Natural Olympia 3x Classic Physique champion Brandon Lirio discusses distinguishable characteristics of performance enhanced bodybuilders. Are you curious
Brandon Lirio
Strongman & Coach Chad Coy: Unpacking The Biggest Controversies From The 2023 World’s Strongest Man
Brandon Lirio interviews Chad Coy about the 2023 World's Strongest Man and the biggest controversies surrounding it Strongman Chad Coy is a lifer when it comes
Natural Bodybuilder Brandon Lirio: “Bodybuilding Is NOT Healthy” | U-Natty States Of America Podcast
Natural bodybuilder Brandon Lirio gets transparent about the health risks in bodybuilding Brandon Lirio may not be an "enhanced" bodybuilder competing in
Masters Olympia Comeback: The Good, The Bad, & The Horrific | U-Natty States Of America
Brandon Lirio shares his thoughts on the upcoming return of the Masters Olympia this August The Masters Olympia is finally returning after an 11-year absence.
Natural Bodybuilder Brandon Lirio: “I Don’t Give A F*ck Whether Or Not Mike O’Hearn Is Fake Natty” | U-Natty States Of America
Natural Olympia champion Brandon Lirio thinks people need to stop obsessing about whether Mike O'Hearn is natty or not. Brandon Lirio is not just a competitive
Eddie Hall Hints At First Bodybuilding Show: A Special One Vs One Battle | U-Natty States Of America
Strongman Eddie Hall promises a "big announcement" soon regarding his first ever bodybuilding competition. Strongman Eddie Hall is a true legend in strength
Victor Martinez Reacts: The Reason Nick Walker & Andrew Jacked Didn’t Win The 2023 Arnold Classic | GI Podcast
Pro bodybuilder Victor Martinez and Pro Natural Bodybuilder Brandon Lirio break down the results of the 2023 Arnold Classic - with special guest Shaun
2023 Arnold Classic Prejudging Reaction & Analysis: Nick Walker Challenged By Andrew Jacked & Samson Dauda
2023 Arnold Classic: It's anyone's chance to win between Nick Walker, Samson Dauda, and Andrew Jacked - while Big Ramy continues to struggle despite
Andrew Jacked: “There Was No Off Season For Me Between Olympia and Arnold Classic”
Andrew Jacked details his contest prep between the Olympia and the 2023 Arnold Classic. Andrew Jacked is a newcomer who has rattled the bodybuilding world. He
Nick Walker Drops The Mic: “I’m Going To Be A 2x Arnold Classic Champ”
Nick Walker is confident that he will win the 2023 Arnold Classic with his best physique yet. Nick Walker is a hype freight train that just won't stop. After
Is Smoking Weed F*cking With Your Gains? | U-Natty States Of America Podcast
Natural bodybuilder Brandon Lirio weighs the pros and cons of marijuana and bodybuilding using some research backed by studies mixed with personal
An Inside Look Into The Most Rigged Competition In Bodybuilding History | U-Natty States Of America
Natural bodybuilder Brandon Lirio was at the most rigged bodybuilding competition of all time... and wants to share the shocking experience. With any
World Champion Powerlifter Jen Thompson Talks The Reality of Drug Testing In Powerlifting
11x IPF World Powerlifting Champion Jen Thompson discusses breaking barriers in the sport and drug testing in attempt to be included in the Olympics. Known as
Breon Ansley: How To Build A Massive Back Without Blowing Out Your Waist | U-Natty States Of America Podcast
Breon Ansley joins the podcast to talk about how Classic Physique needs to evolve, bodybuilding prize money, and how to build the perfect back. An Arnold
YOU Are The Reason Your Online Bodybuilding Coach Failed | U-Natty States Of America Podcast
Pro natural bodybuilder and personal trainer flips the script and details the many ways a client can sabotage their bodybuilding coach relationship. Last week,
Your Bodybuilding Coach Is Probably A Fraud… Here’s How To Fix It | U-Natty States Of America Podcast
Pro natural bodybuilder and personal trainer Brandon Lirio breaks down all of the signs that you have an ineffective coach. In 2022, we are living in an
Top 6 Bodybuilding & Fitness Trends That Need To Die In 2023 | U-Natty States Of America Podcast
Pro natural bodybuilder Brandon Lirio breaks down the top six bodybuilding and fitness trends that need to stop as we head into the new year As we inch closer
Natural Bodybuilders Don’t Belong In Untested Leagues | U-Natty States Of America Podcast
3x Mr. Natural Olympia Brandon Lirio really doesn't want natural bodybuilders to compete in untested leagues In the world of competitive bodybuilding there are
The Real Reason You Will Never Win A Bodybuilding Show | U-Natty States Of America Podcast
Brandon Lirio attempts to answer why it seems so many bodybuilders and fans believe that "politics" are ruining bodybuilding Unlike many sports that rely on
Brandon Lirio: Bodybuilding Social Media Is Bullsh*t And The Fans Killed It | U-Natty States Of America Podcast
Brandon Lirio thinks social media is bullshit and the users are the ones who killed it - effecting bodybuilding in a profound way. Like it or not, social media
Brandon Lirio: “No Professional You Have Ever Seen Is A Natty” | U-Natty States Of America Podcast
Brandon Lirio breaks down the problem with "natty police" in sports - especially bodybuilding Steroids and PEDs in bodybuilding have often been a big
Brandon Lirio: There’s No Money In Bodybuilding | U-Natty States Of America Podcast
3x Natural Olympia champion Brandon Lirio uses his own personal experience in combination with prize money statistics to break unrealistic expectations about
Generation Iron Network Announces Natural Bodybuilding Podcast Hosted By 3x Natural Olympia Champ Brandon Lirio
Titled, U-Natty States Of America, the podcast will be hosted by 3x Natural Olympia champion and PNBA Hall Of Famer Brandon Lirio. Generation Iron Network has
Brandon Lirio Gives Physique Update 9 Weeks Out From Natural Olympia
Brandon Lirio shares update 9 weeks out from the Natural Olympia competition. INBA PNBA Classic Physique bodybuilder Brandon Lirio gave a recent physique