PNBA Natural Olympia Classic Physique Champ Derek Joe Performs His Top 3 Lower Body Exercises a week out from Natural Universe. The reigning Professional
Despite Low Testosterone, PNBA William Long Is a 3x Natural Olympia Champion
Against all odds, PNBA William Long is still a 3x Men’s Physique Natural Olympia champion even though he has clinically low testosterone. Natural bodybuilding
INBA Gene Bann’s Eye-catching Natural Bodybuilding Transformation
INBA athlete Gene Bann shares a staggering natural bodybuilding transformation. Natural bodybuilding has been a haven for many people looking to better their
Natural Olympia Champ Paul Krueger Lists the 5 Pillars of Bodybuilding
Natural Olympia champ Paul Krueger names the 5 pillars of bodybuilding to conquer any fitness goal. To be an elite professional bodybuilder, nonetheless a
INBA PNBA Will Be Offering First Ever Vegan Division at Natural Universe
The INBA PNBA will offer an exclusive category for vegans at 2022 Natural Universe. The International Natural Bodybuilding Association (INBA)/Professional
PNBA Natural Olympia Classic Physique Champ Derek Joe’s Physique Update 3 Weeks Out From Natural Universe
PNBA Natural Olympia Classic Physique champ Derek Joe looks striking while guest posing a couple weeks from Natural Universe. Professional Natural
PNBA Alondra Chatman’s 2022 Natural Olympia Training Update
2x Figure Natural Olympia champ Alondra Chatman shares the tweak she's making in her training to prepare for 2022 Natural Olympia. Professional Natural
PNBA Natural Olympia Classic Physique Masters Champ Tamer Barakat Details 8-Week Contest Prep
PNBA Natural Olympia Classic Physique Masters champ Tamer Barakat details his change in nutrition and training during 8-week contest prep. Generation Iron
PNBA Men’s Physique Natural Olympia Champ William Long Divulges Why He’s Moving to Classic Physique
3x Men’s Physique Natural Olympia champ William Long explains why he’s shifting divisions. The 3x Professional Natural Bodybuilding Association (PNBA) Men’s
PNBA Danairo Moore Has Newfound Motivation After Suffering a Deadlift Injury
PNBA Danairo Moore describes how a deadlifting injury generated more focus and determination to compete at the highest level in natural bodybuilding. After
PNBA Bikini Athlete Kat Vera Names 3 Exercises to Tone Your Glutes
3x Bikini champion Kat Vera lists the 3 exercises for toned glutes. Glutes help give women a curvy physique, and a shapely, tone body is a big part of the
PNBA Classic Physique Kevin Chapman’s Unbelievable Natural Bodybuilding Transformation
PNBA Classic Physique Kevin Chapman showcases an inspiring natural bodybuilding transformation. Natural bodybuilding has seen many inspiring transformations,
PNBA Evet Markarian Shares Vital Tips for Bikini Bodybuilding
PNBA Evet Markarian shares critical ab exercises and nutrition tips for the INBA PNBA Bikini category. Visible athletic abs are essential to the judging
PNBA Natural Olympia Champ Céline Richard on the Importance of Mind-Muscle Connection for Muscle Growth
Natural Olympia Women’s Bodybuilding champ Céline Richard discusses the importance of the mind-muscle connection for muscle growth. When thinking about muscle
PNBA Michael Ferencsik Compares Lifestyle Changes Vs. TRT For Raising Testosterone
PNBA Michael Ferencsik compares lifestyle changes vs. TRT for raising your testosterone as it naturally declines with age. Testosterone is a critical hormone
PNBA Bobby Fotheringham Outlines How Much Muscle You Can Build Each Year in Natural Bodybuilding
PNBA Bobby Fotheringham explains how much muscle you can build yearly in natural bodybuilding. Of course, building muscle as a natural takes longer than
Interview: Natural Olympia Champ Tamer Barakat Explains Why He Incorporates Olympic Lifting
In a Generation Iron interview, Natural Olympia champ Tamer Barakat details his vegan diet and why he incorporates Olympia lifting during the off-season. We
PNBA Adrian Pietrariu’s Jaw-Dropping 21-Year Natural Bodybuilding Transformation
PNBA multi-media athlete Adrian Pietrariu shared his 21-year natural bodybuilding transformation. You can build an incredible physique with a lot of muscle
PNBA Massimiliano Sertori Reveals the Best Shoulder Exercises and Food in Natural Bodybuilding
PNBA Men’s Physique athlete details the best shoulder exercises and food to eat in natural bodybuilding. Your shoulders and the food you eat play a big part
PNBA Bikini Jackie Gonzalez Names the Top 4 Glute Exercises in Bodybuilding
PNBA bikini athlete Jackie Gonzalez lists her top 4 glute exercises. A well-developed lower body is vital in natural bodybuilding, especially the bikini
PNBA Phil Thomas Reveals How He Keeps Up With the Young Professional Bodybuilders
PNBA Phil Thomas reveals how he stays in great shape to keep up with the younger bodybuilders. As you age in natural bodybuilding, staying in shape gets more
PNBA Hall of Famer Chad Martin Discusses Your Anabolic Window in Natural Bodybuilding
PNBA athlete Chad Martin talks about the short window you have in life where your testosterone is highest and recovery is best. The Longevity Muscle Podcast
INBA PNBA’s Upcoming Summer Bodybuilding Shows
The INBA PNBA’s summer bodybuilding competition schedule is here. The International Natural Bodybuilding Association (INBA)/Professional Natural Bodybuilding
PNBA Luke Francis Trainor’s Pro Bodybuilding Tips to Develop a Fuller Chest
PNBA athlete Luke Francis Trainor shares barbell incline bench press tips to build a well-developed chest. The barbell bench press is the king of all upper