Is this the essential guide you’ve been waiting for?

There are plenty of books and guides on the market that are looking to capitalize on health and fitness. It’s definitely a market that will never lose steam simply for the fact that everyone, young or old, over or under weight are enticed to it. Comic books and action movies are dominating the entertainment industry and with that increased visibility, people have the desire to get into some really great shape, not just for competition, but as a lifestyle.

The Fighter Diet is a phenomenon that has seen creator Pauline Nordin bring health and fitness to women around the world. It’s a great program that has worked wonders for many women, but it looks like The Fighter’s Diet is looking to enter the men’s fitness market with their new guide. Does The Fighter’s Diet Men provide the solution to men’s fitness woes? We decided to pickup a copy and try it out for ourselves. Checkout our review of the Fighter Diet Guide for Men:


Pauline Nordin, the creator of The Fighter Diet, is a smart, sexy, no nonsense fitness aficionado who has applied all her knowledge and experience into designing a comprehensive guide for health and wellness. The Fighter’s Diet Men’s guide has seen Pauline partner with other fitness icons like Greg Plitt to develop a mens’ guide. The guide was designed to ensure that whether you’re looking to bulk or to cut, you can be in shredded shape and maintain a superior physique all year round.

Besides educating the reader on the essentials to bodybuilding such as testosterone production and how it can affect your gains, the guide’s goal is help boost your cardio endurance, strength, and help you obtain the ultimate physique. The guide offers a plethora of exercises, with some of them obvious and perhaps some that aren’t, with the ultimate goal of offering the essentials to a concrete workout plan. Building muscle and losing fat at the same time is what the guide promises. Cardio and endurance may not be the number one agenda for a bodybuilder looking to bulk, and it may not be ideal for those looking to pack on massive muscle. The guide is geared towards getting cut and remaining that way.

The Fighter Diet Guide is for guys looking to stay ripped all year round. If that’s your goal, most likely at some point, someone will either introduce you to steroids or accuse you of doing steroids. It’s a subject that despite being controversial, it appears in most gyms across the world. The guide doesn’t suggest or really even deter you from doing steroids but it does offer a simple explanation and break-down about the pro’s and con’s of Anabolic Steroids. We’re not talking a lengthy break-down of the drug but it does provide some basic information so that you can make your own decision.


Head on over to page two for our ultimate pros and cons breakdown!



Eat Big To Get Big

Pauline Nordin has said herself, she’s an advocate for eating and eating a lot. That’s refreshing to hear. No one interested in bodybuilding wants to hear that they have to eat like a bird in order to lose body fat, that would’ve been red flag number one. But the guide expresses the fact that in order to make gains and stay shredded, you have to eat all the right things to get you to your goals. The guide explains what foods to eat in order to stay full and maximize muscle gains while losing body fat.

Breaking Down Macros

The guide does a pretty effective job in breaking down macro nutrients as well as explaining exactly what quantity and quality you’ll require for the best results. For anyone new to the concept of macro nutrients, it’s a great guide and brings some insight into exactly how dieting with strategy can effect your muscle growth and get you ripped.

Meal Plans

The guide also provides you with some sample meal plans that can be very helpful, especially for those looking to drop body fat fast and gain muscle mass. The meal plans are a great starting point to get you on track to shedding body fat and a ripped six pack. The meal plans go into detail but are not too complex, lacking some variety, but much like the guide overall, they over the essentials and are a great starting point and provide the essentials. 

Breaking Down Cardio & Strength Training

The guide also breaks down the differences between strength and cardio training, in a way that should provide guidance for any beginner and suggest a change of routine for any veteran. Stating the benefits and drawbacks of cardio and the necessity for strength and weight training in order to get ripped helps the reader understand exactly how and why they should be designing their workout routine. The guide provides a great number of cardio and weight lifting exercises to make designing a routine easy.



Staying Lean and Gym Etiquette

Let’s be honest, this guide isn’t for the Mr Olympia’s of the world, who just want to pack on muscle mass and get huge. This guide is for men who are looking to make muscle gains and get shredded = functionally fit.  It’s also not for the Branch Warren’s of the world, making suggestions regarding gym etiquette. Specifically saying, “don’t spit into the trash bins or stare at woman in the gym” on one page. It’s only a tiny section, so if you like to spit in the trash or stare at girls in the gym, don’t worry, you can still use the guide to get ripped!

Image Search

The guide is filled with essential workouts and has professional photos of fitness superstar Greg Plitt, showing examples of the workouts. The photos are a great help if you aren’t familiar with the training routine. The only problem is that you have to flip through a few pages to see the photo that matches the workout you are reading. It isn’t too confusing but it does take a few minutes to see where all of the pictures are in relation to the exercises.

So what’s the final verdict? Find out on the next page!


Will The Fighter Diet Men’s Guide Knock You Out?

All in all, this guide is a great starting point for beginners to intermediate fitness/bodybuilding enthusiasts. It can even be a valuable tool for a seasoned bodybuilder looking for different exercises and meal plans. It has all of the essentials and even though you may get more books after your done, this seems to be one that you need to start your path towards being lean and ripped 365. More importantly, the guide is a one-stop-shop, providing you with all of the information needed in one place, so you don’t have to search the internet and use multiple books to find it. Filled with high quality images of exercises that can be placed into your routine, the Fighter Diet Men’s Guide is a helpful resource for anyone looking to get in great shape and remain that way.

If you want to checkout the Fighter Diet Guide for Men yourself, you can find it here on their official website.

We look to provide you with quality, honest and detailed reviews of the latest diets, supplements, products and routines in the bodybuilding/fitness industry. Please let us know what you think about this review of the Fighter Diet Guide for Men and if you want us to review something else that you’re interested in, in the comments below.

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