The Hybrid: Kevin Levrone Combines Old School Methods With New School Training

Old dogs, new tricks.

Kevin Levrone is old. We get it. The 51 year old bodybuilding veteran could literally be the the father of some of his upcoming competitors in 2017. There are few other sports where this is even possible. In bodybuilding muscle maturity and experience play just as much a role as vigor and strength, just ask Dexter Jackson.  But don’t let the word “old” fool you, the adjective can take on many meanings. For some it means broken down, decrepit, or physically unable, while for others it can mean mature, wise, and seasoned. Can an old dog learn new tricks? The better question is does they need to? Will Kevin Levrone’s old school training methods turn out to give him the upper hand? Only time will tell.

What sparked this debate was the Instagram post below. In the video Kevin Levrone is doing some cardio on a treadmill. Nothing special right? But after throwing a couple of punches, Levrone takes off his sweatshirt to reveal a cut off shirt made of plastic bag. I hadn’t seen this trick in forever. This is an old boxers trick used to make weight. It got me thinking, could this be one of many tried and true old school tricks Levrone could be bringing out of his goodie bag?

Battle Of The Body Building Eras Old School Mets New School! @mrolympiallc

A video posted by Kevin Levrone (@kevinlevrone) on

Whether you agree with these old school methods or not, everyone must agree that Kevin Levrone has the advantage when it comes to training. Not only does he have the advantage of knowing how his body is going to react, he can also combine his know how from his former days as a bodybuilder with some of the newer school methods and machines. What he may lack in strength and vigor, he’ll most surely make up for in knowledge. Can the hybrid Levrone overcome the seeming age deficit to continue and improve after his Olympia 2016 comeback? Let us know in the comment section below if this gives Kevin Levrone the advantage, or if it’s all smoke and mirrors.

Do you think Kevin Levrone applying old school methods will be a game changer?

Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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