Do This Exercise First On Leg Day And Watch Your Squat Skyrocket

Increase your squat ten fold.

When you’re looking to build some quality strength and muscle it’s pretty obvious that performing the right kind of exercises is going to get you to where you need to be. Nutrition is obviously just as important to obtaining your gains, but these factors are already well known. Once you’ve become experienced the you’ve reached an interesting level in regards to your bodybuilding training. If you’re looking to make improvements to your lifts then you’re going to want to perform other exercises besides the big three. For instance, if you want to perform better squats, the answer may not be to do more squats. The answer may lie in another exercise.

There’s a reason that the Squat is called the king of all exercises. Where movements like bicep curls and leg extensions may improve muscle growth in specific muscle groups, the Squat is a total body exercise that helps to build muscle and strength throughout the body. Squatting is a compound movement that ensures gains in multiple different areas. If you want wheels of steel and some quality strength then squatting is the obvious choice. But with enough experience the squat becomes simple almost to the point that it provides little challenge. If you’re looking for stronger squats then you should be focusing your attention on one specific muscle group.

The hamstring.

While squats work all the leg muscle, the focus is usually on the quads. But the hamstrings offer stability to the knee and is essential when performing heavier compound movements. For a bigger squat, rather than focusing on your quads, try hamstring exercises to warm up first. The Swiss ball hamstring curl is a great option that most hardcore lifters wouldn’t think about. Rather than be worried about looking “soft” at the gym, perform the hamstring curl and watch your squat skyrocket. Not sure how to perform it? Take a look at the video below and educate yourself.

What exercises are you looking to improve?

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