Bored? Top Tips on How to Revitalize Your Routine

Bored? Top Tips on how to revitalize your routine.

So many of us may or may not have access to a gym or even any gym equipment right now but despite the unpredictability of what 2020 keeps throwing our way, boredom is certainly not one of those things.

However it can be easy for boredom to seep into your training or workout routine.

If this happens, what do you do? Do you keep doing the same old, and pressisting regardless? Well, if you do that then it’s more than likely you will hit a wall, and will not want to continue as the mental fatigue will have well and truly kicked in.

So here are some subtle changes you can make to well and truly help you alleviate boredom once and for all.

Train With Someone (With a Mask Of Course)

– A training partner. It is exactly what the name suggests, someone you train with, but more than that, it should be someone who pushes you or someone who calls you out for not doing that extra rep / set. It should be someone who holds you accountable, provides friendly competition and will help you get to the next level. And obviously, this would work both ways.

Also they may have new takes on exercises you may never have thought of, so fresh ideas and a new set of eyes will also help.

And more importantly it will add more fun to your workouts.

Change Your Environment

– One of easiest ways to spice things up is to change your surroundings, obviously with current circumstances that is easier said than done but a change of scenery can do wonders to help stimulate your mind and reinvigorate you. So when you can, change your setting and try to train at different gyms, or locations.

And why not pick a gym that has completely different equipment, as you will end up working (smaller) muscles they may have been neglected for a while, and the new equipment can add some excitement back into your routine. 

Watch Someone Else’s Workout Routine

– Inspiration can come in many forms but sometimes the easiest way is to replicate what someone else is doing.

So why not try watching someone else’s YouTube or Instagram workout. And there are plenty out there to choose from.

So while you’re sitting on the toilet doing your business, why not multitask and scroll through your phone and choose one.

Or if you want to take it back to the old school, then you can’t go wrong with the Rocky 4 montage training scene (you know the one I’m referring to) – now if that doesn’t get you going then there really is no hope…..

Change Your Workout

– Another approach is to change your workout completely. The old myth was to always change your routine every four to six weeks. But not many people tend to do that

So how should you change your workout?

Why not try:

German Volume Training (GVT) – 10 sets of 10 reps using same manageable weight

5 x 5 Program: 3 sessions a week

Workout A: Squat, Bench Press, Barbell Row

Workout B: Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift

Start with 85% of your 1 rep max (but this figure differs on which 5×5 program you look into).

If you want to focus on a squat based workout system for 13 weeks look into the Smolov training system, it’s an intense squat based which will surely change your routine

You’re recovery time is not sufficient

– Rather than being fatigued with your environment it could be that you are just fatigued full stop!

Adequate rest is essential to coming back and pushing harder the next day, and day after that.

So a lack of adequate rest and sleep will diminish your gains and increase your cortisol levels, which can lead to weight gain and also muscle weakness.

Great ways to help ensure you get enough rest are and lower your cortisol are:

Ashwagandha – this ancient medicinal herb can help reduce cortisol levels which in turn reduces your stress and anxiety levels.

Melatonin – melatonin is a hormone that is naturally found in the body and the brain produces it in response to darkness and our sleep – wake cycle. So melatonin as a supplement can assist in helping you sleep.

CBD – cannabidiol is still a fairly new product but one study found that cortisol levels decreased more significantly when participants took 300 or 600 mg of CBD oil.

Glutamine – another item that can help with stress is l-glutamine.

It is beneficial for gut function and immune response.

During times of stress when cortisol levels increase, l-glutamine levels stored in muscle tissues lower so increasing your l-glutamine uptake with combat the cortisol increase.

Hydrate – most importantly drink plenty of water as this will also help combat cortisol, as studies have shown that being just half a liter dehydrated can increase your cortisol levels.

So the bottom line here is keep your cortisol levels as low as possible.

Change Your Workout Playlist

– One sure way to change the tempo is by literally changing the tempo, and this can be done by changing up your workout playlist.

Depending on your workout, studies have shown that the Beats Per Minute (BPM), can actually help increase or decrease your heart rate level.

A fast tempo can cause an increase in the heart rate and the respiratory rate and vice versa with slower bpm in decreasing the heart rate.

The guide below will help assist you in finding the best BPM you need depending on your workout.

  • Warm up: 100 to 140
  • Steady-state cardio: 120 to 140
  • Weightlifting /powerlifting: 130 to 150
  • CrossFit, and HIIT training: 140 to 180 +
  • Cool down: 60 to 90 BPM

Relevant playlists for the Beats Per Minute (BPM), you need can be found on Spotify.

So if you feel boredom trying to creep back in, be sure to kick it back to where it belongs by utilizing one of (or all) of my tips.

Happy lifting!

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Mehmet Edip: Mehmet Edip is a fitness writer, actor, and model who has worked in the industry for over 8 years. He focuses on achieving his physique through an all natural plant-based diet and shares his insight via his workout & nutrition guides.