The root of all evil (for bodybuilders)?

From biblical days men have used women as an excuse not to reach their goals. “Women are the root of all evil”, “A woman will always be a man’s downfall” and crap like that have been repeated time and time again. The truth is this is only for the weak of heart, the people who don’t really want it, the people who should get weeded out anyway. To be honest the word  “woman” could be replaced by any type of temptation, procrastination, masturbation, doughnuts, anything men find tempting. It’s not the woman, it’s you. Women are taking hold of their own destiny’s and are more focused than a lot of us men to be honest, but I digress.

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In this recent video youtube star and fitness extraordinaire  Elliott Hulse address the concerns of a young lion who feels that the pursuit of women are holding him back and that it’s probably better to forget about them all together. With the world changing and the role of sexes in a shift, this is a very valid question. Listen to Elliott drop knowledge on the subject, and remind us all of the things we need to hear. Check video below and tell us what you think.

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