What is the ultimate form?

As a bodybuilder packing on muscle your frame has always been the name of the game. You can’t simply lose body fat and call yourself a pursuer of muscle gain. The reality is that if you want to build a quality physique then that means building up muscle mass. Bodybuilders of old were perfect examples of how a physique should be built up. They had heavily muscled frames, but they managed to stay shredded and defined, maintain a narrow waist and truly show what it means to have the perfect physical form.

The bodybuilders of today, not so much.

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Sure, everyone is entitled to their opinion. The mass monsters of today may be considered by many to be the ultimate bodybuilders. But in reality that’s simply far from the truth…from one person’s perspective anyhow. Bodybuilding as a purely aesthetic pursuit should focus on maintaining a more realistic frame while building lean muscle. These days however the whole viewpoint has been skewed and aesthetics are the last thing that’s considered by many of the best bodybuilders in the world. It unwittingly sends a terrible message to the fans who follow the sport.

Everyone is going to have their own idea of what the perfect physique is, but there just seems to be something wrong with the idea that building more and more…and more muscle until you begin to look inhuman is the answer to becoming the ultimate form. There’s a reason why men like Arnold Schwarzenegger have been rallying to change how the masses view the sport. Sure, he’s a man from a different era who wants to see a return to the days of old, but is that truly such a bad thing? If it is then why invent the Class Physique division as a response?

It’s clear that the spawning of the Classic Physique division has been set up not to help those who genetically are incapable of building massive muscle, but instead spread the message that bodybuilding as a pursuit is about aesthetics as much as it is about muscle. Some will disagree and claim that mass monsters are the ultimate form bodybuilder, but the love of the Golden Era proves that there are still those who perceive that the Classic Physique aesthetic is the greatest form a bodybuilder can hope to achieve.

Are the bodybuilders of today the best the sport has to offer?

Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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