan well, aren’t intentional enough, and struggle to eat more than High Schoolers.

This can all be solved by sitting down undistracted and planning out your week’s worth of meal. Go grocery shopping for what you need, prep what you can ahead of time, and set exact meal times, so you don’t skip calories.

If you do this consistently and adjust your calories when plateaus happen, there’s no reason you shouldn’t gain weight. The scale will trend up if you pound food consistently day in and day out.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

2023 EVLS Prague Pro Bodybuilding Results – Samson Dauda Wins Men’s Open

Samson Dauda poses with the gold medal following his victory during the 2023 EVLS Prague Pro.
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Samson Dauda wins the 2023 EVLS Prague Pro!

The 2023 EVLS Prague Pro took place on Saturday, Nov. 18th, 2023 at the Hotel Hilton in Prague, Czech Republic. There was a total of six IFBB Pro Bodybuilding divisions taking the stage and fighting for a spot in the 2024 Olympia competition. Samson Dauda led the way with the win in the Men’s Open division, winning his first EVLS Prague Pro show. 

Samson has started the new bodybuilding season strong after back to back victories in the men’s open division and a victory at the 2023 Romania Muscle Fest Pro. The 2023 Arnold Classic champion finished third at the 2023 Mr. Olympia two weeks ago, behind only Derek Lunsford and Hadi Choopan. Michal Krizo has been an intriguing up-and-comer since bursting onto the scene. He climbed up the Olympia scorecard to seventh this year and took the stage for the first time since. Nathan De Asha and Marcello De Angelis also competed in Men’s Open. Horse MD made his debut in the biggest division during the Romania Muscle Fest Pro and finished third.

The results from the show were announced on Saturday afternoon. Below, you will be able to find all winners and a full breakdown of the event, along with official scorecards.

2023 EVLS Prague Pro: All Divisions Winners

  • Men’s Open: Samson Dauda
  • Men’s 212: Ahmad Ashkanani
  • Classic Physique: Urs Kalecinski
  • Men’s Physique: Miroslav Juricek
  • Figure: Tereza Linhartova
  • Bikini: Valerie Kord

2023 EVLS Prague Pro Breakdown

Men’s Open Division

  • First Place – Samson Dauda
  • Second Place – Michal Krizo
  • Third Place – Rubiel Mosquera
  • Fourth Place – Nathan De Asha
  • Fifth Place – Jan Turek

Men’s 212 Division

  • First Place – Ahmad Ashkanani
  • Second Place – Christian Zagarella
  • Third Place – Lucas Garcia

Classic Physique

  • First Place – Urs Kalecinski
  • Second Place – Michael Daboul
  • Third Place – Alexander Westermeier
  • Fourth Place – Sebastien Theurel
  • Fifth Place – Karol Rogaczewski

Men’s Physique

Coming soon!

  • First Place – Miroslav Juricek


Coming soon!

  • First Place – Tereza Linhartova


Coming soon!

  • First Place – Valerie Kord

2023 EVLS Prague Pro Official Scorecards

Coming soon!

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

2023 Prague Pro Bodybuilding Show Preview

The 2023 EVLS Prague Pro is here

The 2023 EVLS Prague Pro bodybuilding event is scheduled to take place this Saturday, November 18, 2023, in Prague, Czech Republic, and it is a qualifier for the 2024 Olympia, which athletes are already gearing up to qualify for, even though the 2023 Mr. Olympia has only recently concluded.

There will be five IFBB Pro League contests held at this event, and just like the Mr. Olympia contest, there is a lot of hype around the Men’s Open and the Classic Physique divisions. Michael Krizo made some waves at the 2022 Prague Pro, and this year there are some big names on the list as well, such as Nathan de Asha and Samson Dauda.

Take a look at the full list of qualified competitors below.

