Should you fear red meat?

The quintessential keys to getting a shredded physique is no doubt hard work, dedication, and a great diet. In fact, that last one is so important that it can literally make or break your physique. For many newbie bodybuilders, they believe they can get to their shredded best by just lifting heavy in the gym, but it takes a whole lot more than that if they intend to look like they’re cut out of granite.

Finding the right balance of protein, carbs, and fats is a big part of how an athlete can put together the best physique possible. Many bodybuilders do tend to over emphasize on protein a bit, but it’s no doubt a huge factor in building quality muscle as well as maintaining it. Some people eat a bit too little protein, while others go way overboard and pack their plates with heaping amounts of protein.


There are many different ways to get the right amount of protein in your diet. There are shakes, eggs, and other sources of non-animal protein. But in terms of bodybuilders, nine times out of ten they’ll likely rely on meat as their main source of the muscle building nutrient. Some chicken breast, some lean steak, pork, turkey, you name it, if it was breathing then a bodybuilder will eat it for those protein gains.

Unfortunately for bodybuilders there has been a recent study that has established a connection between eating red meat and developing cancer and the world has gone into a panic. Of course, this was specifically about bacon and processed meats – but it brought back the age old fear that red meat will kill you. Well, if you ask fitness guru and proven health expert Jim Stoppani, all those studies are pure nonsense. Stoppani had some choice words to say about the study in a recent video response and he wasn’t pulling any punches. Take a look see.

So whose side are you on in this debate? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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