Labor Day Workout

Labor day weekend means even more time for work. Working out that is.

The time is almost upon us, Labor Day weekend. A time of the year where many people get an extra day to stay away from work and do what they please. Most people use this as an opportunity to rest, relax, and socialize with friends and family. But for bodybuilders, the most exciting aspect about Labor Day is one thing – a whole extra day to spend in the gym.

There’s no work to get in the way. No rush hour traffic to slow you down. We all have a completely free day to use for an extra hard and extra long workout. But with so much time one question still remains: What muscle group are you going to give the extra special treatment?

If you’re the kind of person who likes to focus on one muscle group a day – we have a question for you. What muscle group are you going to give all that extra Labor Day time to? Which muscles get the Labor Day Workout?

Vote below so we can calculate what muscles get the ultimate Labor Day treatment!

GI Team
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