Arnold Classic 2017: Michael Lockett Looking Like A Superhero Days Out

A truly inhuman physique.

While many fans want to claim that the line up for the Arnold Classic isn’t the greatest the reality of the situation is that the men competing in the open weight division have a very good chance of being the future of the sport. Not every event is going to feature Phil Heath and Kai Greene, this is true. However, it doesn’t mean that the other athletes should be discredited in any way. These competitors are just as superhuman as any other top flight bodybuilder. Michael Lockett presents a prime example of a bodybuilder traveling under the radar who could really impress this weekend.

While he may not have broken the top ten at the Olympia, Michael Lockett once again proved that he truly has a physique that defies human logic. He has the size and proportions to make him a serious contender at this year’s Arnold Classic. Michael Lockett has cultivated massive muscle while at the same time being able to keep a tapered waist. In this day and age of the mass monster, that is a truly special talent and Lockett is able to pull it off with ease.

Michael Lockett has the superior genetics and the determined work ethic to make him a true force of nature. The Instagram posting below showcases just how insane his physique is and with the roght presentation he could shock quite a few people this weekend.

What do you think of Michael Lockett?

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