Men’s Open Bodybuilding

Horse Marcello De Angelis Brazil
Nathan De Asha United Kingdom
Pavel Beran Czech Republic
Anton Bippus Denmark
Kevin Brucher Germany
Roberto Buonomo Italy
Rob Cannon United Kingdom
Pavel Cervinka Czech Republic
Samson Dauda United Kingdom
Dennis Friedrich Germany
Roman Fritz Germany
Hameed Juma Bahrain
Ahmet Kocak Turkey
Michal Krizanek Slovakia
Gianluca Di Lorenzo Italy
Sultan Raydan Saudi Arabia
Sarhan Sarhan Palestine
Pavel Szotkowski Czech Republic
Jan Turek Czech Republic
Liang Yan China
Morad Zahir Morocco
Peter Zembjak Slovakia

Men’s 212

Giorgi Adikashvili Georgia
Vincent Alliot France
Ahmad Ali Ashkanai Kuwait
Dawid Cnota Poland
Lucas Goncalez Brazil
Damian Kryszpin Poland
Daniel Vasilica Romania
Giuseppe Zagarella Italy


Classic Physique

George Acheampong Denmark
Karar Aljalabi Belgium
Michael Daboul United Kingdom
Jeffrey Darko United Kingdom
Sebastian Guncik Czech Republic
Matthias Hollweck Germany
Urs Kalecinski Germany
Ali Khan Afghanistan
Ruben Lopez Reyes Spain
Fernando Gornals Margol Spain
Jordi Romero Marsal Spain
Alberto Milani Italy
Manuel Moisel Germany
German Pastor Spain
Miroslav Priban Czech Republic
Karol Rogaczewski Poland
Manuel Santalucia Italy
Tunde Chris Taylor Germany
Sebastien Theurel France
Alexander Westermeier Germany


Men’s Physique

Panek Alexandru Romania
Aryan Ali Germany
Mohammad Almutawah Kuwait
Andrea Amato Italy
Adeyemi Awoyani United Kindomg
Alessandro Cavagnola Italy
Dylan Crane France
Furkan Er Turkey
Miroslav Juricek Czech Republic
Ondrej Kmostak Czech Republic
Viachaslau Tarasevich Belarus
Oskar Tchorzewski Poland
Dawid Wachelka Poland


Luciana Alves Brazil
Behnaz Nasrollahi Azar Germany
Zulfya Bitiyeva Kazakhstan
Pamela Colombo Italy
Maria Luisa Diaz USA
Veronica Gallego Garcia Spain
Rejoice Godwin Spain
Kamara Graham United Kingdom
Karine Hajjar Qatar
Vanessa Happle Germany
Gabriela Hejna Czech Republic
Anna Kohckar Ukraine
Gabriela Linhartova Czech Republic
Tereza Linhartova Czech Republic
Paula Ranta Finland
Jennifer Reece Canada
Stefana Sandu Romania
Natalia Sharapova Russia
Tamires Silva Brazil


Mara Carro Germany
Irene Iravedra Cunarro Spain
Johanna Durr Germany
Valerya Fedorenko Ukraine
Olivia Pohankova Kovac Slovakia
Ka’Tai Luca Hungary
Alice Marchisio Italy
Renata Nowak Poland
Violeta Palamarchuk Ukraine
Lisa Reith Germany
Sara Lujza Rogacsi Hungary
Andrina Scharli Switzerland
Dorottya Zoe Toth Hungary
Petra Voldanova United Kingdom

Competitors to Watch at the 2023 Prague Pro

There are a few names to really keep an eye on this year at the Prague Pro, so let’s take a look.

Samson Dauda


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 Coming fresh off of Olympia high is a man with an exceptional physique that demonstrates a perfect balance of muscle mass and shreds, Samson Dauda. This is a physique that earned him a 3rd place finish at the 2023 Mr. Olympia, right behind Hadi Choopan.

Nathan de Asha


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Nathan De Asha is a Men’s Open competitor who likes to keep his physique in shape year-round. This happens by staying strong in the gym and De Asha credits his use of Trenbolone, as in an interview last year he states that he uses the anabolic steroid year round.

Olympia Qualification System

The 2023 Prague Pro is a qualifier for the 2024 Olympia, so how do competitors achieve that? Qualification to compete on the famous Mr. Olympia stage is the most sought after achievement in the world of professional bodybuilding. In order to qualify, an athlete must meet requirements as set forth by the IFBB Professional League.

The qualifications are:

  • Top 5 from 2022 Mr. Olympia
  • Top 3 from all other divisions in 2022 Olympia
  • Winner of each OPEN contest held during the qualification period

2023 Prague Pro Wrap Up

All of that being said, we are in for a treat with this year’s Prague Pro. Who do you think will be taking home the crown and qualifying for the 2024 Olympia?

