The ultimate “what could have been” if Wolf never had surgery.

While there are some out there that say bodybuilding isn’t a sport, those same people have to at least acknowledge that the endeavor is like an art. It takes a ton of patience and drive to continuously hit the gym and build up the body. In order to create the perfect physique it requires constant training, always pushing your limits in order to push past plateaus and constantly make gains. But that very same mentality can be a bodybuilder’s undoing. It’s the mentality of making constant gains, the mindset of a bodybuilder, that injured top pro Dennis Wolf.

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Ever since his neck injury, Dennis Wolf hasn’t been the same. Due to the severity of the injury, Dennis Wolf has been out of commission meaning that his gains have all but disappeared. The debilitating injury forced the top IFBB pro to sit on the sidelines while his fellow competitors prepared themselves for the biggest bodybuilding event of the year. No doubt it’s a crushing feeling to have to deal with but Wolf has managed to take everything in stride.

In fact, Dennis Wolf is doing much more than that. Rather than just sit back and accept his fate, Wolf is once again back to training and is ready to push himself to his limits. A top pro can only sit on the sidelines for so long before the itch for competition begins to nag them once more. Though he hasn’t been training long, Dennis Wolf is making some decent gains, once again proving the adage that muscle memory is a very real thing. The Instagram posting below shows Dennis making some quality gains and returning to form. One has to wonder, just how good would Wolf had been at the Olympia if not for the injury. It’s a question that will never be answered. So for now, we’ll simply have to settle for the photo below and pure speculation.


Do you think Dennis Wolf will return to form? Let us know in the comments below!

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