Could the men’s physique champion be bulking too much?

There are so many different divisions in bodybuilding today. Gone are the days of lightweight and heavyweight weight classes at major competitions like the Olympia unless you’re counting the open weight and 212 divisions. Instead the differentiation between weight classes are present in Men’s Physique division. For the most part many of the competitors in the Men’s Physique class focus more on their aesthetics than building massive muscle. For that reason they’re viewed through a different lens by most fans. Two time Men’s Physique Olympia champion Jeremy Buendia is focusing more on mass for the 2016 show.

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After winning the Olympia two years in a row, Jeremy Buendia has looked as if he’ll be unbeatable in the years to come. Or at least that was the case after the 2015 show. Leading into the 2016 Olympia it’s become very obvious that Jeremy Buendia is transforming himself into a very different man.

Usually the competitors in the Men’s Physique division look to maintain a streamlined physique. But it looks as if Jeremy Buendia is packing on a ton of muscle, so much so that one has to begin to wonder if it’s a bit too much for the division he rules over. The Instagram post below showcases just how much muscle Buendia has been packing onto his frame since last September.

While some people believe that when Buendia makes his final cut he’ll be in shredded and lean condition, the question still hovers in the air on whether or not he’s overdone his bulk. Maybe this is all a sign that he’ll be moving on to classic physique.

Even if Jeremy Buendia does win at this year’s Olympia, should he continue to bulk if he remains in the men’s physique division?

Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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