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

PEDs History Lesson: Steroids Were Banned Because They Were Effective | The Mike O’Hearn Show

While different in practice, is the recent FDA decision on peptides similar to the congressional ban of steroids?

In the latest episode of Generation Iron and Barbend’s The Mike O’Hearn Show, host Mike O’Hearn sits down with Rick Collins, a former competitive bodybuilder turned lawyer, to discuss the intricate relationship between the law and performance-enhancing substances, with a focus on steroids and the recent FDA decision on peptides.

Rick Collins has become a recognized legal authority on anabolic steroids and sports-related performance enhancers. This is due to his long history within the competitive bodybuilding world and the passion he still maintains for the sport. He has represented numerous bodybuilders in legal cases and has a deep understanding of the intersection between bodybuilding and the law.

With his education as in law and his experience in bodybuilding – Rick Collins saw an opportunity to truly bridge the gap when it came to all legal questions and misinformation regarding PEDs and sports nutrition within the fitness space.

It’s this reason that Mike O’Hearn has turned to Rick Collins to discuss the recent FDA ruling regarding peptides – a decision that may (or may not) lead to the substances being banned in the United States. They also touch base on the history of steroids in the US and how the 1988 Olympics led to the Steroid Control Act. Let’s dive in.


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It Turns Out Steroids Were Not Banned For The Reason You Think

Collins delves into the history of steroid regulation, highlighting that steroids were not banned in the United States due to their harmful effects but rather because of their potent performance-enhancing capabilities. While, yes, steroids do have very serious long term health effects; the United States Government banned steroid compounds for a completely different reason.

The catalyst for this ban was the infamous case of Ben Johnson, a Canadian sprinter who tested positive for Winstrol after dominating in the 1988 Olympics. Sports leagues and the sports industry as a whole went into a tailspin. Concerns over a potential chemical arms race in sports led Congress to pass the Steroid Control Act – essentially banning them for general use.

Ironically, steroids are classified in the same category as other drugs such as heroine and cocaine. These substances are far more immediately dangerous than steroids. In fact, their abuse lead to far greater health impacts and addiction. However, due to the immense pressure to save the sports industry from being destroyed due the effectiveness of steroids like Winstrol – it was lumped in the same category of these other “hard drugs.”

Ultimately, steroids were essentially banned because they were too good at their jobs.

RELATED: Rick Collins Answers -Is It Illegal For Non-Doctors To Give Online Advice About Steroid Use?

Peptides: FDA’s Recent Decision

The conversation then shifts to peptides, with Mike O’Hearn mentioning the FDA’s recent decision to classify peptides as Schedule 2 substances. Unlike the congressional action that banned steroids, Collins explains that this decision results from the FDA’s review of insufficient data on the safety and efficacy of peptides.

Typically, to bring a drug to market, pharmaceutical companies need to go through a rigorous and expensive testing phase to prove to the FDA that the substance is safe for human consumption. This can end up costing companies hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Peptides, however, were being compounded and prescribed by doctors. This does not require FDA approval. Eventually, peptides became a new growing trend – with many clinics opening up across the United States.

Rick Collins points out that the recent FDA decision is acknowledging the unfairness of this “loophole.” Why do pharmaceutical companies need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars while peptide manufacturers don’t? More so, why aren’t peptides held to the same rigorous standards as other substances that eventually go to market?

This is the ultimate crux of the recent decision to not approve peptides for general human consumption. As it stands now, the substances can now only be manufactured and used for testing and clinical trials.


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The Future of Peptides: Black Market or Legitimate Approval?

Collins draws parallels between the historical trajectory of steroids and the potential future of peptides. With peptides facing increased scrutiny, he predicts a shift to the black market, mirroring the path taken by steroids after the Steroid Control Act.

Ironically, the Steroids Control Act led to less control. When there is demand, there will always be supply. Due to the congressional decision, the black market exploded. Now more people than ever use steroids and it is still pervasive in sports – but there is no doctor supervision nor any quality control in FDA approved facilities.

Despite the FDA decision, Rick Collins reveals that businesses and individuals are already exploring ways to continue peptide supply through non-legitimate sources. And seeking legal counsel on how they can proceed with as minimal risk as possible.

RELATED: Everything You Need To Know About Fake Steroids On The Black Market

Is A Reversal of The FDA Decision On Peptides Likely?

