Are Protein Bars Worth The Hype Or Just An Excuse To Eat “Candy”?

Protein bars have potential to be game changers but is the word protein simply synonymous with candy.

It’s fair to say that many of us have heard the comparison of protein bars to candy bars. But we think to ourselves, why is that a fair comparison? For those who believe that, it can be easy to see how it’s a possibility. With flavors like Birthday Cake and Cookie Dough, as well as so many others that make it feel like an ice cream shop, how can these bars not be synonymous with candy? But companies have begun to work tirelessly to produce great tasting and healthy protein options so those athletes on the go can enjoy a good source of fuel while not compromising all of their gains.

Let’s take a look at protein bars and see how effective they can be. When compared to a candy bar, the option is very clear as to which choice is better and why and while we all know it, sometimes we have to just see it to believe it.

What Is A Protein Bar?

Protein bars are nutritional supplements perfect for those always on the go. Formulated to contain a great ratio of macronutrients, they can fit nicely into your diet and not totally destroy all your gains. As a popular and convenient source of all dietary needs, it is no wonder why people have gravitated towards these as their source of on-the-go fuel to enhance energy and physical activity (1).


Benefits Of Protein Bars

What a good protein can do for you is really amplify the effects of growth and recovery, especially for those of us always on the go. Benefits of protein bars include:

  • Great ratio of macros: A good protein bar will offer the right balance of macros to ensure all of your gains are met in an effective and healthy way (2).
  • Packed with fiber: With a focus on fiber, they can keep you moving regularly and work to be easier on your gut.
  • Sugar control: While many think these bars are packed with sugar, most companies are adding in alternatives to control just how much sugar is actually in them (3).
  • Convenient for on-the-go: For those always on the go, protein bars are that convenient option to stay full and boost growth and recovery.

Comparison With A Candy Bar

We felt it would be interesting, and sort of fun, to take a look at a protein bar and compare it to a fan favorite candy bar in the Kit Kat Bar. We all love that crunch covered in chocolate, but to make this point about the health benefits of these bars, it may be good to see the real difference between these. While every protein and candy bar is different, it is important for us to remember that the general point being made is that protein bars have great benefits to our health and wellness, especially those of us who are active.


For this, we are going to look at Transparent Labs UNCUT High Protein Energy Bars and the famous Kit Kat Bar.

Transparent Labs UNCUT High Protein Energy Bars Kit Kat Bar
Calories 280 518
Total Fat 14g 26g
Total Carbs 24g 65g
Protein 16g 6.5g
Fiber 3g 1g
Sugar 19g 49g

Featured Protein Bar

While finding the right protein bar for your own personal goals can be a challenge, we wanted to share a great option for you to help tackle any challenges that may come your way.

Transparent Labs UNCUT High Protein Energy Bars

Transparent Labs UNCUT High Protein Energy Bars have a 2:1:1 ratio of carbs, protein, and fat to deliver great macros along with great taste.

Transparent Labs UNCUT High Protein Energy Bars are designed to give you tons of fuel throughout the day while still being healthy and great tasting protein bar options. With a 2:1:1 ratio of carbs, protein, and fats, Transparent Labs has put a priority on ensuring your macronutrient intake is met in a responsible and reliable way. With real-food ingredients, these bars contain zero artificial sweeteners, colorings, or preservatives and offer a guilt-free option any time of day.

Price: $29.99/ 12 Bars

Check out our list of the Best Protein Bars for more great protein products!

Wrap Up

Protein bars are great sources of fuel for those of us athletes on the go and can be game changers when it comes to our training, performance, health, and wellness. Finding the right bar is incredibly important and can work wonders for us when we finally manage to come across it. Looking into solid options is exactly what we need to do in order to achieve our goals as best we can and with the right guidance, a good protein bar is just around the corner.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato


  1. Tanskanen, Minna M.; Westerterp, Klaas R.; Uusitalo, Arja L.; Atalay, Mustafa; et al. (2012). “Effects of Easy-to-Use Protein-Rich Energy Bar on Energy Balance, Physical Activity and Performance during 8 Days of Sustained Physical Exertion”. (source)
  2. Pasiakos, Stefan M.; McLellan, Tom M.; Lieberman, Harris R. (2015). “The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review”. (source)
  3. Hassan, Sami K. (2020). “Quantitative and qualitative effects of proteins and natural sugars on hardening and color of high-protein nutrition bars during storage”. (source)
Austin Letorney: Austin Letorney is a writer, actor, and fitness enthusiast. As a former rower, he has shifted his focus to sharing his knowledge of the fitness world and strength sports with others.