How to bring up your lagging body parts for a perfect physique.

Everyone has body parts that they like to build the most. Those certain areas that just feel fun and exciting to work out. Whether it be because they are naturally easier for you or just something you find more important – it’s in our nature to favor certain areas.

But what about those neglected muscles. The most common stereotype, tough upper body and scrawny chicken legs, is a perfect example of under utilizing muscles and having an unbalanced physique.

So how do pump up those weak body parts? Typically these areas are the hardest to max out because of a combination of genetics, poor training, and overall neglect. Sadly, the answer to bringing up those weak body parts isn’t a simple one. It differs depending on the person – there’s no magic answer.

But we can break down a few general areas where you can start improving in the hopes that you will be able to find the perfect way to power up those weak spots.

Finding Balance Through Imbalance

The natural instinct is to put your body through a balanced workout. That’s what gets drilled into your head by publications and trainers alike. But when you have body parts that are lagging behind you have to put emphasis on imbalance.

So how do you balance your body through an imbalanced workout? Train your stubborn areas twice a week as opposed to just once (assuming your breaking up your workout by muscle area). Just make sure that those target areas are still getting enough rest and that you are supplementing yourself with extra nutrients for the extra work. This can be just the boost you need to start picking up those lagging parts.

Don’t Beat Down Your Joints

So your working extra hard on making those muscles pop. Maybe you’re working them twice a week to make up for the imbalance. Does this mean you start plowing away on those isolated areas? Not necessarily. While this is great for maximizing muscle growth – it can also destroy your joints.

So what do you do? Don’t lose your intensity. You need that blast of intensity to really make those muscles explode in size. But you have to listen to your body. When you start performing these extra exercises, pull back if you start to feel excessive pain or soreness. Try to increase the intensity incrementally so that you don’t remain stagnant but prevent yourself from getting injured.

Add Some Variety

When you are working out those weakling muscles, try to add variety to what kind of exercises you do and how you perform them. Try all different angles, grips, and foot positions to increase the stress on your muscles. Remember, the goal is to break free from what you traditionally do (since that is what gave you those weaker areas in the first place). Feel it out and find what will give you the best results.


So now you have no excuse for your lagging behind with those weak body parts. Take these guidelines and fine tune them so you can start flexing with the best. What are your weak points? Let us know in the comments section below or on our official Facebook and Twitter pages.

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