Photo courtesy of Edward Fieder Photography

The biggest workout mistakes of 2014… immortalized on the internet forever.

2014 is coming to a close and so too is a year filled with painfully hilarious workout vids.  Generation Iron has compiled a list of some of the most agonizing, embarrassing, funny and epic Vine workout fails of 2014.  If nothing else, you can get a serious ab workout by laughing at some of these training sessions gone wrong.

Turkey Neck

The form is…interesting to say the least, but who knows, maybe this dude’s a genius and inventing a knew way of maximizing your shrug results? (We find it highly doubtful though.) .

Light Weight Pull Down

We’ve all made mistakes when we workout, but what makes this so epically awful is the fact that this guy’s not lifting any substantial weight at all. Major fail.

Pull up fail

You always run the risk of injury when training at home, if nothing else for having bad form or posture. Unfortunately, for this lady there was nothing but fail written all over this one. Set up your equipment right, then test it out before going all in genius.

Treadmill Face-plant

Yeah…well maybe he didn’t realize the treadmill was moving at fifty miles an hour right? Nah, let’s not defend this one. This guy’s just a dumbass.

One Arm Snatch

We understand what he was going for with this one, but he had to know that this would end badly didn’t he?

Snatch Fail

Tough break for this dude, but you’ve got to know when to bail on something, especially when it’s obvious you’re doing too much.

Female Snatch Fail

We’ve got more sympathy for this girl than the guy above, but only because she almost got it. Can’t lie though, laughed our asses off when she started rolling forward.

Yup, it’s been a year filled with some crazy videos and it’s likely the trend will be going strong heading into 2015. If we missed any good ones from 2014, by all means please share!  Stay tuned to the Generation Iron Fitness Network for more news, content, and of course epic fails, and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Jonathan Salmon: Managing editor of Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. He has been writing about bodybuilding, combat sports, and strength sports for over 8 years. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.