Build Up Your Biceps And Abs At The Same Time With This Exercise

Work more than one muscle group.

While on your journey for the ultimate physique many individuals focus on training splits that will increase their chances of building quality muscle. While training splits are important for giving the best work for each individual muscle you’re looking to enhance, having a routine that allows you to work multiple muscle groups at once can be both beneficial to building greater strength and muscle while at the same time saving you a great deal of time. There are many different movements that can be performed and with great results on multiple muscle groups.

For instance, the cable curl doesn’t just have to work your biceps, but can be utilized to work your core as well. There’s a reason why so many bodybuilders don’t focus on ab exercises. They believe it to be a bit of a waste of time when you consider the fact that the abs can be worked just be consistently lifting weights. For the most part, your core is always going to be engaged when you’re lifting weights, particularly with compound movements like the squat and deadlift. Bicep curls don’t usually fall into that category, but with a little variation you’d be surprised with the kind of results it can have on your core.

The next time you choose to do cable curls try and change up the stance you use to lift the weight. Rather than taking an upright position, stand in a slightly bent athletic stance with your feet shoulder width apart. From this position complete the cable curl as usual while at the same time tightening your stomach with every lift. The athletic stance you take is something that would feel extremely uncomfortable if you were utilizing dumbbells. The cable curls on the other hand allow you to be more versatile with your stance and can ultimately allow you to build muscle in your biceps while at the same time building strength in your core. The video below featuring Kyle Arsenault demonstrates this exercise to perfection.

What do you think of this cable curl variation?

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