Are you setting damaging expectations?

Now that title may be really easy to misconstrue. You read that and think “well how the hell am I supposed to know when I’ve reached the point in which I’m satisfied, dumb ass?” Normally that would be the perfect response, but in this case, not so much. There’s a difference in knowing where you want to go and having the image of what you want to be. To be more specific, though having a bodybuilder you admire, a bodybuilder that you want to look like may seem like it’s the best motivation it could prove to be more damaging than you initially realize.

Having a goal physique of an individual that isn’t yourself can be dangerous for a number of reasons. For one you have to realize that genetically you may be completely different than the individual you hope to look like. But even more dangerous than that is the reality that wanting to look like a particular individual and never being able to achieve that goal can end up burning you out.

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Just think about it for a minute. What’s the likelihood of another individual looking exactly like Phil Heath hitting the bodybuilding stage again? Maybe they’ll look more impressive, maybe less, but the reality is that there is only one Phil Heath. The Olympia champion doesn’t worry about looking better than the competition but rather looking better than his previous self. That’s the ideology you should truly have as a person wanting to better yourself.

Having an individual be your goal physique is all well and good as long as your realize what the true goal is. You should never try to be the mirror image of your goal physique, but rather the supreme version of yourself. You should constantly battle to overcome your own weak points and improve upon your own physical form. It’s you versus you in the end. If you keep that in mind then getting into amazing condition will right around the corner for you.

What goals do you set for yourself?

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