Is This The Perfect Bodybuilding Breakfast?

Start the day off right.

Nutrition is a major part of building the perfect bodybuilding physique. While training your ass off is certainly a part of the recipe that’s going to bring about muscle growth, the truth of the matter is that without the proper diet you’re likely not to see any quality results. It’s important to consume the right foods if you want to become a lean and massive beast. That means starting your day off with the best kind of foods is going to have a positive impact on your development.

First Things First

Eating protein first thing in the morning is essential as your body has just gone hours without having any nutrients. Eating quality protein will at once prevent any potential catabolism as well as get your body prepped for maintaining and building muscle when you’re ready to hit the gym. Eggs, chicken, and some lean ground beef are all great options you should consider having with your breakfast.

Carbs Are Allowed

While protein is absolutely important to have first thing in the morning, that doesn’t mean you should be excluding your carbohydrate intake. Eating high quality, slow burning carbs in the morning will give you energy throughout the day and will ensure that, when the time comes, you will kill it in the gym. Oatmeal and baked potatoes can be some good options.

The Specifics

If you’re wondering what exact breakfast could work well with your bodybuilding lifestyle then check out the video below that features some of the best information on dieting we’ve come across. Check out the video below for some awesome tips.

What do you have for breakfast?

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