Get some extreme shred.

Throughout life we’ve found that there’s just certain things that go well together: ribs and barbecue, peanut butter and jelly, wings and hot sauce, certain things just… fit perfectly. Well, in the bodybuilding world it’s no different. Some things just go together in the best way to give you the best results. That’s why we’ve found two great exercises that will perfect your v-taper by exploding your large muscles (like your shoulders, back, and chest) while giving you a small waist in the process.

The two exercises we’re talking about is the incline press and the deadlift. When done in succession this superset can give you the most noticeable change to how your body looks, with or without clothes on.

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The Set

The set is is simple. It’s a 20 minute workout you divide into 4 minute sets.

Do 8-12 of reps of the incline press and then  switch to the deadlift which you will do for 3-5 reps. Thats round 1

Do this in succession for 5 rounds and you’ll be sweating and feeling good…and in this case looking good also (hello ladies…)

If you’re going for strength switch out for heavier weights and less reps. For a metabolic boost use lighter weights with more reps.

To hammer it home we got Men’s Health Fitness Director B.J. Gaddour to show you how it’s done.

Let us know what you think and if this workout helped you shed an extra layer for the season in the comments below.

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