WATCH: MMA Fighter Gets The Most Painful Kick To The Groin We Have Ever Seen

That fight was completely nuts!

While MMA is a sport focused on fighting and hurting your opponent – there are still rules. Gentlemen rules if you will. One big one that everyone knows about, in the cage or outside the cage – is to not pummel another man’s crotch. It’s just downright dirty and very, very painful. This MMA match up surely didn’t end with a kick to the groin on purpose – but it just might be the most painful kick to the balls we have ever seen in our entire lives. Seriously, this video is 4 minutes long and about 90% of it is just the fighter on the ground holding his privates with the saddest face we’ve ever seen.

We dare you to watch this and not wince – and if you are a man… you might even feel it a little bit too. Check it out above.

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