Tried and true arm training.

In the digital age of social media, 5 minutes is the same as 5 lifetimes. Things change at an increasingly rapid rate and the fitness industry is no different. So when certain movements come up time and time again, you have to wonder, “why have these exercises stood the test of time?” While there are as many theories as there are workouts, one theory we can be sure of is that it works. Without further ado we present the top #3 arm movements, that work!

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Incline dumbbell curls

Performed on an incline bench (duh.) the incline dumbbell curl focuses on the long head portion of the bicep muscle. In order to apply maximum pressure on the muscle place the bench between 30-45%

Standing Barbell curl

If you’re looking for size, this exercise will add some serious meat on your bones. The reason why it’s so effective is because it requires weight control, balance, and proper technique to be done correctly.

If it gets too easy, try alternating your grip. Still too easy? Try the exercise seated.

Diamond pushups

Diamonds are forever,  unfortunately your gains aren’t. The diamond pushup should be a staple in every fitness enthusiasts workout. What’s great about it is that you can do it anywhere, you don’t need equipment, and it’ll give your chest a good pump.

One of the most effective ways to use the diamond pushup is to do something called “15 downs.” This is when you start with 15 pushups, then get on your back and do 15 sit-ups, then go back into the pushup positions and do 14 pushups. Keep going down one every set until you get to zero. By the end you’ll be sweaty, tired, and have a better workout from push-ups than you ever thought you would.

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These movements are great in between sets, or as primary sets on their own. Give these workouts a try and let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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