Is William Bonac The Second Coming Of Kai Greene?

Coming for that Number #2 Spot

We all know about Kai Greene and Mr. Olympia. After always being a bridesmaid, he decided to give the finger to the whole wedding scene in general and live life on his own terms. But as they say in bodybuilding business, the show must go on, and there’s always a younger hungrier lion waiting to take your place.

Enter William Bonac.

Besides being a physical specimen, he’s got the hard work and personality to boot. And though he’s still coming up in the rankings, it could be a very short time before we see him standing in a top 3 spot. With such similar style and potential, we would love to see these two go head to head, but even if that never happens, at least we have youtube to help us live out our fantasies.

Still not impressed? Besides placing 5th at this year’s Mr. Olympia, William “The Conqueror” Bonac has been deemed the “future of bodybuilding” by 5x Mr. Olympia champ Jay Cutler, and with a better placing every year, it looks like he’s more than living up to the hype.

Hit us up in the comments section below, who do you think would win in a real life pose off?

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