WATCH: Healthy Bodybuilding Cheeseburger Recipe?!

Bodybuilding meal made fun.

As far bodybuilding recipes go many are concerned with lean healthy meals. Don’t get us wrong, eating chicken, rice, and vegetables is great and ideal in fact. Yet, there are far more fun methods of getting what you need in terms of proper nourishment for bodybuilding training.

Enter the cheeseburger.

We know what you’re thinking: “A cheeseburger that’s healthy enough for a bodybuilding diet? There’s no way that could exist!” The thing is, it may just be true. Check out the video by Remington James and expand your mind on the possibilities.

What do you think of this healthy bodybuilding cheeseburger?

Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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