What It’s Like to Get Fit After Being Fat

Bodybuilding is an endurance sport.

Well, not in a literal sense! But you have to have a ton of endurance, stamina, and dedication to pour into it if you want to be successful. It can be a huge challenge for an average-weight guy to get into it, but that journey becomes much more difficult if you’re starting off unhealthy or overweight.

Take a look at this video from Buff Dudes. They get into the lived experiences of someone who goes from overweight to totally ripped, and they offer step by step instructions. There’s a lot of great insight in here, from creating your meal plan, to how to keep motivated when your patience at the gym is wearing thin.

And yeah, spoiler alert: it’s still a ton of work. But if you use all the resources available to you, you can work smarter, not harder. Best of luck!

GI Team: The GI Team is here to provide top news and original content for the new generation. The generation of bodybuilders who are pushing the sport to bigger and better places. Join The Movement. Become a part of Generation Iron!

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  • One half of the Buff Dudes Youtube Channel. One of the better ones for recipes, noob advice, and entertainment.

  • He already had the core strength as you can see from the already apparent belt and the outline of the pectorals. This effect can literally happen in a couple of weeks of strict diet in combination with proper nutrition, hydration and continuing your fitness regime and is common for competitors to cut before competition.

    • Abbas Reza Because true knowledge of he human body takes years of real dedication to understand. How protein breaks down, the different types of protein, identifying the primary and secondary muscles, knowing how to engage each muscle specifically with isolated contractions, dietary needs based on performance. With all the nutrition fads, the average person, who hasn't learned or doesn't have the discipline to study the REAL way to lose weight, ends up spending hundreds of dollars to lose the weight quick possibly starving them self and only ending up with their body fighting starvation and holding the fat.

    • My results over a year. Used to get manic with my anxiety and lose 20 pounds in a month. Then when I got depressed I would gain more back. Taking it easier and steady and I'm down 40 pounds. That is healthy weight loss. But you can't expect a bodybuilding site to show anything but ripped results for its advertising.

    • Everyone is different...that's why results vary...in sixteen months I went from fat to jacked...because I worked my ass off every single day and ate clean.

    • Nicole Cordova That's great. What I'm talking about is the unrealistic expectations that this is the "average" way to lose weight and not the regular cycles of high intensity athletes who are fully aware of the rigors and overall lasting impact of those training regimes on their body.

  • Looking that lean is cool, but you'll lose strength in the process. So whatever's more important to you.....