Bodybuilding is big business and can help you with yours.

To a lot of onlookers bodybuilding is a pretty simplistic kind of topic. Eat right, exercise, and build muscle. It’s a pretty cut and dry way of looking at things for sure, but it does seem to sum things up rather nicely. On the surface it doesn’t appear to be all the complicated and indeed it’s not. If you bust your ass, follow game plan and are diligent then following these simple steps will mean improvement in your physique. But ultimately bodybuilding can be a whole lot more than that.

Everyone has their reasons for wanting to improve their physical form. Whether it be from childhood obesity or physical insecurity, there’s always a reason to want to build muscle in the first place. Motivation is an important aspect of training and the sole reason why people push themselves to get to a certain state of being. But besides the past insecurities, bodybuilding can be a helpful tool in other arenas as well.

Business is something all people can relate to. Whether you’re working at a big company or at a mom and pop store, self confidence is a major element that could determine your potential for growth. The bodybuilding mindset is one that can drastically in improve the chances of you succeeding in the work place and here’s how.


Ever had to stand up and give a speech to a room full of business savvy executives that have more in common with bloodthirsty sharks than humans? It can be a very intimidating hurdle to get over and if you show any sign of weakness then it could spell doom for your presentation. How can bodybuilding help in this instance? Well, when you complete the journey of sculpting your figure you’ve always wanted you totally expect to be on full display to the masses. The confidence you have in your carefully crafted new form can carry over into your personal life, including your business interactions. Having confidence is certainly a key to success in any endeavor.


Being a bodybuilder means being organized. You have to plan your meals ahead of time and pack them away carefully in manner that won’t allow them to spoil throughout the day. You also have to be sure of the exact amount of macronutrients each of your meals will contain. That takes research and ingenuity, two skills paramount to conducting successful business. If you’re mindful about being as organized and prepared with your work as much as your meal planning then you’ll certainly have acquired skills that could help you in and outside your bodybuilding lifestyle.

Unshakable Mindset

No one wants to do business with a weak minded individual. If a business partner can’t trust you to handle tasks on your own, it’s a good bet you won’t be partners for long. When it comes to conducting good business you need to be not only a diligent in your approach, but have the kind of iron will and resolve to see a job through to the end. With bodybuilding you’re constantly looking to make improvements that will be long lasting and satisfying. That takes time, patience, and the kind of unshakable will that will lead you to major gains. A good businessman knows that in order to get things done sometimes it requires patience and resolve and these are two skills that bodybuilding offer up nicely.

Setting Goals

Bodybuilding is all about reaching an ultimate goal, a physical form that will satisfy you in both body and mind. When you first begin your journey to perfection the idea is that you’ll know exactly when you’ve reached the goal you wished to achieve from the onset. In business setting goals and accomplishing them is the key to continued success. You don’t stop at perfecting one body part do you? It’s the same with business. You find what you’re good at, improve upon it until it’s perfected, but also focus on your limitations until everything is up to par. Setting goals and bringing them to fruition is a major skill that any bodybuilder and businessman could appreciate.


Maybe you’ve set a goal and reached it. That doesn’t mean further development can’t be made. Just as you should be looking to innovate in the way you work your body you’re likely to do much of the same with the business you conduct. Hitting a plateau doesn’t mean you give up on making improvements. You have to look for new ways to break through a stalling point and make further gains, whether that be in muscle or in money. Changing up the way you train and changing the way you conduct business is a skill that should always remain sharp in either your bodybuilding or business goals.

So does your bodybuilding affect the way you do business? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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