Does This Man Reveal How Big You Can Get Without Steroids?

No steroids, no cry.

Steroids has always been and will continue to be a hot button topic. Some people say it’s not harmful if done correctly, other people say it’s harmful if done at all. Some people say it’s cheating, others say it’s just part of the game. Whatever your standpoint, we all have to admit that it’s here and it makes a very real difference in the human physique.

With that being said, there was a long time in this sport, and society in general, when steroids weren’t an option. Until the 1940’s steroids were virtually unheard and didn’t become available to the general public until the 1950’s. Did that mean people didn’t lift? Of course not. While they had more of a physique build, builders had size, striations, and separation long before there was gear (George F. Jowett, Eugene Sandow, George F. Jowett). And depending on why you watch the sport some people prefer it that way.

With the internet making information readily available, along with trial and error, it’ logical to believe that current bodybuilders can become just as big and even bigger than builders of yesteryear without using steroids.

Rob Lipsett, an Irish bodybuilder/fitness trainer, takes us down the memory lane of pre- gear bodybuilding and gives us some insight into what we could be looking forward in regards to human potential.

Check out the video and tell us what you think.

GI Team: The GI Team is here to provide top news and original content for the new generation. The generation of bodybuilders who are pushing the sport to bigger and better places. Join The Movement. Become a part of Generation Iron!

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