Vintage Lifting: Reviving The Reeves Row

Old school for the new kids

With all the high tech machines and contraptions in today’s gyms, it’s easy to deem back to the basic exercises as “archaric”, but old doesn’t mean bad, sometimes it’s just vintage. The reeves row is a free weights exercise that primarily targets the middle back and to a lesser degree also targets the traps, shoulders, biceps, forearms, triceps, lats, and lower back. The reason we’re bringing it back is because it provides a good amount of gainz with minimal equipment (A curl bar and some weights).

Here’s how it’s done:

  • Step 1: Take and EZ-Bar and place a plate on each side of the bar.
  • Step 2: Keep your knees slightly bent and then bend over at the waist, chest parallel to the floor.
  • Step 3: Grab the weighted plates with your hands.
  • Step 4: Squeeze your arms inward and lift the bar up to your chest and then back down.
  • Step 5: This completes one repetition.

There are many variations on this exercise including, reverse grip bent over row, bent over row, and bent over dumbbell row. Feel free to experiment and perform the variation that best fits your goals. Try this old school exercise in your new school routine and let us know what think!

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