One Stop Shop: Fix Your Deadlift For Good

Deadlifting fix for good.

If you only had one exercise to measure someone’s whole body strength, It would probably be the deadlift. This compound exercise hits everything from your toes up, and you’ll feel it. The problem with the movement is that it’s deceptively complicated. I mean it’s a bar with weight attached on both ends. Just lift it, right? Wrong. Because it does hit all the major muscle groups and you’re moving a large amount of weight in a dynamic motion, form is everything if you want to avoid injury.

To get the most out of this exercise you need to eliminate “slack”. The slack between you and the bar causes jerking, jerking causes injury, get it? To get rid of the slack and cause “tension” you need to bend your elbows – this insures tension in the lats and hamstrings and helps get your weight back.

If you remember nothing else, just think “bend the bar”. Use it as a counterbalance to get your bodyweight back and chest up. Simple, yet effective. Make sure the bar makes a “clink” sound against the weight before the final liftoff, that’s how you know you’re doing it right and you’ve got the right amount of tension.

Try this quick tip to get the slack out of your next deadlift a let us know what you think!

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