We can’t get enough of The Rock.

Bodybuilding is something that anyone from any walk of life can undertake. Though there’s a difference between bodybuilding for fun and actually hitting a posing stage and competing against other athletes, it doesn’t change the fact that any average Joe can take up bodybuilding as a hobby. But there’s a reason why so many fans are in awe of the athletes that choose to become professional. Building muscle and burning fat is not something everyone can accomplish. If your genetic code is lacking then the likelihood of you making gains like the pros is less than likely. But that shouldn’t stop you from pushing yourself past your limits. Even Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson lacked the genetics to match the athletes on the pro stage.

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You may be saying “what the hell are you talking about, The Rock is huge!” and you wouldn’t be wrong. But during his pro wrestling career The Rock wasn’t a figure who was cut out of granite. He was athletic and in great shape for sure, but no one was mistaking him for Mr. Olympia. In his post wrestling career The Rock has seen tremendous success due in part to his charisma, but also due to that same athleticism that made him a household name during his tenure in the WWE.

But The Rock wanted to make a change after his wrestling career. He wanted to see the kind of gains you’d imagine from a man looking to compete on a professional bodybuilding stage. He may not have had the most amazing genetics, but with a cleaned up diet and the right training, The Rock has been able to turn himself into an absolute powerhouse. The reason The Rock is so massive and shredded now isn’t because he had the genetics or that he was taking steroids. It took hard work, dedication, and the determination to make a change. Check out this video below to see just how much work The Rock put in to make himself into the massive beast he is today.

Are you impressed with The Rock’s transformation? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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GI Team: The GI Team is here to provide top news and original content for the new generation. The generation of bodybuilders who are pushing the sport to bigger and better places. Join The Movement. Become a part of Generation Iron!