Mike raises the question of a potential reversal of the FDA decision on peptides. Collins compares peptides to CBD dietary products, suggesting that, like CBD, peptides might exist in a gray area where the FDA classifies them as not approved for human consumption but refrains from enforcing a ban.

Will peptides have a similar fate, being legal in all but FDA approval? Or will we see clinics disappear and the black market rise? The uncertain future leaves room for speculation, and only time will reveal the ultimate fate of peptides in the market.

Wrap Up

The Mike O’Hearn Show‘s latest episode with Rick Collins provides a deep dive into the legal intricacies surrounding steroids, peptides, and the FDA’s recent decision. As the conversation unfolds, the audience gains valuable insights into the historical context of substance regulation and the potential challenges peptides may face in the future.

You can watch the full episode above and make sure to check back every Friday for new episodes only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network or where ever podcasts are downloaded.

11-Year-Old Max Hall Hits New Deadlift PR Of 100kg, Wants “200kg By 12th Birthday”

Eddie Hall Instagram

Max Hall, son of Strongman legend Eddie Hall, is following in his father’s footsteps.

The tradition of sons following in the footsteps of their fathers in sports goes back decades and decades. For Eddie Hallhe started his son, Max Hall, early and the results are paying off early.

In July 2022, Hall shared videos of showing his son the ropes of bench press and deadlifts. Max Hall has continued to train at just 11 years old and recently hit his PR deadlift of 100kg (220.5lb). He told his father that his new goal is to double it and reach 200kg by his 12th birthday next year.

During the 2016 World Deadlift Championships, Hall became the first person to deadlift 500kg (1,102.3lb). The very next year, he was crowned champion of the World’s Strongest Man event and solidified his spot as one of the best in Strongman. Sincethen, he has dabbled in boxing, making a significant physique transformation and took on fellow strongman Hafthor Bjornsson.

Hall has been training to take the bodybuilding stage. He shared his plans at the beginning of the year and hopes to take the stage at the backend of 2024. Until then, he continues to train hard and lift big weights.

eddie hall

Max Hall Hits New PR Deadlift

Following in his father’s footsteps, Max Hall crushed a new PR deadlift and looked like he had plenty left in the tank. Eddie Hall shared the video to his Instagram on Wednesday.

“The Boy deadlifted 100kg 🥹
Says he wants 200kg by his 12th birthday 🤯💪
#fatherandson #family #gym #deadlift #pb
Big Love,
The Beast”

In June, Eddie Hall shared his weight of 385 and announced that he would be entering his cut within two months. That could be the stage he is in right now as he looks to drop more weight. This was up from his weight in January of 360. Hall put on more muscle mass in order to slim down in preparation for bodybuilding.

Now, along with his own ventures, Hall gets the pleasure of training his son who has taken on a similar passion in the gym.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

UFC President Dana White Does Epic 86 Hour Water Fast, Gets Shredded

Dana White is in some incredible shape.

Recently, UFC President Dana White underwent an 86-hour water fast that got him absolutely shredded. White detailed the fast in an Instagram post and shared some impressive progress pics and transformation.

Let’s face it, everyone wants to get in tip-top shape at least once in their life. While looking like a superhero isn’t everyone’s ultimate goal, fat loss is beneficial to longevity. While we all need a certain amount of body fat to maintain healthy hormone ranges, having too much on your frame can be a detriment to your health. It’s a fact that Dana White learned the hard way.

Just a few years ago Dana White was one of many Americans who were overweight. He carried a considerable amount of fat on his frame and just wasn’t his best self. But after receiving a cryptic diagnosis from his doctor, White decided to turn his life around and get into the best shape of his life.


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After embracing a healthy lifestyle and shedding a great deal of weight, Dana White continues to seek out different ways to improve his well-being. His latest experiment on his body was a water fast that White has been praising as a game changer.

Bodybuilders and fighters are no strangers to cutting weight. It’s a part of the job. For bodybuilders, it’s to get as shredded as possible while still retaining full musculature. For fighters, it’s to drop as much weight as possible while maintaining their muscle. So when Dana White revealed his epic transformation, you can be sure a few individuals in both camps were more than intrigued by how he dropped the water weight.

The answer? An 86-hour water fast.

