Could Brandon Curry Have Beaten Cedric McMillan At The Arnold Classic?

Is Brandon Curry the future?

The Arnold Classic Australia has come and gone and what a show it was. The competition features some of the best of the best in eventual winner Brandon Curry, Maxx Charles, and the unfortunate Dallas McCarver. One of the best in the world, McCarver unfortunately collapsed on stage, putting him out of the competition. Despite that, the show shouldn’t be marred in controversy. In fact, the show left us with some interesting questions to be explored. While Brandon Curry may have been able to dominate the competition at the show, would he have stood a chance against the Arnold Classic champion Cedric McMillan?

The short answer is yes. What Brandon Curry was able to do at the Arnold Classic Australia firmly entrenches him in the top ten of the division. Curry has shown a tremendous amount of improvement since heading over to Kuwait. He hasn’t simply put on size, he’s also been able to carve out amazing definition. It goes to show you that changing up your training can pay tremendous dividends if you handle things the right way.

Kuwait is one of the more curious cases to arise in bodybuilding in recent years. Overnight the Oxygen Gym has been able to produce high level talent including Ahmad Ashkanani, veteran bodybuilder Roelly Winklaar, and now Brandon Curry. It’s clear that they’re doing something right over there.

But back on topic, Cedric McMillan has shown a great deal of improvement himself and conquered at the Arnold Classic a few weeks back. Both he and Curry have more of a classic style reminiscent of old school bodybuilding making a potential face off between the two an intriguing affair. Would it be Brandon Curry’s improved musculature or Cedric McMillan’s classical posing routine and proportions? It’s a question that will likely be answered later in the year. Until then, let the speculation begin.

Who do you think wins, Cedric McMillan or Brandon Curry?

Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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