Okay, let’s just get this out of the way first: Arnold punches a camel in the head. It’s inhumane, but come on, it’s also pretty hilarious. Conan the Barbarian was Arnold Schwarzenegger’s first staring role and immediately skyrocketed him into a Hollywood celebrity. We can see why. He’s completely jacked; wields gigantic swords; and obliterates every enemy in his path.

Here’s the best part, Arnold was actually too big for the role of Conan. His muscles were so huge that he couldn’t wield a sword properly – so he had to tone down his workout in order to perform in the film.

And to top it all off, Arnold received weapons training, martial arts training, and horse riding lessons in order to do all his own stunts. He trained with an 11 pound broadsword for two hours a day. He learned climbing techniques and how to take a fall. He worked out so hard that it actually inspired him to return to bodybuilding after retirement. This eventually led him to win the 1980 Mr. Olympia contest. (Ironically, the film wouldn’t actually release until 1982).

For all intensive purposes, Arnold literally became a barbarian. In size, in strength, and in lifestyle. He was an unstoppable force and remained one for the rest of his action career. Putting Conan in the top 10 of our list.


We’re getting down to the wire now. Which movies do you think will get in the top ten? Let us know in the comments section below. And be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter: @GI_Athletics


Photo courtesy of: ABC News

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