Major Transformation

“I just got done fasting for 86 hours,” said Dana White in a recent Instagram post. “I feel like a superhero. I feel incredible. And I want to tell you how I did it. I love sharing this kind of stuff with you. So when I left the event on Saturday night, I started fasting, and here’s a picture of me Saturday night when I left. I just got done this morning. So Saturday to Wednesday and here are the pictures of me this morning. 

“So I don’t know if you’ve seen this online, but it’s called a seven-day water fast. Doctors have done studies on this and this thing is legit, it gives you over a 70% chance of not getting cancer, Alzheimer’s, and other nasty diseases. Basically, you drink water for 72 hours. Gary likes that better than 76, he says that’s safer.”

Dana White went into detail as to how to perform this fast as well as an impressive before and after picture.


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A post shared by Dana White (@danawhite)

“I’m going to walk you through what the protocol is in this video. So the first 24 hours all you drink is water. But you can put electrolytes in your water.

“The first 24 hours you drink water and you can use that in your water. Then, the next day this is the cleanest broth that you can buy (Kettle and Fire). This thing only has 45 calories, less than one gram of carbs, and it has like 13 grams of protein. So all it really has is protein and 45 calories.

“Bone broth, twice a day for the next two days.”

Dana White is in great shapeDana White got in some pretty great condition. Perhaps it’s something that everyone should give a shot.

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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

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WATCH – New ‘Bradley Martyn: The Influencer’ Trailer Shows His Darkest Side

The new Bradley Martyn: The Influencer trailer digs up old traumas to reveal the darkest corners of Bradley’s psych

Generation Iron Network has released a brand new trailer for Bradley Martyn: The Influencer – the upcoming feature film documentary that chronicles Bradley’s life story as well as his recent battle against the city of LA to keep his gym open. Bradley Martyn is one of the most iconic fitness influencers on the planet. And for the first time ever he gets the feature film treatment providing a more nuanced look into the mind of the bodybuilder with over 10 million followers. Bradley Martyn: The Influencer will be available on digital December 1st, 2023. Watch the trailer above!

In the world of fitness, Bradley Martyn stands out as not just a bodybuilder, but as an influential figure who has left an indelible mark on the modern fitness era. The upcoming documentary film, Bradley Martyn: The Influencer, promises to take audiences on a journey through the life of this motivational speaker, podcaster, and gym owner, revealing the man behind the viral stunts and social media fame.

Early Years and Motivation

Bradley Martyn’s story is one of resilience and determination, shaped by a traumatic past. Growing up without a father, he faced the heart-wrenching loss of his dad to suicide at the tender age of six. This early hardship became a driving force behind his desire to motivate and inspire others, as he sought to fill the void left by his father’s absence.

Rise to Viral Success

Martyn gained initial recognition through his viral gym stunts, capturing the attention of the online fitness community. From squatting on a hoverboard to bench pressing a barbell with multiple women on it, his unconventional approach to showcasing strength and athleticism made him an internet sensation. However, the documentary promises to delve deeper into his journey, exploring the challenges and setbacks he faced before achieving online fame.

Bradley Martyn hoverboard squat

Zooculture and RAWGEAR

Beyond the viral videos, Bradley Martyn is the founder of Zooculture, his own gym, and the owner of the clothing brand RAWGEAR. These ventures are not just businesses for him; they are extensions of his commitment to helping others transform their lives through fitness. The documentary is expected to shed light on the evolution of these enterprises and the impact they have had on the fitness community.

The Pandemic Challenge

Bradley Martyn: The Influencer doesn’t just focus on the highs of Martyn’s career. It takes a closer look at a challenging period during the COVID-19 pandemic when his gym and entire business faced the threat of closure. The documentary explores how Martyn confronted government mandates, risking his financial future to keep his passion alive and support his community.

A Glimpse Behind the Scenes

The film promises an intimate portrayal of Bradley Martyn, offering viewers a glimpse behind the scenes of his life. It aims to humanize the social media influencer, revealing the person who emerged from a difficult past and overcame obstacles on the path to success.

Bradley Martyn: The Influencer Synopsis

Bradley Martyn: The Influencer is a captivating documentary that delves into the extraordinary life of Bradley Martyn, the YouTube fitness sensation and social media juggernaut with over 10 million devoted followers. Beyond the chiseled physique and charismatic online persona lies a compelling story of resilience and transformation.

