Get pumped right on the internet.

Whether it’s for laughs, advice, or pure motivation – each of these YouTube phenoms share their own unique spin for any athlete or fitness junkie. Take a look at our top five picks of bodybuilding Youtube channels you must subscribe to. Seriously, why are you still reading this. Check them out right now.

#5. BroscienceLife (938k subscribers & 82 million views)

We all need a good laugh now and then and BroScienceLife offers that up in spades. There’s no doubt that the philosophies of Dom Mazzetti will spark some interest in many bodybuilders and offer up some laughs while he goofs off in the gym. Check out his philosophical viewpoint on crossfit below.

#4. Kali Muscle (314k subscribers & 37 million views)

There’s no denying it, Kali Muscle is a beast. While many people may know him from his acting stint in the popular Geico commercial, his bodybuilding physique and feats of strength are the highlight of his multitude of talents. Take a look at the video below odor his over the top pullups at 240 pounds!

#3. Hodge Twins (993k subscribers & 197 million views)

This pair of bodybuilding twins have gained a huge following over the past few years. They’ve documented their body transformation, posted a bunch of unorthodox motivational videos as well as answered viewer mail, all with a comedic edge. Check out this workout video with the twins and KaliMuscle.

#2. Elliott Hulse (441k subscribers & 33 million views)

A motivational athlete, Elliot Hulse is a man who doesn’t just talk, he puts his words to action. When he’s not being mistaken for one of the Hodge Twins, Hulse also answers mail from his subscribers and he gives clear cut advice for those in need. Besides advice, the man is a powerful lifter with a beastly strength training regimen. Here’s just one of his training videos.

#1. CT Fletcher (718k subscribers & 65 million views)

CT Fletcher is an inspirational athlete, whose powerlifting prowess is as impressive as his foul mouth. Make no mistake, even into his fifties, CT Fletcher is still as strong as ever with the physique to prove it. He’s certainly not your average 55 year old. Get motivated with this punishing arm workout featuring Kai Greene and Dana Linn Bailey.


Are you a fan of any of these YouTube channels? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to check out our Official Fitness Network Youtube channel right here. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Jonathan Salmon: Managing editor of Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. He has been writing about bodybuilding, combat sports, and strength sports for over 8 years. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.