Pain & Gain 1#3. PAIN & GAIN (MICHAEL BAY, 2013)

Subtly was never Michael Bay’s strong point. He likes giant robots, car chases, and explosions. Lots of explosions. Pain & Gain is no different, but instead of explosions it’s muscles. Lots of muscles.

Here’s the rundown. A trio of bodybuilders kidnaps and extort a million dollar business mogul in an attempt to achieve what they consider to be the American Dream. Riches upon riches. But these guys are not criminal geniuses, causing things to fall into chaos swiftly and violently. It’s the muscle bound crime caper that everyone has been waiting for without even realizing it.

First things first, Dwayne Johnson is absolutely gigantic in this film. He bulked up to nearly 300 pounds for the role – and it sure does show. Mark Wahlberg is nothing to scoff at either, pumping up to 212 pounds. And of course running the rear is Anthony Mackie, who only had 3 weeks to train before filming began but was able to put on 17 pounds of muscle in that time. Like we said, muscles. Lots of muscles.

Ultimately, what makes Pain & Gain so fantastic is the pure amount of pumping up these three characters do throughout the film. Whether it be kidnapping, extortion, or even murder – these guys always sneak in a few reps. The film opens with Wahlberg performing hanging sit ups, and ends the exact same way. Muscles. Lots of muscles. You get the picture.


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Photo courtesy of: Muscle and Fitness

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