At just six years old, Bradley faced the devastating loss of his father to suicide, a trauma that haunted him throughout his youth. Yet, through unwavering determination and a passion for bodybuilding, he harnessed his pain to become an inspiration to millions, using fitness and positivity to uplift both mental and physical well-being.

The film not only unravels the complexities of Bradley’s past but also captures his legal battle against the city of Los Angeles – as he keeps gym open during the COVID-19 pandemic despite mandates, fighting for freedom of speech and a right to health during a tumultuous period in the world.

The film also chronicles his pursuits expanding his media empire alongside the Nelk Boys, all while forging deep connections with his global fanbase. Bradley Martyn emerges as a groundbreaking figure, redefining success in bodybuilding and proving that, with resilience and purpose, one can turn adversity into a beacon of hope.

Bradley Martyn: The Influencer Release Date & How to Watch

Bradley Martyn: The Influencer will be available on all major digital platforms on Friday, December 1st, 2023 – including Apple TV, Amazon Prime video, Google Play, and more.

For more information including how to pre-order your digital copy – visit the official Bradley Martyn: The Influencer landing page right here or the banner below.

Bradley Martyn The Influencer Movie

Supinated Bicep Curls — Exercise Guide, Benefits, & Alternatives

wide grip barbell curls and spider curls

Supinated biceps curls are the foundation for building bigger biceps. 

Supinated bicep curls are often considered one of the most straightforward exercises to learn, and many individuals grasp them quickly after joining their local gym. But is this really the case? Unfortunately, due to its widespread popularity, numerous individuals who believe they’re performing the exercise correctly are not executing it with proper form. In this exercise guide, we look at how to use the supinated bicep curl to build bigger guns. We also share other benefits of this effective routine and how to do it properly, along with different dumbbell curl variations. 

When done correctly, they work on your arm size, appearance, and strength by targeting your biceps. Research shows that using a supinated grip for your bicep curls emphasizes the biceps brachii (1). The supinated bicep curl is a functional exercise that improves mobility and efficiency. Read on for more on this exercise and some alternatives you can use to sculpt your arms on arm day.

Techniques & Muscles Worked

Supinated bicep curls, palms facing up when curling, target both heads of the biceps in your arms, which leads to bigger peaks and bigger-looking guns. The exercise also trains your brachialis, which builds thickness in your arms, and the brachioradialis (forearm muscle). Plus, supinated bicep curls activate your abs, obliques, and back as stabilizers.

You can use dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, or resistance bands to do them. This exercise guide looks at the proper form for supinated bicep curls with a dumbbell. Below is a step-by-step guide that you can easily follow. 

  1. Choose a set of dumbbells and grab them in each arm using a supinated (underhand) grip.
  2. Stand upright with your feet at shoulder-width distance apart and your arms extending straight down at your sides. This is your starting position.
  3. Bracing your core and keeping your back neutral, curl the dumbbells until they’re at shoulder height. Keep your elbows pinned to your sides.
  4. Pause at the top of the movement and squeeze your biceps. 
  5. Slowly bring the dumbbells down to return to the starting position and complete the rep. 
  6. Repeat for as many reps as you desire.


Supinated bicep curls are great for your strength and will give you bigger-looking arms when done correctly. Below are some more benefits of this functional routine. 

Bigger & Stronger Arms

It’s an effective routine for building your arms. It isolates and targets the long head and short head of the biceps, leading to muscle hypertrophy and growth. This isolation leads to bigger and stronger arms over time.

Better Arm Physique

The supinated bicep curl also tones and defines your biceps. You can use this exercise to get that 3D look, as it also builds the brachialis underneath the biceps. This is especially true when you capitalize on the mind-muscle connection (2).

Improved Athletic Performance

You use your biceps for sports or exercises that include throwing, rowing, or swinging. Supinated bicep curls build and strengthen your biceps. Stronger biceps will mean better performance in those sports or exercises.

Supinated Bicep Curls Alternatives

Supinated bicep curls are great for your arms but aren’t the only exercise you can do. Below are some alternatives to this exercise that also build your biceps.

Barbell Curl

You can get the same arm-building benefits by switching out dumbbells for a barbell to do a supinated barbell curl. This exercise also targets your biceps and brachialis (3). As an added benefit, you can lift more with the barbell curl than with the dumbbell curl, leading to more hypertrophy and growth.

