WATCH: The King Of Push Ups! These Are The Most Insane Push Up Variations You’ll Ever See!

These push ups variations are so hard to pull off they seem impossible.

While bodybuilders mostly use weights to build up their impressive frames, there are many other ways to get the job done while building explosion as well. Body weight workouts can not only build hard, quality muscle, but they can add strength and explosion to your game as well.

Push ups are a great body weight exercise that can build muscle and give you explosive power. Push ups can build up your pecs and give you a truly impressive chest to be admired.

The video by Muscle Madness showcases just how impressive push ups can be for your overall athleticism and Chadoy Leon is the undisputed king of the exercise. Check out some his explosive push up variations. We dare you to try just one of these exercises.

Are push ups apart of your routine?

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