Will we ever see a change?

September 2014. The 50th annual Mr. Olympia competition. The event showcased one of the more unforgettable happenings in recent memory. Sure, the competition was filled with athletes who showcased some impressive physiques, all them staking their claim to be crowned the open weight winner. But in the end the event will be remembered for than just the competitors on the posing stage. It won’t be remembered as Phil Heath’s fourth consecutive victory at the prestigious show, though his involvement is certainly apart of the highlight.

No, the 50th Mr. Olympia will be remembered as the time that Phil Heath and Kai Greene took their rivalry to the next level. Not only did the two have some choice words to say to one another, but they also looked as if they were going to get physical on that posing stage. Both men had never shown signs that they’d be prone to giving into their dislike with one another in a physical altercation, yet in 2014 they seemed geared up to dispel that notion. It was brief, it was heated, but like the professionals they are, both men got through the competition without any blows being thrown. But the altercation on stage wasn’t the only controversy at the event. By the end of the event many observers were split on who deserved to win the title. Phil was the eventual winner, yet there was an outcry of supporters firmly in the corner of Kai Greene.


As the 2015 Olympia draws near there’s no doubt that the one question on everyone’s mind is this: does Kai Greene even stand a chance? If history is anything to go off of then the answer is pretty simple: a resounding no. Kai has looked impressive the last few years and this year he’s looking even more impressive than last. With four consecutive wins to his name, it’s truly going to be hard to pick against Heath. But in such a subjective sport, things aren’t so cut and dry.

The reality is that Kai does have a great chance to snatch a victory out of the clutches of his long time rival. But if pundits, experts, and fans are to be believed then Kai may have bigger things to worry about than Phil Heath, at least not the champion alone. Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay has steadily become such a major threat that the Egyptian standout can not be ignored. Big Ramy could be the dark horse that not only takes out Kai Greene, but Phil Heath himself. As the event draws closer it seems that time will tell who will come out on top.

Often politics, history, and gut feelings come up in conversation when it comes down to the Phil and Kai battle. Much like any sport with a dominating presence – it always feels impossible to see a change. But change can happen. It does happen. And maybe this year Kai Greene will rise above and live up to the years and years of hard work and passion that he’s put into the sport… or maybe it will be just another year like the four years before it.

Will Kai ever beat Phil? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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