Standing Concentration Curl

The standing concentration curl also uses dumbbells to isolate and train your biceps. It’s primarily beneficial as a finisher after nearly exhausting your biceps with other compound or isolation exercises. The isolating stimuli help to tone and condition your biceps in a way that not many other movements can.

Drag Curl

The drag curl is another biceps-isolating routine that’s great for your arms. It also works on your brachialis and forearms. To do the drag curl, you need a barbell and use the biceps to move the barbell upwards by contracting.

Zottman Curl

Zottman curls also work on your biceps, brachialis, and brachioradialis muscles. However, this exercise can take some time to get used to, so only advanced lifters tend to do it. To do Zottman curls, you use dumbbells and start with a neutral grip, turning it to a supinated grip at the top of the movement. 


What is the difference between pronated and supinated bicep curls?

The major difference between pronated and supinated biceps curls is your grip. The pronated bicep curl uses an overhand grip, while the supinated bicep curl uses an underhand grip. In simpler terms, for the supinated bicep curl, you curl with your arms facing upwards.

What are the benefits of supinated curls?

Supinated curls are great for your arms and induce muscle growth in your biceps. They’re a great way to strengthen and increase the size of your arms. For more benefits, please check the exercise guide above.

What is the difference between hammer curls and supinated bicep curls?

When doing hammer curls, you use a neutral grip, but with supinated bicep curls, your palms are facing up. Hammer curls also focus more on the long head of the biceps and forearms.

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more exercise guides!  


  1. Coratella, G., Tornatore, G., Longo, S., Toninelli, N., Padovan, R., Esposito, F., & Cè, E. (2023). Biceps Brachii and Brachioradialis Excitation in Biceps Curl Exercise: Different Handgrips, Different Synergy. Sports (Basel, Switzerland), 11(3), 64. https://doi.org/10.3390/sports11030064 
  2. Schoenfeld, B. J., Vigotsky, A., Contreras, B., Golden, S., Alto, A., Larson, R., Winkelman, N., & Paoli, A. (2018). Differential effects of attentional focus strategies during long-term resistance training. European journal of sport science, 18(5), 705–712. https://doi.org/10.1080/17461391.2018.1447020 
  3. Marcolin, G., Panizzolo, F. A., Petrone, N., Moro, T., Grigoletto, D., Piccolo, D., & Paoli, A. (2018). Differences in electromyographic activity of biceps brachii and brachioradialis while performing three variants of curl. PeerJ, 6, e5165. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.5165

Muscular Development Magazine Reportedly Ceasing Print Publication

Muscular Development Magazine will reportedly cease publishing moving forward.
Muscular Development Magazine Instagram

Muscular Development Magazine will no longer offer a print edition.

After nearly 60 years, Muscular Development Magazine is reportedly shutting down publication of its print edition.

Rick Collins, who has been apart of the magazine for 22 years as a writer, shared a post on Facebook on Thursday sharing the news.

“It is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to Official Muscular Development Magazine. After 250 monthly columns spread out over 22 years, touching on all things fitness, hormones, law, and culture, I have been advised that the magazine is closing up shop and will print no further issues. So sad. When I started, print was still a powerhouse and social media didn’t yet exist. It’s a different world now. I will deeply miss working with the members of Team MD, and I wish them well in all their future endeavors. What’s next for me? I’ll keep my day job lawyering my butt off and maybe see what else looks interesting!”

Along with print, reports say that the company as a whole will be shutting down but this has not been confirmed to this point. Collins also shared a story written on Twitter with the caption “the end of an era.”

Muscular Development Magazine Ending An Era Of Print

Bob Hoffman founded Muscular Development and published the first edition in 1964. John Grimek was the first editor of the magazine and remained in this role until 1986. This was the year that the magazine was sold to Twin Labs.

Current owner Steve Blechman bought Muscular Development from Twin Labs in 2001. Many of the top bodybuilders in the world over the years have been featured on the cover. This spanned across multiple generations from Arnold Schwarzenegger to Ronnie Coleman & Jay Cutler to Chris Bumstead.

Many influential names in bodybuilding have worked with Muscular Development over the years Dave Palumbo and John Romano. The company worked to report news and conducted interviews within the bodybuilding industry. With the loss of publication, this ends the era of one of the final bodybuilding magazines that offered print.

Former Muscular Development Writer John Romano on The Death Of Bodybuilding & Fitness Magazines

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